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(MATHEW 7:7)








v MATTHEW 6:33
v MATTHEW 7:11
v MATTHEW 21:22
v MARK 11:24
v LUKE 11:9-13
v LUKE 13:25
v LUKE 18:1
v JOHN 14:13-14
v JOHN 15:7
v JOHN 15:16
v JOHN 16:23-24
v JAMES 1:5
v JAMES 5:15
v 1 JOHN 5:14
v 1 KING 3:5
v PSALM 10 17
v PSALMS 27:8
v PSALMS 50:15
v PSALMS 69:32
v PSALMS 70:40
v PSALMS 86:5
v PSAMS 105:3-4
v PSALMS 145:18-19
v ISAIAH 55:7
v JEREMIAH 29:12-13
v AMOS 5:4
7)Ask, and it shall be given
you; seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be open
unto you
8)For everyone that asketh
receiveth; and to him that
seeketh findeth; and to him
that knocketh it shall be
Unrelenting prayer is asking,
seeking and knocking until
the answer is received, it is
being so obsessed with
getting something that a
person never give up until
GOD responds, a person is to
keep on asking, keep on
seeking, keep on knocking ,
he is to persist in prayer,
true prayer, persevering
prayer, acknowledges our
dependence upon GOD.
The words ask, seek and
knock are in present tense
and the words receives, find,
and opened are also in the
present tense, this shows a
answer to prayer is more
than just a promise for the
future, the person who
persists in prayers possesses
the answer now ,perhaps
the thing has not yet
happened, but by faith the
believers knows that GOD
has heard his prayer.
True prayer is persisting
prayer, GOD expect all of our
prayers to be persisting,
when we sense areal need to
pray, we not only ask, but we 3
seek and knock, we do not
play around and glibly
murmur a prayer , we pray
real pray
Prayer is to be often, CHRIST
commanded prayer, he
pointed out above, he
demanded that we pray
always and pray from our
hearts, when we are
genuinely in need, we come
to GOD and ask and seek and
knock, this has been the
experience of all believers’
time and again
There is more to prayer than
just asking, a person ask,
then he seek and knocks at
the door of heaven until GOD
grants the request.
Prayer is conditional, CHRIST
pointed , If we ask, we
receive, if we do not ask, we
do not receive, if we seek, we
find, if we do not seek, we do
not find, if we knock, it is
opened to us, if we do not
knock, it is not opened to us.
JESUS encourages
perseverance in prayer, this
means that we must
continue asking, seeking and
ASKING implies awareness of
need and belief that GOD
hears our prayers
SEEKING: implies intense
petition with the whole heart
along with obedience to the
will of GOD,
KNOCKING: implies
persisting in coming to GOD,
even when he does not
response quickly.4
JESUS CHRIST assured that
those who ask will receive
what they ask, by obeying
GOD’S commands, loving him
and pleasing him are
indispensable conditions for
receiving answers to, prayer.
based on:
v First, Seeking the
kingdom of GOD and its
righteousness MATHTEW
v Recognizing GOD’s
FATHERLY goodness and
v Praying according to the
will of GOD
v Maintaining fellowship
with CHRIST by obeying
his words and abiding in
them JOHN 15:7
GOD cares much more than
an earthly father cares, GOD
can be approached as
FATHER, above all others, he
know what a FATHER should
be, payer teaches us to
communicate and fellowship
with GOD and to trust and
seek GOD more and more,
just as human fathers long
for our fellowship, our
heavenly FATHER long for our
v Prayer teaches us to love
GOD as our FATHER more
and more, knowing that
GOD is Going to answer
our prayer and having to
wait on the answer
causes us to draw closer
and closer to GOD and his
v Prayer teaches us both
patience and hope in
GOD and his promises,
when GOD does not give
immediately, we
patiently, enduring,
keeping coming in his
presence, waiting and
wait hoping for his
v Prayer demonstrates
how deep we trust GOD
and how much we love
and depend upon him, a
person who really trust
GOD, who really know
he is going to receive
what he has asked, will
bring more and more
concern to GOD, he will
come to GOD in prayer
more and more, but a
person who is not quite
sure will occasionally
come, usually only in
emergencies, GOD easily
sees how much we love
and trust him by our
prayer life
LUKE 12:29-31
v MATTEW 6:31-32
v LUKE 12:22
v LUKE 22:35
29)And seek not ye what ye
shall eat, or what ye shall
drink, neither, be ye of
doubtful mind
30)For all these things do the
nations of the world seek
after; and your FATHER
knoweth that ye have need
of these things
31)But rather seek ye the
kingdom of GOD; and all
these things shall be added
unto you
Do not be wrapped up in
seeking food and drinks, nor
in doubting GOD’S care,
believer is to center his mind
and life upon the LORD, and
the work GOD has given him
to do, not upon making a
living and eating and
drinking, being wrapped up
in seeking food , drink and
clothing is worldliness, it is 
what the nations of the
world, the Gentiles, the
heathen, the lost, do.
