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(LUKE 14:33)










LUKE 14:3
LUKE 18:22
MARK 4:19
LUKE 12:33-34
LUKE 19:8
1 JOHN 3:17
33)So likewise
whosoever he be of you
that forsaketh not all
that he hath, he cannot
be my disciple
So likewise, whosoever
he be of you that forsake
not all that he hath, in
the same way, any of you
who does not give up
everything he has cannot
be my disciple, a
believer must pay the
ultimate price, he must
forsake all, renounce and
give up all that he is and
has; or else he cannot be
My disciple, the believer
must be ready and
willing to center his life
around CHRIST and His
mission to reach the a
world lost and full of
desperate needs, he is to
devote his heart a
permeated and
controlled by CHRIST, his
eyes watching what look
at, his ears watching
what he listen to , his
hands watching what he
touch and pick, his feet,
watching where he goes,
his mouth; watching what
he eats, drink and says,
his desire, watching,
controlling, and changing
his urge and desire, his
energy, committing his
strength, initiative and
will to CHRIST, his effort
and works dedicating
and centering all in
The man must be willing
to give everything he has
to CHRIST, to really
follow CHRIST will cost
family being put after
CHRIST, friends put after
CHRIST, home and all
comfort and
extravagances, job being
centered around CHRIST
and being used to earn
enough to give to those
who don’t have, not
being extravagant, so as
to have more to give to a
needful world 


24)Then said JESUS
unto His disciples, if any
man will come after Me,
let him deny himself,
and take up his cross,
and follow Me
 Then said JESUS unto
His disciples, if a man
will come after Me, that
is to be a disciple and
follower of Him, no one
is forced; either rich or
poor, learned or
unlearned, young or old,
male or female, but if
any will be a believer, it
must be on the following
terms, if a person really
wills and deliberately
chooses to follow
CHRIST, then he has to,
let him deny himself,
means to disown,
disregards, forsake,
renounce, reject, refuse,
restrain, disclaim, do
without, let him subdue
to desire one’s self, and
one interest, in all
things ,deny his own will,
the pleasure and profit of
this world, let banish all
his expectation and
notion of an earthly
kingdom, and worldly
splendor, and do the
will of GOD, let him
surrender to GOD his
will, his affection, his
body, and his soul, let
him not seek his own
happiness as the
supreme object, but be
willing to renounce all,
and lay down his life, if a
man follows JESUS, it
must be by his own free
will, and he must
voluntary renounce
everything that might
hinder his discipleship,
denying himself of
everything, the pleasure,
profit, honors relation ,
fame anything which
keeps us from our
obedience to the will of
Take up his cross,
willingly and cheerfully
bear those trials and
afflictions, which the
providence of GOD
brings him, for owning
and standing to his faith,
all which comes in the
name of the cross, which
CHRIST suffered
Follow Me, in his taking
up the cross he shall but 
do as I shall do, following
My example, humility,
zeal, patience and self-

MATTHEW 19:27-28

27)Then answered Peter
and said unto him,
behold, we have
forsaken all, and
followed thee; what shall
we have therefore
28)And JESUS said unto
them, verily I say unto
you, that ye which have
followed Me, in the
regeneration when the
son of man shall sit in
the throne of His glory
ye also shall sit upon
twelves thrones judging
the twelve tribes of
Then answered Peter
and he observed what
CHRIST said to the
young rich ruler, bidding
him sell all that he had,
and give to the poor, and
he should have treasure
in heaven, and come and
follow Him, said Peter
unto CHRIST, behold we
have forsaken all and
followed thee, becoming
your disciples and
accepting you as
Teacher and LORD, what
then will there be for us?
