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LUKE 18:22
LUKE 9:23-25
44) Again, the kingdom of
heaven is like unto treasure
hid in a field; the which when
a man hath found, he hideth,
and for joy there of goeth
and selleth all that he hath,
and buyeth that field
The hidden treasure
* The Kingdom of heaven is
a priceless treasure that is to
desired above all else, the
field could represent the
gospel, the treasure would
then be CHRIST who is hid in
the Gospel, a person Cannot
find the treasure (CHRIST) by
just scratching the surface of
the earth(Gospel) one must
dig and dig deep JOHN 5:39,
the treasures is the gospel of
the Messiah who is ever
precious, a man sees the
Gospel, the saving message
of CHRIST, as never before;
that is he understands the
immense message treasure
of salvation
there is an enormous
difference between the
philosophical treasures of the
world and the treasure of
CHRIST and his word.
A person does not learn the
world’s philosophical
treasures by scratching the
surface, he has to dig, so it is
with the treasure of CHRIST:
a person has to dig into the
Gospel and dig deep to find
the treasures of the Gospel.
*The Kingdom is to be
acquired by giving up
everything that would
prevent our being part of it,
we must transfer all the
whole of our heart to the
supreme interest of JESUS
*A man sees the gospel, the
saving message of JESUS
CHRIST, as never before; that
he understands the immense
treasure of salvation:
v a)He goes: that is, he
approaches CHRIST and
make a decision, CHRIST
gives invitation for men
to come and seek his
v b) He sell all:: that he
repents and turn away
from his former life to
GOD, he is willing to
repent to gain the
priceless treasures.
v c) He hides the treasure:
he inserts it in his heart,
protect it, he seeks and
continue to seek the
v d) He sell all; repent and
turn from his former life
to GODs all and gives all
to possess the treasure of
v f) He is not only willing,
but he gives up and deny
all, he lives a life of self
disciple, this involves
sacrifice of personal
ambition and desire , 
cravings and wants, lust
and possessions.
which is righteousness
peace, and joy in the holy
spirit, a treasure that
contained the field of the
scripture is hid from fleshly
mind of human, which is
hidden in the heart of the
He joys: that is he
experiences and satisfaction
of the treasure (CHRIST):
v He experiences abundant life
v He experiences
v He experiences the fruits
of the spirit
v He is sure of eternal life if
he continues as faithful
MATHEW 13:24-30
24) Another parable put he
forth unto them, saying, the
kingdom of heaven is likened
unto a man which sowed
good seed in his field
25)But while men slept, his
enemy came and sowed
tares among the wheat, and
went his way
26) But when the blade was
sprung up and brought forth
fruit, then appeared the tares
27) So the servants of the
house holder came and said
unto him, sir, did not thou
sow good seed in thy field? 
From whence then hath it
28) He said unto them, and
enemy hath done this, the
servants said unto him, wilt
thou then that we go and
gather them up
29) But he said, nay; lest
while ye gather up the tares,
ye root up also the wheat
with them
30) Let both grow together
until the harvest; and in the
time of harvest I will say to
the reapers, gather ye to
gather first the tares, and
bind them in bundles to burn
them; but gather the wheat
into my barn
v The parable of the wheat
and tares emphasizes
that Satan will sow
alongside those who sow
the word of GOD, the
field represent the world;
and the good seed
represent the good son of
the kingdom of GOD, the
Gospel the true and
believers will be planted
throughout the world,
Satan will also plant his
followers, the son of the
devil, the evil one among
GOD’S people to counter 
act GOD’S truth, the work
of the Satan is to
undermine the authority
of GOD’S word and
promote unrighteousness
and false doctrine.
There are both good and
evil people in the world:
sows good seed the
wheat the righteous and
the devil sows weeds the
The man is JESUS
, the son of man, the
good seed is the
righteous people in the
The enemy is the devil,
the liar, the deceiver, the
one who struggles against
the truth, the Tares are
the children of the devil
or the wicked one,, who
sow wicked or lawless
people in the world, the
work of the devil is to
sow wicked and lawless
people in the world and
do it secretly so that it
will be unnoticed , he
came while men slept :
v They were unconscious
v Too busy with worldly
v They were to
v They were unaware
v They are too enticed with
pleasure and other affairs
The devil operated under
the cover of darkness and
deception, Satan thus
sow false doctrine in
darkness, in the very
place where the truth is
preached, the devil sow
in the same field as the
LORD, the bad are sown
among the good, the
devil method is
counterfeit and imitation,
some within the world
and church, the devil is a
sworn enemy to CHRIST
and its’ Followers, to the
world and to all that is
good, he is the sworn
enemy of man, to his
peace and to the
fulfilment of his purpose
and life on earth.