They center their whole life
around getting more and
more of things of the world,
they talk, think about food
and drink and clothing, it
consume their whole being,
all they know is getting more
and more of what the world
has to offer, life to them is
food and drink and
possession, houses,
furnishing, position,
promotion, recognition,
money, the latest styles, the
believer is not to seek after
these things, he is different
He is to be seeking the
kingdom of GOD and not
doubting GOD’S care
GOD knows that the believer
has need, the believer is
To know that GOD knows
about his needs
v Not to have a doubtful
and anxious mind
v To trust GOD and his
ability to meet the need
for food drink and
clothing, the necessities
of life
v The believer is not to
seek after the things of
the world, he is to focus
his life upon the kingdom
of GOD and the work of
GOD, he is to leave his
welfare in the hands of
29)But if from thence thou
shalt seek the LORD thy GOD,
thou shalt find him, if thou
seek him all thy heart and
with all thy soul
To find GOD and know him
in his fullness, a person must
seek him with passion and
wholehearted devotion, they
will find him,, the word find
means to acquire, meet, get
a hold, take hold of, discover,
reach, attain, the is that a
person who diligently ses the
LORD, who seek him with his
whole heart and soul will find
him, he will be accepted by
GOD and brought into the
very presence of GOD, for
communion and fellowship
with him.
knowing GOD and
experiencing the power,
blessing and righteousness of
his kingdom do not come
easily; that will happen only
to those who earnestly seek
GOD and desire his nearness,
the fullness of his Spirit and
his gift of eternal life
5)And thou shalt love the
LORD thy GOD with all thine
heart and with all thy soul,
and with all thy might
Love as your very own GOD,
this is personal relationship
but not distant relationship,
love the LORD your GOD with
your whole being; your heart,
soul and strength, loving
GOD is alive and active not
dead and inactive, which
connected to knowledge of
GOD, esteem of him, delight
in him, faith and trust in him,
fear and worship of him and
obedience to him 
True obedience to GOD and
his commandments is
possible only when it spring
from faith in love for GOD,
GOD seek fellowship with his
people and give them this
one indispensable command
that will attach to himself :
By responding to his love
with love , gratitude and
loyalty, they will come to
know him in a covenant
relationship, which is first
and great commandment,
along with the second love
thy neighbor as thy self,
hang all the law and prophets
17)I love them that love me;
and those that seek me early
shall find me
I love them that love me,
CHRIST says JOHN 14:21 he
that loveth me shall be loved
OF MY FATHER , and I will
love him, and will manifest
myself unto him, GOD do
not despise our love, though
it be but small and
inconsiderable thing to him,
but he kindly accept it, and
will recompense it with his
love and favor; and those
that seek me early, that is,
with sincere affection and
great diligence, and above all
persons or things in the
world; shall find me, shall not
seek me in vain, but shall
14) If my people, which are
called by my name, shall
humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and
turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin, and
will heal their land
GOD’S people must
recognize their failures,
show sorrow for their sin
and renew their
commitment to do GOD’S
will, recognize their spiritual
poverty by humbling them
self , before GOD and his
v PSALMS 145:18
v JAMES 4:8
v JEREMIAH 29:13-14
v AMOS 5:6
v MATTHEW 7:7-8
v LUKE 13:24-25
6)Seek ye the LORD while he
may be found, call ye upon
him while he is near
To seek means to look for
and search for inquire about,
investigate, pursue, strive
after, it means plead and cry
for something to the point of
struggling, labor to get the
knowledge of GOD, and
obtain his grace and favor
through JESUS CHRIST, only a
person who senses a deep
need will seek the LORD with
such urgency, which is the
object of GOD’S invitation,
there is the urgent need for
every human being to seek
the LORD.