though their worldly
substance was not so
large, probably nothing
but their fishing nets,
small boats, and
cottages, they had no
such estates of the rich
ruler to sell, nor that to
give to the poor, he had;
yet all that they had they
left for CHRIST’S sake,
their parents, wives,
children, houses, and
worldly employment,
their old habits, old
association, to which the

poor cling as tenaciously ,but if they

supports themselves and

families and became the
disciples and followers of
CHRIST, embraced His
doctrines, submitted to
His commands, imitate
Him in exercise of grace,
and denying themselves,
and suffering many
hardship on His account,
they reduced themselves
to the condition which
CHRIST had enjoined
What shall we have
therefore? What reward
for all this? Peter was
thinking of worldly
advancement and
promotion, of success
and dignity in an earthly
Verily I say unto you,
JESUS declares to all
the disciple represented
by Peter , I assure you
and most solemnly say to
you, the reward which
they the disciple would
have, they were not to
look for it now, but in a
future date, he adds the
general promise of
reward to be given to
those who for His sake
have sacrificed their
worldly interest , that you
which followed Me,
CHRIST does not deny
that they had forsaken all
for His sake, nor does He
despised it, which
includes their faith in
Him, their been subjected
to Him, in the generation,
which means the new birth,
TITUS 3:5 or being born
again, it denote the great
change when the heart is
renewed by the Holy
Spirit, the Messianic
restoration and
regeneration of all things,
you which have followed
Me, the new depensation
is called regeneration,
and which more
manifestly took place
after CHRIST’S
resurrection and
ascension, and the
pouring down of the
Spirit, shall, as a reward
in the great day of
forming the new and
eternal order of things,
the day of judgment, the
regeneration, will be
honored and blessed
When the son of man
shall sit in the throne of
His glory, glorious throne
of splendor, signify great
dignity and majesty
which will be displayed
by CHRIST, that they will
be distinguished above
others, and be highly
honored and rewarded,
Jesus will be the Judge
of the quick and the
dead, He only is qualified
for it, and the FATHER
hath given all judgment
to the Son
JOHN 5:22 CHRIST say
they were to judge,
govern, direct; to
administer affairs,
supervise, and oversee,
the assignment of
responsibly on eternal
life, eternal life is life
that goes on, life shall be
MARK 10:21
JOHN 3:15
JOHN 3:36
JOHN 4:36
JOHN 5:24
JOHN 10:10
JOHN 17:3
2 PETER 1:11
29)And everyone that
hath forsaken houses, or
brethren, or sisters, or
father, or mother, or
wife, or children, or
lands, for My name
sake, shall receive a
hundredfold, and shall
inherit everlasting life
And everyone that hath
forsaken house, or
brethren, or sisters, or
father or mother, or wife
or children or land for my
name sake, the Disciples
are not the only ones to
be rewarded, in every
age and country, every
true follower of CHRIST,
shall be greatly
rewarded, the believer
will be rewarded because
he has left all; he has
given the supreme
allegiance to JESUS
CHRIST, that the two
closest things to a man
are named by JESUS; his
immediate family, and his
possession Honor and
lands, these are by far
the most difficult things
to surrender to CHRIST,
no true follower of
CHRIST has ever forsaken anyone or
anything and been left
alone and destitute by
CHRIST, He rewards His
true followers many
times over both human
and material
The human reward is a
real and true fellowship
among genuine believers
a new family of GOD, the
material reward is the
meeting of necessities
and whatever else GOD
want us to have left over
so that we can help meet
the needs of others,
The very reason we seek
and seek is because we
are basically in secured
and have a basic urge to
crave more and more,
craving greedily for
possession , which is
clearly pulling us from
GOD, when we forsake
all, genuinely following
CHRIST, He gives us the
greatest peace and
necessities, we never
have to be worry or
anxious ,
there is much
more happiness, joy,
peace, security,
assurance, confidence,
completeness and
fulfilment in CHRIST
than in any amount of
possession of wordly
goods and friendship,
CHRIST promise to
reward His followers
presently, reward them
with unbelievable
believer’s community,
fellowship , and security
the future reward is
eternal life
MATTHEW 20:27-28
LUKE 22:26
JOHN 5:44
JOHN 13:14
HEBREWS 9:13- 14
27)And whosoever will
be chief among you, let
him be your servant
28)Even as the Son of
man came not to be
Ministered unto, but to
Minister, and to give His
life a ransom for many
JESUS called them unto
Him, that is, He called all
the Disciples to Him, and
stated the principles on
which they were to act,
the princes of the
Gentiles exercise
dominion over them, that
is over their subjects you
know that such honor are
customary among
nations, the king of the
earth raise their favorites