One reason so many
tares are sown is because
so many righteous are
sleeping when they
should be watching over
the field, they were not
discernible for some time
when they were first by
the devil, they looked like
good seed when they first
appeared among the
people of GOD, they
seemed to have the truth
of grace, as others had:
their blade of profession,
when now visible in their
unfruitfulness in their
false gospel.
Satan never sleep he is ever
awake for every opportunity 
The weeds are in the LORD’s
field the church professing
that they belong to GOD, but
they are deceived, the devil
sow false doctrine
The fact to note is that the
weeds (wicked) is harmful to
the(wheat) righteous, they
make it difficult to identify
false teacher, the tares or
wild corn that was slightly
poisonous and narcotic,
when eaten it would cause
dizziness and nausea, it root
intertwined with the roots of
the wheat, if the tares were
rooted up, it would destroy
the wheat plant before the
fruit become mature, the
method to get reed of it is to
let it grow and then to
harvest it with the wheat, it
then separated from the
wheat, bundle together and
cast in the fire:
v The Tares that is ,the
unregenerated, look like
wheat when sown and
during the growing stage,
eventually their true
nature begins to show,
the tare shows it self, by
their conduct of
wickedness, a life of
selfishness will take hold:
The tares are harmful to
the wheat, they are evil
reflection upon the
wheat, they make it very
difficult for the world to
distinguish between good
and evil: therefore they
are the primary cause for 
the charge of hypocrisy
level against the church
Their behavior and
conversation and
thoughts are centered in
the world, not on CHRIST,
therefore the righteous
are not enlightened when
tares are clinging to them
They are threat to the
wheat,, they draw
needed nourishment
from the wheat , by temp
and lead the righteous
into the world and its
They cause the death of
the wheat, the righteous
to the be persecuted and
killed with the wheat
the day of harvest , which
is the day of judgment
v JOHN 8:43-45
v ACT 13:10
v 2 COR.11:13-15
v Titus 1 :16
MATTHEW 13:31-32
31) Another parable put he
forth unto them, saying, the
Kingdom of heaven is like to
a grain of mustard seed,
which a man took, and
sowed in his field
32) Which indeed is the least
of all seeds; but when it
grown, it is the greatest
among herbs, and becometh
a tree, so that the birds of
the air come and lodge in the
branches thereof
JESUS CHRIST describes the
growth of Christianity, he
shows how it begins as the
smallest of all seed and
grows into the greatest of
movement, now this is
designed to express the small
beginnings of the Gospel
dispensation, of the ministry
of the word of grace of GOD
in the hearts of his people,
and of the small number of
them at first, the Gospel and
the Ministry of it were like a
grain of mustard seed, little,
mean, the grace of GOD,
which under the ministry of
the word of GOD is
implanted in the hearts of
the LORD’S people, is at first
very small, like again of
mustard seed.
The mustard seed was used
to describe the smallness in
the day of JESUS as the seed
of faith begins ever small, but
it grows into the greatest day
by day believers and
congregations provide
lodging for the people
The bush(Christianity) grew
into the greatest of the
bushes , some say the birds
are those in the world who
find their lodging in the
kingdom, the kingdom that
has so small beginning but
now growing into a stately
movement, many in the
world .
Christianity was carried forth
by men without position and
without prestige , they were
not mighty or noble or
famous, they were only
common folks , some from
ordinary profession as
fishermen and some from
hated profession as tax
collectors, it grew from just a
few persons,
The bush (Christianity) grew
into the greatest of bushes,
when the kingdom or
Christianity is fully grown, it 
is the greatest of movement,
it is encouraging to believers,
no matter how small we may
begin, we must continue on,
if we continue, our lives and
efforts will grow, we may be
like CHRIST , but growth will
take place, success is assured
MATHEW 13:33
33) Another parable spake
he unto them; the kingdom
of heaven is like unto leaven,
which a woman took, and hid
in three measures of meal,
till the whole was leavened
The kingdom of heaven is
like unto leaven, that is,
covered up, in, which seems
to have been the quantity
that they usually baked at
once, till the whole was
leavened- for although the
leaven seem lost for a while
in the mass of bread, it
secretly formed through it by
a spread by, penetrating
and spreading nature; so the
Gospel reaches the
conscience, pieces the heart,
enlightens the
understanding, inform and
the obedience of CHRIST.