They fail to seek the LORD
while he is near and still can
be found opportunity are
always available to seek the
LORD, but people can harden
their heart to such a degree
that they feel GOD is far off,
completely out of reach, GOD
say do not wait too long, do
not wait until your heart
become had and insensitive
to the conviction of GOD’S
Spirit, the warning is clear it
is directed to the entire
human race
13)And ye shall seek me, and
find me, when ye shall search
for me with all your heart
When a person seek the
LORD with all his heart a true
heart and search for him with
eagerness, with heart desire
of him they always find him,
by bestowing favors upon
them; granting them his
presence; including them in
communion with him; and 
favoring them with fresh
supplies of his grace, under
the influence of the Holy
LUKE 11:1-4
1)And it came to pass, that,
as he was praying in a certain
place, when he ceased, one
of his disciples said unto him,
LORD teach us to pray, as
John also taught his disciples
2) And he said unto them,
when ye pray, say, our
FATHER which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name, they
kingdom come, thy will be
done, as in
heaven, so in earth
Give us day by day our daily
4)And forgive us our sins; for
we also forgive every one
that in indebted to us, and
lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil
JESUS prayed , he was
always praying , the disciples
had been watching JESUS
CHRIST and had come to
know that His prayers were
always heard, and that the
continued source of his
power came from secret
prayer , this created a hunger
in them to know how to pray,
so they asked to be taught,
shall we not enroll in the
school of prayer and make
CHRIST our teacher?, shall
we not practice faithfully
every day the lessons we
learn in prayer? This proves
that JESUS repeated the
same doctrines at different
times and places.
JESUS emphasized prayer as
one of the greatest needs of
human life, he always
insisted that it was the
source of his strength in
living and serving GOD,
therefore the disciples were
aroused to hunger after the
same strength for life and
service, JESUS prayed as SON
to the FATHER, and such
intimacy stirred the disciples
to want the same kind of
relationship with GOD
John taught his disciples how
to pray.
JESUS model of prayer
1, thank GOD for being our
FATHER, this is personal
relationship, the relationship
of child to aparent, a person
need to thank GOD for being
his FATHER, for creating the
family of GOD and allowing
him to be a part of such
glorious family
Thank GOD for heaven,
heaven is the spiritual
dimension of being,in
incorruptible and undefiled
and does not fade away, we
need to thank GOD for
heaven that is where GOD
is , that where we hope to be
with him
PRAISE GOD: His name is
hallowed, set apart, different
, GOD is Holy, righteous,
pure, loving, kind, merciful,
gracious, therefore GOD is to
be praised for who he is
needs to be enthrone, his
rule, and reign established on
earth, his will needs to be
done in all our lives just as it
is done in heaven, we need
to pray for such to come
That is for necessities of life,
people are hungry, starving
both physically and
spiritually , we need to be fed
and pray for bodies and the
We should pray for the
FATHER to forgive our sins,
the sins of family, neighbor
and the world, both JESUS 12
has redeemed with his blood
from sin, however there are
new sins, new things
committed every day, the
believer need to come every
day begging for fresh
experience of forgiveness, we
must forgive those who sin
against us, we sin often
against GOD if we expect him
to forgive us, we must
forgive those who offend us
LUKE 11:5-10
v MATTHEW 26:41
v LUKE 18:1
v LUKE 21:36
v 1 TH. 5:17
v 1 CRONICILES 16:11
v JEREMIAH 28:13
v PSALMS 105:4
5)And he said unto them,
which of you shall have a
friend, and shall go unto him
at midnight, and say unto
him, friend lend me three
6)For a friend of mine in his
journey is come to me, and I
have nothing to set before
7)And he from within shall
answer and say, trouble me
not; the door is now shut,
and my children are with me
in bed; I cannot rise and give
8)I say unto you, though he
will not rise and give him,
because of his importunity he
will rise and give him as many
as he needeth
9) And I say unto you, ask,
and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find; knock,
and it shall be opened unto
10)For every on that asketh
receiveth; and he that
seeketh findeth; and to him
that kocketh it shall be
JESUS proceeds to show
that, in order to obtain the
blessing, it was necessary to
persevere in asking for it, his
design is solely to show the
necessity of being persistent
or persevering in prayer to
The person who prays must
be sincere, fervent, constant,
persistent, persevering, and
enduring in seeking the face
of GOD for what he wants,
according to the will of GOD,
the point is; we must mean
what we pray, and the way
we show GOD our sincerity is
by continuing to ask for what
we need.