to positions of trust and
power they give authority
to some over others; but
in My kingdom is not so,
but My kingdom is
established in a different
manner, all are to be on
a level, the rich, the poor,
the learned, the
unlearned, the slave and
free are all equal
And whosoever will be
chief, first among you,
let him be your servant,
greatness is serving
others, the great are they
who minister, the
greatest is the first
among all, are they who
servant, the first are the
slave, greatness is not
dominion over people,
the disciples still thought
that the Messiah’s
Kingdom would be the
demonstration of Israel
as an earthly nation
power, the Ten other
disciples were indignant
because they desire the
highest office
themselves, they were
still concerned about the
worlds view of
greatness , which is
external and is measured
by power, fame,
recognition, influence,
authority, dominion and
position , by wealth,
buildings, vehicles and
ability to work and
achieve goal
The world seeks, after
these things; individuals
as well as nations seek
after them, most men are
caught up in some
degree of worldly
greatness, seeking
recognition, position,
influence, fame and
The greatest will be the
most distinguished that
shows most humility, the
deepest sense of his
unworthiness, and the
most earnest desire to
promote the welfare of
his brethren, to condemn
the ambition and pride of
His Disciples, He taught
them the way of
greatness, is humblest,
to be low and mean in
our own eyes, the way to
distinguish CHRIST
kingdom from the
kingdom of the world,
the world kingdom are
over men’s bodies,
house, fame , material
possession , while that of
CHRIST is Spiritual,
which after the hearts
and conscience of men,
Even as the son of man,
meaning Himself , the
seed of the woman, the
Son of Abraham,, and of
David, according to the
flesh, the incarnation is
the Son of GOD,
becoming Man, He came
not to be served , but to
serve, he going about
from place to place to do
good, both to the bodies
and soul of men, He
came forth from the
FATHER down from
heaven, into this world,,
by assumption of human
nature ,is treated as the
lowest life of man, He
took the form of a
servant and ever active in
Ministering to others
wants, going about doing
good, healing the sick,
cleansing the lepers,
casting out demons,
aways accessible,
merciful ,compassionate ,
never weary of Preaching
and teaching , practiced
self-denial on our
account, to give His life,
but freely laid down by
Him; and that as a”
Ransom” or redemption
price for His people, to
deliver them from the evil
of sin, the bondage of
Satan, from eternal
death, CHRIST
substituted himself in
their legal place, and laid
obligation to pay their
debts and redeemed all
from iniquities and
eternal condemnation
A ransom for many, the
word a ransom means a
price paid for the
redemption of captives in
war, when prisoners are
taken by an enemy, the
money demanded for
their release is called
Ransom,, that is it is the
means by which they are
set free, so anything that
releases anyone from a
state of punishment, or
suffering or sin, is called
a ransom, people are by
nature captive for sin,
they bare under it, they
are under condemnation,
they are under a curse,
they are expose to
eternal death, they must
have perished unless
there had been some
way by which they could
be rescued , this was
done by the death of
JESUS CHRIST, by giving
His life a ransom, that is,
CHRIST died in the place
of sinners, and that GOD
was willing to accept the
pains of His death in the
place of the eternal
suffering of the
redeemed, that GOD had
declared that the sinner
shall die; that is that He
would punish, or show
His hatred to all sin, that
all people had sinned
and, if justice was to
take it regular course, all
must perish, that man
cannot make atonement
for His own sin , no man
was pure and no angel
could make atonement,
GOD was pleased,
therefore, to appoint His
only-begotten Son to
make such Ransom
MARK 8:36
LUKE 12:19-20
JOHN 3:36
JOHN 12:25
36)For what shall it
profit a man, if he shall
gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?
37)Or what shall a man
give in exchange for his
For what shall it profit a
man, in the long run ,
who by denying JESUS
and His gospel, if he
shall gain the whole
world, all the pleasure ,
wealth and power and
fame are nothing
compared to his soul,
and lose his own soul,
there are reasons why
the soul is far superior to
the things of this earth:
Everything fades and
pass away, a person
possess something but
for a short time, a man
may chose money and
property instead of
helping to meet the
needs of the ravaging
world,, but money and
property can be held only
for a short time, a man
may chose position and
power, instead of giving
his life where it would do
the most good, but
position and power are
held only for a short
time , a person may
chose the world and
comfort instead of GOD,
but the world and
comfort do not satisfy,
and they last only for a
short time.
