There is a great need for humanity to trace their steps back to the one and only true God who is the almighty; because we as sheep has tread away from our maker. It is time we go back to God who is the door, the light, the truth, the resurrection and the bread of life, the good shephered.


To leave a lasting impact with the word of God on our generation and generations to come, to bring clarity to the one and only true God by dividing the word of God rightly to manifest the glory and honour of God on earth and to make heaven.


I was inspired by the true word of God. By meditating, studying the word of God and cleaving to it. It gave the revelation of the true word of God. We are determined that this word will be passed to generations due to the outward worship which is more of spirituals, ceremonies, rules, regulagtions and falsehood. There is need for us to convey the right word to turn people back to God..

Start Reviewing the Bible