The idea is, if a friend will
yield to importunity(
persistent demand) what he
will not yield to mere human
friendship, how much more
will GOD yield to
importunate (persistent)
prayer, what he has already
prepared and promised to
give through heavenly love, it
That this not plainly state
that GOD is more loving and
good to his children than
earthly parents are to their
children? If so, then it settles
one and for ever GOD’S will
concerning salvation, healing,
prosperity or any other
GOOD things, one never
question what is the will of
GOD again concerning
anything? will earthly parents
will for his children to be
sick? Suffer pain? Live in
poverty? be diseased? Be
sinful and corrupt? Live in
crime?? Be in want? The fact
is that GOD has specifically
promised all good things to
all his children on condition
of faith
MATTEW 17:20
JOHN 14: 12-14
GOD will hear and answer
to person who perseveres
and endures in prayer in the
parable shared by JESUS
CHRIST,, the friend was
occupied with very needed
and worthy matter, he was
rejuvenating his body with
their sleep, the point is that ;
most have experience being
disturbed while sleeping,
whether by a crying child or
some other noise, and being
slow to arise, few arise unless
the beckoning call persists,
but one always arise if the
child coughs or cries enough
or the noise repeats it self
enough, persistence proves
one’s sincerity, there are
certain request that needs a
continual coming, his
troublesome perseverance;
his continuing to disturb and
refusing to take any denial
denote perseverance in an
object, without any regard to
time, place or circumstances,
JESUS gave an exhortation, a
mini-sermon, to persevere
and endure in prayer, and he
stated it perfectly in these
The persons who prays is to
continue asking for what he
ASK, in the name of JESUS
CHRIST in faith whether it be
bread for the body, or food
for the soul; or any blessing
and it will be given you,,
according to the riches of the
grace of GOD but if asking
does not receive it, then
SEEK, and ye will find, but if
seeking does not receive it,
the peal of great price, or
GOD in CHRIST the pardoning
grace and mercy through
CHRIST, or knowledge of
divine things; and is diligent
in the use of them, will find
his account, both grace here;
and the glory hereafter then
KNOCK, and it will be
opened unto you the door of
mercy with GOD; the door of
fellowship with CHRIST; the
door of the gospel, and the
mysteries of the kingdom,
but not only who prays
heartily, and seek diligently,
but who is unrelenting, will
have no denial.
The point is; we must mean
what we pray, and the way
we show GOD our sincerity is 
by continuing to ask for what
we need, the verbs ask, seek
and knock are all continuous
action, GOD is not only
willing to answer, he is most
willing to answer, he loves
and cares for man in all his
needs, GOD always answer
our prayers, but sometimes
the answer has to be “NO”
because what we asked is
not always for our good, and
GOD is always going to do
what is best for us.
LUKE 11:11-13
11)If a son shall aske bread
of any of you that is a father,
will he give him a stone? Or if
he ask a fish, will he for a fish
give him a serpent?
12) Or if he shall ask an egg,
will he offer him scorpion?
13)If ye then, being evil,
know how to give good gifts
unto your children, how
much more shall your
heavenly FATHER give the
Holy Spirit to them that ask
JESUS illustrated what
GOD’S part is, GOD is not
evil; he is good , even the
earthly father who is evil
know how to give good gift
to his children, how much
more our heavenly FATHER
give good, gift to his
JESUS stressed the point;
GOD is most willing to give:
Man is evil, full of selfishness
and sin, yet he gives to his
child when asked, if man
being evil gives, it is
impossible that GOD, who is
good, would not give
Our heavenly FATHER gives
us the very source of all good
things, the Holy Spirit ,
himself, the very presence of
GOD dwelling within our
heart and bodies, if he dwells
us, then every good thing is
assured, once we have the
Holy Spirit, to accompany
and be with us, to look after
and care for us, to direct and 
guide us, to assured and
comfort us, to pray and
intercede for us.
Here the Holy Spirit is
promised to all children of
GOD who ask, which is refers
to the Spirit baptism and full
enduement of power for
service, all children of GOD
are giving the Spirit in a
measure at the new birth
JOHN 3:3-5 ,
GAL. 4:6
LUKE 18:1-8
1)And he spake a parable
unto them to this end, that
men ought always to pray,
and not to faint
2)Saying, there was in a city
a judge, which feared not
GOD, neither regards man
3)And there was a widow in
that city; and she came unto
him, saying, avenge me of
mine adversary
4)And he would not for a
while; but afterwards he said
with himself, though I fear
not GOD, nor regards man
5)Yet because this widow
troubleth me, I will avenge
her, lest by her continual
coming she weary me
6)And the LORD said, hear
what the unjust saith
7)And shall not GOD avenge
his own elect, whih cry day
and night unto him, though
he bear long with them?
8)I tell you that he will
avenge them speedily,
nevertheless when the SON 
of man cometh, shall he find
faith on the earth?
JESUS shows clearly the
power of persevering prayer
even in the business and
judicial affairs of men ,JESUS
was strong and forceful in
stressing the believers duty
to persevere in prayer, there
is need for praying and keep
on praying and not to be
discouraged, GOD’S people
are to pray and keep on
praying until CHRIST returns,
no matter how long he may
be delayed.
The word “Always” means
all the times, the believer is
to develop a constant state
of prayer ,to maintain an
unbroken consciousness of
GOD’S presence, to practice
the very presence of GOD, to
walk in a constant state of
The word “Ought” has the
idea of necessity , it is
absolutely necessary that
men persevere in prayer
The word “ Not to faint”
means not to losoe heart, not
to turn coward, or give up.