The human soul is
eternal, it never dies,
never ceases to exist, it
will live forever, either
with or apart from GOD,
the human soul is of
more value than the
whole world
LUKE 5:11
11)And when they had
brought their ships to
land, they forsook all,
and followed Him
And when they had
brought their ships to
land, they forsook all, the
sacrifice was a willing
one, but they were not
unconscious of its
magnitude; they left a
couple of small boats
and their nets, even all
their living, which showed
their love of JESUS, and
their willingness to deny
themselves and give all it
requires even all four of
them, Peter, Andrew,
James and John and
followed JESUS, and
become His disciples, the
men responded
immediately , they left
everything: their
business, their
professions, and the
biggest catch had ever
seen, their relation and
friends, and followed
JESUS, He was the
LORD who had spoken,
and they were to be His
disciples who obeyed
and followed
LUKE 9:23
JOHN 8:12
JOHN 10:27-29
JOHN 12:26
ROMANS 6:11-13
ROMANS 13:14
1 PETER 2:21
1 JOHN 2:6
23)And He said to them
all, if any man will come
after Me, let him deny
himself, and take up his
cross daily, and follow
And He said to them all,
not only to all disciple,
but to the multitude, if
any man will come after
Me, let him deny himself,
a person must deny
himself, Man’s tendency
is to indulge himself and
do exactly what he
desire, but the believer is
not to indulge himself,
his comfort and ease,
appetites and urges,
thoughts and feelings,
deception, and
enticements, plots, pride,
and boasting, the
believer is to deny
himself in by discipline
and control and by loving
and caring, sacrificing
and giving, helping and
ministering, the believer
is to let the mind of
CHRIST, the point of
humbling Himself to the
point of death be in him
fill his thought every day,
he is to put his will, his
ambition,, his desire and
wants to death, and to
follow CHRIST and to do
His will all day long, a
person has to act, work,,
get to it,, be diligent,
consistent and enduring
in other to die to self,
take up his cross daily
and follow Me, the
believer reckons or
counts himself crucified
with CHRIST, he reckons
himself dead to sin, but
alive to GOD, he does
not let sin reign in his
body, the believer yields
himself to GOD, he yields
his body member of
righteousness .
LUKE 14:26-27
MARK 10:28
LUKE 5:11
LUKE 5:27
LUKE 18:29-30
26)If any man come to
Me, and hate not his
father, and mother, and
wife, and children, and
brethren, and sisters yea
and His own life also, he
cannot be my disciple
27)And whosoever doth
not bear his cross, and
come after Me, cannot
be My disciple
If any man come to Me
and hate not his father
and mother, and wife and
children and sister yea
and his own life also,
JESUS demands that our
oyalty to and love for
Him be greater than
every other attachment,
even that of our own
family, in the sense of
indifference to or relative
disregard for them in
comparison with his
attitude towards GOD, in
a spiritual way, he
believes in CHRIST,
applies to Him for grace
pardon, righteousness,
life and salvation;
professes to be His and
submits to His doctrine,
desire to be a disciple of
He cannot be My
disciple, a believer must
put CHRIST first, even
before his family and
himself, CHRIST is to be
put first: before family ,
home, pleasure and self
are to be put behind
CHRIST and His mission,
all must be denied and
put behind a believer’s
love and devotion to
CHRIST and His cause
CHRIST was not saying
that one’s family and one
self were to be literally
hated, but the true
believer is even to love
his enemies LUKE 6:27,
CHRIST is to be first in
our life: before family,
even before self, CHRIST
is to be put before
family, even if one’s
family opposes his
decision to follow
Whoever does not carry
his own cross,
expressing a willingness
to endure whatever may
come and follow after
Me, believing in Me,
conforming to My
example in living and, if
need be, suffering or
perhaps dying because
of faith in Me, cannot be
My disciple
LUKE 18:22-23
LUKE 9:23
LUKE 12:33
LUKE 14:33
1 TIMOTHY 6:17- 19
22)Now when JESUS
heard these things He
said unto him, yet
lackest thou one thing;
sell all that thou hast
and distribute unto the
poor, and thou shall
have treasure in heaven
and come, follow Me
23)And when he heard
this, he was very
sorrowful; for he was
very rich
Now when JESUS heard
these things that he had
kept all the
commandments , and
that ever since he was a
child , JESUS, as He
gazed on the young
heartfelt face, loved him,
and proceeded to show
him how far removed his