There was the unjust judge,
he had no fear of GOD and
cared even less for what men
said, the idea is that he took
bribes and gave favors to
persons who held position
and authority, he did not
care for conscience or law,
for morality or justice, he was
out to fill his pockets and to
gain honor and esteem,
recognition and position
from those who are were
influential , those who held
position, power and wealth:
There was the poor widow,
she was poor, without money
to bribe the judge, she is a
widow, a woman all alone in
a man’s world, with no man
and no money to secure legal
counsel to plead her case,
she held no position or
authority, no right to
commend her to the judge,
she was persecuted, being
taken advantage of and
abuse by some adversary ,
she did not all it to disturb
She came to the judge and
asked him to avenge her, to
get rid of her adversary, the
judge did not move to help
her, his heart was hard and
harsh; he had no interest in
helping anyone who would
not benefit his career or fill
his pockets, the point is this:
the judge for sometime
refused, but the poor widow 
kept on coming and coming,
pleading and pleading, she
would not let the judge rest.
The judge did not fear GOD
and regards man’s opinion
yet he gave in to the widow,
granting her justice against
her adversary
Why? Because of her
continue coming, he could
not get rid of her, she would
not accept silence nor take
no for an answer, she kept
coming and coming, the
judge said, so that she won’t
eventually wear me out with
her coming .
The unjust judge hold a
great lesson for believers,
hear . give attention, GOD
avenges and bring justice to
his chosen ones who
persistence in prayers, GOD
will avenge and bring justice
to his chosen ones, this
indicates that they are in
trouble; they need to be
avenged and delivered from
Ridiculed, abused,
persecuted, slandered,
The reason GOD avenges
and bring justice to his
chosen one’s is because they
persevere in prayer, they
pray day and night, they have
great needs, they recognize
that GOD alone can meet
their needs, therefore they
go before GOD as the just
judge of the universe , they
are one of his own chosen
ones and they cry day and 
night to be avenged of their
adversaries, spiritual as well
as human adversaries they
plead and plead their case
before GOD
GOD will quickly bring about
justice for his chosen ones
speedily: that is, in GOD’S
time, he will act quickly
, suddenly, and without
hesitation, he will avenge his
chosen ones.
Faith is one thing JESUS
CHRIST is after, he wants
trust and belief in him, in his
word, in his promises and
warnings, the greatest
evidence of faith is
persevering prayer, faith and
persevering prayer are tied
together, the person who
truly believes will be talking
and sharing, communing and
fellowshipping , living and
moving with GOD day and
night, the person will be
praying always, there will be
few men of faith and prayer
when he return to earth,
there will be some, but the
number will be few
LUKE 21: 34-36
34)And take heed to
yourselves, least at any time
your hearts be overcharged
with surfeiting and
drunkenness, and cares of
this life, and so that day
come upon you unawares
35)For as a snare shall it
come on all them that dwell
on the face of the whole
36)Watch ye therefore pray
always, that ye may be 
counted worthy to escape all
these things that shall come
to pass, and to stand before
the SON of man
The word “take heed” be
careful means to give
attention, to focus one’s
mind , to guard, to beware,
to take care, believers are to
be careful , that is to guard
his life, by not engaging in
worldliness, his heart is not
to be weighed down: heavy,
burdened, overcharged,
overloaded , filled up, 
indulged in dissipation or
careless ease, don’t indulges
in lust, the appetite of the
Anxieties or cares of this life,
this means to indulge one’s
craving for more and more of
the things of this world, man
too often gives attention and
focuses his mind upon more
and more of this world, he
desires far more than what
he needs:
v Food and delicacies
v Clothes and the latest
v House and furnishings
v Property and holdings
v Cars and other vehicles
v Free time and recreation
v Money and wealth
v Recognition and esteem
dulls the mind to
responsibility, it burdened
the heart and conscience and
causes guilt, at least until a
person become hardened in
sin, do not suffer your self
Why? the believer is to be
careful, to guard himself
against these things? The
believer can be focusing
upon the things and
possession of the world so
much that he is caught
unaware, snare and
entrapped in the end time,
that day the day of the
LORD’S return, can catch him
unexpectedly and
Believer demands watching
and praying always, watch
against every sin, snare and 
temptation; particularly,
against surfeiting
,drunkenness, and wordly
cares: pray continually; for
fresh supplies of grace, the
word watch means to be
sleepless, awake, on guard,
praying always, means, the
believer is to live in a spirit of
v Praying as he walks
throughout the day
when opportunity arise
v Praying on all occasions
and about everything
v Praying at appointed
times, times set aside for
prayer and devotions or
quite times
v Watching and praying
cause the believer to
escape the things coming
on earth that is to escape
the suffering of the
coming judgment
v Watching and praying
cause the believer to
stand justified before the
SON of man, the believer
will not fear or dread, no
apprehension or
hesitation to face the son
of man, he will stand
before the LORD
Ready to be transformed just
like his glorious body
Ready to be conformed to
his image ROMANS 8:29
LUKE 22:40
40)And when he was at the
place he said unto them, Pray
that ye enter not into
41)And he was withdraw
from them about a stone’s
cast, and kneeled down, and
Believers are desperate
needs to pray that they will
not fall into temptation, that
they not so gripped by
temptation and sin.
And he was withdrawn from
the three disciple, whom he
took along with him, leaving
the rest at some further
distance; and from these he
move about a stone’s cast
and kneeled down and
prayed,, JESUS withdraw
about a stone’s throw from
the three disciples, he
needed to be alone with
MATTHEW 26:40- 41
40)And he cometh unto the
disciples, and findeth them
asleep and saith unto Peter,
what, could ye not watch
with me one hour
41)Watch and pray, that ye
enter not into temptation;
the spirit indeed is willing,
but the flesh is weak
JESUS arose from prayer and
went to the three who were
supposed to be praying with
him, they were asleep, the,
all were asleep, he had been
left alone and said to Peter,
because he had so lately, in
such a confident manner,
declared, that he would not
be offended with CHRIST, but
abide with him, stand by him,
and even die with him , and
yet, in so short space of time,
was fallen asleep as were the
rest who said the same thing
also, how will you able to
stand by me throughout this
night, when ye cannot watch
with me for one hour
JESUS CHRIST warned of
temptation, the disciples had
failed to pray
him, but they must not fail to
pray for themselves, that
they might not be enter into
temptation, or throw
themselves in way of
temptation be surprised by
them at unawares, fall into
them headlong, be immersed 
in them, fall by them, and be
overcome with them, so as to
forsake CHRIST or deny him
JESUS said ,“Watch and pray”
both were important, Watch
fulness sees and praying,
they were to watch in order
to see to see temptation
coming, and they were to
pray in order to be prepared
when temptation struck
JESUS CHRIST warned of the
body(flesh) and its weakness,
they were sleeping because
of the emotions strain and
distress of the evening, they
slept because of sorrow as
said by LUKE 22:45, the
evening had been socking,
they were exhausted ,
fatigued, and preoccupied ,
so concentrating on prayer
was difficult.
But the importance of prayer
and spiritual dependency
upon GOD in facing trails had
not yet been learned by the
disciples, the disciples were
depending on their own
wisdom and strength instead
of GOD’S Spirit to fight
whatever battles lay ahead,
the disciples were talking or
GOD’S deliverance for
granted instead of assuring
his deliverance through
prayer, they believed JESUS
CHRIST to be the Messiah;
therefore, they believed GOD
was going to deliver them
against the Romans no
matter what, as carnal, fleshy
men are apt to do, the
disciples thought that prayer 
matters little, they were just
presuming upon GOD taking
his deliverance for granted.
JESUS CHRIST said was, “
Watch and Pray, for only as
you watch and pray can you
keep failing when the trail
comes, watchfulness and
pray , give strength to
withstand it , and bear
GOD’S testimony, when men
watch and pray, they
demonstrate that
dependency and trust in
GOD, when GOD answers the
prayer of men, he
demonstrate he love and
care and delivers those who
truly look up to him, with out
watching and praying, GOD
allows men to fall in order to
teach that dependency and
trust in him are absolutely
The mind, the heart is ready
and disposed
The disciples were failing to
stay awake to pray, to watch
and to be watchfully prayer,
their spirits were not alive
and alert enough to
overcome the flesh, the evil
Spirit Satan was very desirous
of having them in his hands,
drowsiness and slumber of
the body were stronger than
the spirit, no believer is ever
alone, he must not neglect
the spirit of prayer,
MATTHEW 6:5-8 the flesh
sinful nature struggles
against the Spirit GAL: 5:17
MARK 11:24-25
22)And JESUS answering
saith unto them, HAVE
23)For verily I say unto you,
that whosoever shall say
unto this mountain, be thou
removed, and be thou cast
into the sea; and shall doubt
in his heart, but shall believe
that those things which he
saith shall come to pass; he
shall have whatsoever he
24)Therefore I say unto you
what things soever ye desire,
when ye pray, believe that ye
receive them,
25)And when ye stand
praying, forgive, if ye have
aught against any; that your
FATHER also which is in
heaven may forgive you your
The first condition to
answered prayer is faith in
GOD, the object of Faith is
GOD himself, JESUS did not
say “Have faith but have faith
in GOD ,make use of that
faith , which has GOD for its
author, which is the work of
GOD, and of his operation, a
free grace gift of his; and
which has GOD as its object;
and it is supported by his
power, and encourage by his
goodness, truth, and
Faith has to be an object, it
is in GOD one is to have faith,
where one is to place his
Faith, faith have no value by
itself; only the object GOD
has value, the bible never say
have faith in faith, yet this is
the experience of many, too
often, a great difficulty or
problem arise, and the
believer, feels he has to
arouse his faith, he feels that
if he can just stir up enough
faith, but in reality he has
had a faith in faith, his mind,
his attention, and his heart
have been focus on faith not
upon GOD
Faith has no power: it is the
object that has power, a
man’s faith is not going to
move mountain, the strength
of faith is not faith, but GOD.