life was as yet from
perfect life he dreamed
of attaining to, CHRIST
showed him a moment
how selfish, how earthly,
were his thoughts and
aims: how firmly chained
to earth that heart of his,
thus revealing to him his
own self-deception,
shews him that in spite
of his spiritual pride he
was trying to serve two
masters Mammon and
which he thought only
longed for heaven, He
said unto him, yet lackest
thou one thing; you have
not love your neighbor as
yourself, if you really
want to be perfect,
JESUS hit the very nerve
of the rich man’s
problem,: covering,
lusting after money
materials goods,
possessions and wealth ,
instead of longing to help
the poor and needy of
the world, go sell those
great possessions you
love so much and all that
thou hast and distribute
unto the poor, those
who are starving and
diseased, without shelter
or clothing, and dying
being doom to hell, let no
one ever think that the
doom of GOD will not fall
upon him, who shuts his
eyes to the massive
needs of the world, who
hoards and bank his
The glorious promise
gives all you have to the
poor and you shall have
treasures in heaven and
will be allowed to follow
JESUS and come, follow
Me, the man rejected
JESUS, He had asked
too much, the man was
unwilling to give all he
was and had; he was
very sad, sorrowful
LUKE 19:8
8)And Zaccheus stood,
and said unto the LORD;
behold, LORD, the half
of my goods I gave to
the poor; and if I have
taken any thing false
accusation, I restore him
And Zaccheus stood,
before CHRIST, in
respect to HIM and
reverence HIM, and in
the presence of others,
to make a public
confession before them,
and that they might all
hear it, and said unto the
LORD JESUS, behold,
LORD, Zaccuhaeus
directed his speech to
CHRIST, being as he was
now convinced, the
discerner of thoughts,
and intents of the heart;
who knew the
genuineness of his
repentance, that it was
hearty and real; and
sincerity of his
expressions that, the
half of my goods I gave
to the poor; which
shows, that the
disposition of his mind
was altered, and of a
covetous oppressor, he
was become tender,
kind and Liberia, and if Ihave taken any thing
false accusation, or by
extorting any thing from
him; or in any oppressive
way, by defrauding and
tricking, and by doing
him any injury, any form
or manner, I restore him
fourfold, Zaccheus
repented and changed
his whole life; he
completely turned around
from his sinful life to
GOD and the way of
righteousness, he gave
half his possessions to
the poor, he did exactly
what JESUS had said
time after time, and he
did exactly what the rich
young ruler had refused
to do he had heard of
the command of giving
but a few days before
the young ruler, the
command from JESUS
CHRIST was to sell all he
had and immediately
distribute to the poor
LUKE 18:18-24 He gave
back to those whom he
had cheated; he gave
four times what he had
taken, the point of
Zacchaus, is that he truly
repented, he was serious
about following CHRIST
and living righteously,
LUKE 22:27
27)For whether is
greater, he that sitteth
at meat, or he that
serveth? Is not he that
sitteth at meat? But I am
among you as he that
For who is greater, the
one who is at the table
or the one who serve? Is
it not the one who is at
the table? But I am
among you as the one
who serve,
JESUS rejected the
world’s ‘attitude of
greatness, true greatness
does not seek to hold
authority nor
lord it over
people; it does not seek
position for sake of
authority and power, nor
to give and help for the
sake of being known and
called a benefactor,, true
greatness is not self-
centered and selfish, not
wordly minded, the chief
person is to serve, the
truly great man will serve
others just like waiter
serves guest on the
banquet , the believer
must lead as servant,
look in helping others to
fulfill GOD’S will in their
lives, they must never
misuse or betray their
position by seeking fame,
power, wealth or special
privilege, the world
system of Leadership is
very different from
Leadership of the
Kingdom, wordly leaders
are often selfish and
arrogant , proud , but
believers as leader are to
serve the best, CHRIST
took upon Himself the
form of a servant, and
instead of being
ministered unto, he
minister to others; and
had very lately grid
himself, and took a basin
and towel, and washed
and wiped the feet of His
disciples, our LORD is an
example through out the
whole of His conduct, He
was meek and lowly and
by love served one
JOHN 5:30
JOHN 5:25
JOHN 6:40
JOHN 11:25
1 PETER 1:17
30)I can of mine own
self do nothing: as I
hear, I judge; and My