Faith requires knowing the
object, the more one knows
the object of faith, the more
one believes in the object,
JESUS teaching says “HAVE
FAITH IN GOD” and then say
to this mountain, go
mountain represent the
immovable , the impossible,
this is why JESUS discussed
prayer and communion along
with faith, believer must
learn to have faith in GOD as
he prays and communes with
GOD, the more he will know
GOD ; and the more he
knows GOD the more he can
experience faith in GOD and
experience the removal of
mountains that slow his
progress though life.
This means never having a
thought whether a thing can
be done or not, it means not
wondering, not questioning,
not considering, not concern
at all, realistically, only GOD
himself can know if a thing
will happen or not, what
CHRIST is after is that we
grow in belief and trust, he
what us to believe that all
things are possible through
JESUS CHRIST, believing in
GOD;s authority , if we
believe, doubting not, then
we stand in the authority of
GOD, we may speak the word
and it shall be done
Whatsoever things ye desire
when ye pray, that is
according to the revealed will
of GOD, the petition that are
desired and things asked in
A man must believe and
expect the answer to his
prayer, if he ask accor
to the will of GOD, he must
be confident and assured,
must anticipate and look for
the answer
This is a critical condition in
prayer is forgiveness, which
is stress by JESUS, while a
person is actually praying, it
comes to his mind that such
an one has committed a
trespasses against him, has
done him an injury, of which
he has just reason to
complain; but instead of
complaining of it, he should
immediately in his heart, and
from his heart, forgive him,
even though he is not
present to acknowledge his
sin, and ask for his pardon;
and such one may expect
forgiveness of GOD, and a
manifestation of it to his
when you stand praying,
that he must forgive, it does
no good to pray unless he
does forgive, when praying
there must be always
forgiveness of who have
wrong us, hard, feelings or
anger against a person is sin,
it is an evidence that we have
not truly turned from our sins
and are not really sincere in
seeking forgiveness
JOHN 14:13-14
13) And whatsoever ye shall
ask in my name, that will I
do, that the FATHER may be
glorified in the SON
14)If ye shall ask any thing in
my name, I will do it
The only prayers heard and
answered are those asked in
JESUS name, the only 
acceptable to GOD is in
JESUS, GOD hears the
believer only because of
JESUS CHRIST, the believer
comes in the name of JESUS
The only Mediator between
GOD and men is JESUS,
therefore the believer
approach GOD in the name
The only Intercessor before
GOD, the only person, the
only name to accept man by
GOD, is JESUS, the only name
that is perfect enough to
approach GOD is JESUS;
therefore the believer pray in
the name of JESUS, he is the
answers to the prayers of the
believer, his purpose is to
glorify GOD, when JESUS
answer prayer the FATHER is
Therefore , when the
believer prays and receives
what he asked for;
The believer praises and
thanksgiving are heaped
upon both the FATHER and
The believers loyalty and
surrender to both the
FATHER and the SON are
JESUS said that the believer
is to pray to him as well to
GOD, JESUS said” you may
ask me for anything in my
name, and I will do it, JESUS
is Claiming to be GOD, to
Wisdom and knowledge
The power and ability
The love and care
The desire and willingness
To do everything
JOHN 16:23-24
23)And in that day ye shall
ask me nothing, verily, verily,
I say unto you, whatsoever
ye shall ask the FATHER in my
name, he will give it you
24)Hitherto have ye asked
nothing in my name: ask, and
ye shall receive, that your joy
may be full
The resurrection gives open
access into GOD’S presence,
JESUS said: in that day” after
his resurrection, there will be
no need to ask him that is,
when I have sent the Holy
Spirit to lead you into all
truth, you shall have no need
to ask for any information in
anything as now you do, as
you sometime ask the
meaning of the words on the
mysteries of the kingdom,
and his doctrines
But the believer can walk
right into the FATHER”S
presence, there is an open
door into his presence
Whatever the believer asks
the FATHER in JESUS’ name,
he will give it to the believer,
this is one of the new
glorious promises, is that we
can approach GOD as our
FATHER just as a child
approaches his earthly
father, our approach to the
FATHER, our prayer, must be
in JESUS name, the
resurrection instituted a new
and living way into GOD’S
presence, men now approach
v Believing that the
righteousness of JESUS
covers them30
v Asking GOD to accept
their faith in JESUS as
v Thanking GOD for JESUS,
his great love and
sacrifice for them
The medium of access to the
FATHER is the name of JESUS;
he is the Mediator between
GOD and man, the way of
access unto him;
2)Continue in prayer, and
watch in the same with
thanks giving
The first duty of the believer
is to pray and continue in
Continue steadfastly in
prayer, the word devote
means to be constant,
unrelenting and tireless ,
unbroken prayer, to be in
constant and unbroken
fellowship and communion
with GOD, it means to walk
and breathe prayer to live
and move and have our being
in prayer, which is never face
a moment when we are not
in prayer.
Believer must develop an
attitude of prayer
Observe it at all stated
times, maintain the Spirit of
prayer, and embrace all
proper occasions to engage
in it, and watch in the same
with thanksgiving, watch that
your mind may be in a right
frame, gratitude to GOD for
his mercies and kindness,
acknowledged, that we have
v Take a mental break
from work and spend
time in prayer31
v Pray always when our
minds are not upon
some duty
v Arise early and pray
before daily activities
v Always pray when our
minds are not upon
some duty
v Pray before going to bed,
spend an extra time in
prayer before going to
v bed, make it continued
The believer must discipline
ourself to pray, we must
devote himself to prayer
6) Be careful for nothing; but
in everything by prayer and
supplication with
thanksgiving let your
requests be made known
unto GOD
Be careful for nothing- that
is, be not anxious or care of
the present life, but in the
supply of our wants, and
want of our families
,everything in respect of
affliction, embarrassments,
and trails; and anything
The remedy for anxiety and
worry, is prayer is answer to
it, we are to walk in GOD,
live, move, and have our
being in him and we do this
by prayer, we live and move
in GOD through prayer, we
pray in everything, we are to
pray about everything no
matter how small and
insignificant it may be seen,
GOD is interested in the
details of our lives, inmost
minute details, he want us to
acknowledge him in all our
ways or steps because he
want to care and look after
every single step32
A person can experience the
peace of GOD only as he
walks and moves about in
prayer, only GOD can infuse
assurance and security within
the human soul,
No matter the conflict or
trails, we are to continue to
share with GOD and GOD is
continuing to infuse us with
his peace, through prayer he
is giving us the peace to
conquer and walk through
the trail
17) Pray without ceasing
18)In everything give thanks
Pray always continually,
without ceasing, that we are
to be regular and constant in
the observance of prayer, in
the closet in the family
convened to call on the name
of the LORD, is GOD’S
ordained way for man to
receive things from him, GOD
move act, and response to
prayer, prayer stirs
fellowship and communion
with GOD and brings about a
greater knowledge and
understanding of GOD, it
causes a person to learn
more and more about GOD,
it causes a person to learn
more and more about GOD
and stirs more and more
trust as well as worship and
praise of GOD
Give thank in all things; we
thank GOD for his presence,
and power and through such
trials therefore in everything
for everything, we thank
GOD for every victory and
3) Ye ask, and receive not,
because ye ask amiss, that ye
may consume it upon your
Praying with the wrong
motives, Amiss simply
means to pray wrongly, not
to pray right; to pray with
wrong motive, even when
the person trusts GOD,
knows and fellowship with
GOD, he can pray amiss,
GOD is unable to help him, is
wrong prayer are so often
not answered, we ask for
things so that we can gratify
our lust and pleasure, we
ask for wrong reason, with
wrong motives, we ask for:
v For money to have more
v For success to be
v For position to hold
v For healing and longer
life to continue our
comfortable lives
We ask this and much more,
all because we seek to
gratify our own desire more
and more, we seek GOD’S
blessing so that we can have
more comfort, enjoyment,
better food and clothes, and
be recognized more and
The right motive for prayer
by asking for the glory of
GOD, when a person want
something from GOD, he
must want it so that he can
glorify GOD, we must always
remember that what GOD is
after is intimacy and
fellowship with us, for us to 34
draw closer and closer to
him, learning more and
more, this is the way GOD is
glorified, by our walking
closely to him and honoring
and parsing his name
Therefore I, if we want
anything from GOD, we must
want it so that we can glorify
him, so that we can draw
closer to him and make him
better known to others, if a
person wants health, life,
strength, or a strong
testimony, it must be so that
he can glorify GOD, if a
person wants the basic
necessities of life, food,
clothing, and shelter,
security, confidence,
authority and position,
money, it must be so that he
can glorify GOD and the
and testimony

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