judgment is just;
because I seek not mine
own will, but the will of
the FATHER which hath
sent Me
I can of mine own self
do nothing: the Messiah,
the Mediator, does
nothing without the
concurrence and the
authority of GOD, such is
the nature of the union
subsisting between them,
that He does nothing
independently of GOD, I
am the Son that can do
nothing separated from
the FATHER, and
contrary to His will, and
do the selfsame, have
the same honor as the
As I hear I judge, Men
who have done good will
rise to live, how one lives
matters, the man who
profess and live for GOD
will take part in the
resurrection of life, but
they who have done evil
will be condemned,
JOHN 3:17-18
Judgement and
condemnation as My
FATHER has taught Me, I
speak those things,
CHRIST refers to His
Judgment of pardon and
condemnation upon men,
positively declaring them
to be either right or
wrong, he claimed the
power to say,, thy sins be
forgiven thee, thy faith
has made the whole, it is
better for this man that
he had never been born,
Depart from Me I never
knew you, these and all
His other Judgment on
the scribe , and
Hypocrite Pharisees are
in themselves just
judgment, absolutely free
from any selfhood they
are true expression of
the of the Divine will,
because of the entire
conformity of His will to
the Divine will, as The
FATHER revealed His will
to Him, for
administration of
mandatory Kingdom in
the world, so He Judged;
33and therefore His
Judgment is just and
true, for being in the
bosom of the FATHER
and one with Him,, as He
sees, and knows all He
does, His whole plan of
operations, and acts
according to them; so He
hears, knows, and
perfectly acquainted with
all the FATHERS
counsels, Purposes, rule
and Judgment, and never
deviates from them
The Judgment of CHRIST
will be a just judgment,
He will Judge, precisely
as He hears, exactly as
GOD wills, He hear GOD
and Execute GOD’S
Judgment exactly
according to the will of
Because I seek not mine
own will, but the will of
the FATHER which hath
sent Me
For CHRIST did not seek
to gratify His own will, as
distinct from the
FATHER’S or opposition
for He had no private
end or separate interest,
or advantage to pursue
and seeing therefore He
acted according to the
will, His
will is the same with
His ; and He being by the
FATHER sent into the
world to do His will.
JOHN 12:26
26) If any man serve Me,
let him follow Me; and
where I am there shall
also My servant be; if
any man serve Me him
will My FATHER honor
If any man serves Me, if
anyone is going to be my
servant , a believer, let
him follow Me, along the
line which I am prepared
to take, let him imitate
Me; do what I do, bear
what I bear, and love
what I love in life of self-
sacrifice, in the way
humility, patience, self-
denial, and resignation to
the will of GOD, and to
discharge every duty,
walking as He walked, so
in a way of suffering,
CHRIST Himself has set
the example of hating36
one’s life in this world, if
we suffer with Him, we
shall also be glorified
Where I am there shall
also My servant be, that
is, he shall be in heaven,
where the Son of GOD
then in His Divine nature,
and where He would be
as the glorified Messiah
If any man serve Me, him
will My FATHER honor;
for My FATHER, with
whom I am one in nature
and essence, by
accepting his service,
affording him His
gracious presence here,
and by giving him life
1)I beseech you
therefore, brethren, by
the mercies of GOD,
that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable unto
GOD, which is your
reasonable service
I beseech you therefore
brethren, I urge you , I
implore , I beg you ,by
the mercies of GOD,
denotes here the reason
why they should do it,
that so great is the
mercies, favor and
kindness, justification
and adoption, seeing that
we as believers have
receive great mercies of
GOD, it constituted the
reason why they should
present their bodies that
you present your bodies
a living sacrifice , that
you devote yourself, the
sacrifice, the body is to
be offered to GOD
alone, not to be made
self, living as one wishes;
doing one own thing, is
not to be for something
else; houses, lands,
property, money, cars,
possession, luxury,
power, recognition, fame,
the body is to be offered
to GOD alone, GOD
wants the body to be
sacrificially living for
Him, the believer is to
offer his body to be
sacrificial, a presentation
of themselves in the
performance of duties,
as spring from a principle
of life under the
believer is to present his
body to GOD, as a living
sacrifice, the body is to
be offered to GOD
alone, not to be made
self, living as one wishes;
doing one own thing, is
not to be for something
else; houses, lands,
property, money, cars,
possession, luxury,
power, recognition, fame,
the body is to be offered
to GOD alone, GOD
wants the body to be
sacrificially living for
Him, the believer is to
offer his body to be
sacrificial, a presentation
of themselves in the
performance of duties,
as spring from a principle
of life under the
quickened influences of
the Holy Spirit of GOD,
with faith and fervency;
A living sacrifice is a
constant, continuous
sacrifice, not just
occasional , a believer
must dedicates his body
to live for GOD and keep
on living for GOD, a living
sacrifice means that the
body sacrifices its own
desires and live for GOD,
the body lives Holy,
righteous, pure, clean,
and moral life for GOD,
he does not pollute ,
dirty, nor contaminate
itself with the sins and
corruption of the world,
not the craving of sinful
man; nor the boasting of
what he has or does, the
believers body is
dedicated to live as GOD
commands, especially
who are made a new
creatures, and are
blessed by Him will all
Spiritual blessing in
CHRIST, that they should
give up themselves to
Him, and cheerfully serve
Him in their day and
generation, a living
sacrifice means that the
body lives for GOD by
serving GOD, it means
that the body sacrifices
and gives up its own
ambition and desires,
and serves GOD while
upon earth, the body
gives itself to the work of
proclaiming the love of
GOD and Ministering to a
world reeling in
desperate needs of the
poor and needy
9)For though I be free
from all men, yet have I
made myself servant
unto all, that I might
gain the more
For though I be free from
all men, as an apostle,
being in the highest
office, he had none
superior to him, that
could exercise any power
and authority over him no
one should have held him
subject to his power, I
am not bound to, yet
have I made myself, give
them my labors and at
the same time to toil for
my support , I enslave
myself unto all while
preaching the Gospel,
reduced himself to the
condition of slave, both
by serving all men, acting
in self-denial, with
regards to interest,
behaving towards them
will all meekness and
humility; condescending
to their weakness
That I might gain the
more, converting men to
CHRIST was part of his
gain, which he proposed
to obtain by preaching
the Gospel, that is saving
more souls to the true
religion and salvation.
33)Even as I please all
men in all things, not
seeking mine own profit,
but the profit of many,
that they may be saved
Even as I please all men
in all things, the believer
is to please all men in all
things, without breaking
the law of or
contradicting the Gospel
of CHRIST, not seeking
mine own profit, wordly
profit, riches, wealth, the
emoluments of life, ease
and pleasure he is not to
seek his own profit , that
is, his own will,
advantage and benefit
but the profit and
advantage of many,
especially in matters that
may any way affect them
as to their eternal
salvation the believer is
to seek the advantage of
others ,that is the very
reason GOD acted on our
behalf on behalf of men,
that they may be saved
Paul followed the
example of CHRIST, he
neglected his own private
advantage, and gratifying
of himself.


24) Let no man seek his
own, but every man
another’s; wealth
Let no man seek his own,
his carnal pleasure the
believer is to please all
men in all things , let him
not gratify his own ,he is
not to seek his own
profit, that is, his own
will, advantage and
But every man another
wealth, which pertains to
his comfort, usefulness,
happiness or salvation,
the believer is to seek
the advantage and
benefit, happiness and
salvation of others.
4)Look not every man
on his own things, but
every man also on the
things of others
Look not every man on
his own things, that be
not selfish, do not let you
care and attention be
wholly absorbed by your
own concerns or your
family,, ambition, desire,
position, wants, believers
are to concentrate upon
CHRIST and His
Ministry ,to people and
reaching the world with
the glorious Gospel of
salvation, the world is
too needful and too
desperate for believers
to focused upon himself,
every believer is needed
to reach the lost and
lonely, the helpless, the
hungry and sinful, every
genuine believer must
also focus on the things
of others, it is the duty of every believers to
regards with appropriate
kindness the welfare of
others and strive to do
good to them, it is the
duty of every believer to
strive to do it.

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