The parable describes the
kingdom of heaven its ,
mixed in unfinished flour,
which silently transforms the
whole lump, yeast works
slowly and gradually, yet
consistently, it takes time for
it to work through the whole
batch of bread, yeast
changes and transformed
Yeast makes bread soft, no
longer hard, the yeast of the
gospel, penetrate the heart
of a man and soften the
hardness of his life, he
become becomes much
softer toward the LORD and
towards the need of others,
and more caring and giving
person and a transformed
The growth of the kingdom
regards in its quiet and secret
influence, shall the gospel
spread in the world, and
divine grace in the souls of
men, influencing and
assimilating their spirit and
conduct , in opening the
The gospel, GOD’S word of
hope, is quick and powerful,
it is sharp: therefore, it will
penetrate and transform
lives, the gospel not only
gives purpose, but it inspires
and causes a person
transformed by the gospel, is
able to feed the truth to the
world, a man who receives
the gospel is a changed man,
a man of GOD
MATHEW 13:45-46
MAT. 6:20
MAT. 19:21
LUKE 12:33
45) Again, the Kingdom of
heaven is like unto a
merchant man, seeking
goodly pearls
46) Who, when he had found
one pearl of great price, went
and sold all that he had, and
bought it
The parables teaches the
truths, that the kingdom is a
priceless treasure that is to
be desire above all else, the
kingdom is to be acquire by
giving up everything that will
prevent our being part of it,
selling all” means we must
transfer our whole heart
from other interests to one
supreme interest CHRIST
The meaning is, that the
proper seeking for salvation
in search of great value and
sols all his possession to
obtain it
That is, one that earnestly
seek for it, is like unto a
merchant man, who goes
about from city to city or
country to another seeking
goodly pearls
1)Some say the merchant
man is JESUS CHRIST, the
many pearls which he seek
are potential, believers
2) The merchant man
represents men who seek
after truth of the gospel of
JESUS CHRIST (pearls), in the
search, some men discover
the truth of JESUS CHRIST,
the pearls of great price; and
when a person finds a
priceless pearls, he sell all he
has, and buys the pearls of
great price
But there is only one pearl
that is priceless, only one
pearl that is worth more than
the world itself, the pearl of
MATHEW 13:47-50
47) Again, the Kingdom of
heaven is like unto a net, that
was cast into the sea, and
gathered of every kind
48) Which, when it was full
they drew to shore, and sat
down and gathered the good
into vessels, but cast the bad
49) So shall it be at the end
of the world; the Angels shall
come forth, and sever the
wicked from among the just
The fishermen represent
CHRIST and his followers,
they worked and worked
hard, they cast the gospel,
the message of the kingdom,
in to the world,the Gospel
preached to the world may
be compared to a net cast
into the sea, designs the
opening of the gospel, and
the unfolding mysteries of it,
50) And shall cast them into
the furnace of fire; there
shall be wailing and gnashing
of teeth
and the preaching it in the
world, being produce by
grace of GOD; to persons
qualifies for it, and gathering
fishes of all kinds both good
and bad, the preaching of
the gospel, is the means of
gathering souls to CHRIST, of
all nations in the world: Jews
and Gentiles: of all ranks and
degrees of men, high and
low, rich and poor, all sorts of
sinners, and of men good and
bad: some who have the
truth of grace in them, and
others that are only
They drew to the shore:
separated from the good and
bad ,which will be done,
when the end of the world
comes; , then the net will be
drawn to shore; and gather
the good into vessel, but cast
the bad away: as fisherman
use to do, as many as they
find to have a good work of
grace produced and finished
in their souls , they will
gather into CHRIST’S barn,
into everlasting habitations,
the mansion in CHRIST’S
FATHER house, he prepared:
but the wicked, sinner,
hypocrites , who refuse to
repent from their bad and
harmful deeds shall cast into
everlasting punishment
51) JESUS saith unto them
have ye understood all these
things? They say unto him,
yea LORD
52) Then said he unto them,
therefore every Scribe which
JESUS said have you
understood all these things?
is instructed unto the
kingdom of heaven is like
unto a man that is a
householder, which bringeth
forth out of his treasure
things new and old
All the parable JESUS CHRIST
had delivered as
The mustered seed
The leaven, of the hidden
treasures in the field, the
peal of great price and the
net cast in to the sea
well those Parables of which
I have given you, all the
parable CHRIST had delivered
they say to him yes LORD,
this answer, which was truly
and faithfully made, is a
proof of their close and
strictly attention to the
words of JESUS CHRIST: the
quickness of their
understanding , at that time,
being in a very special
manner opened and
illuminated by CHRIST, He
make sure his disciples
understand and enjoined on
them their duty to make
proper use of this knowledge
JESUS said he unto them,
since the disciples had such a
clear understanding of the
above parables, and were by
them, and so well furnished
to preach the mysteries of
the kingdom of heaven to
others, CHRIST stirs them up
to a diligent exercise of their
gifts, to a free and cheerful
communication of their
knowledge to others
The preachers of the
everlasting gospel , which is
instructed unto the kingdom
of heaven, as each of them;
that the discipline, laws, and
rules of , doctrine of the
Gospel, the way and things
pertaining to the kingdom of
heaven; as CHRIST and his
righteousness, and the
regenerating and sanctifying
grace of the spirit, such one:
is like unto a man that is
householder: that has an
household family under his
care, as ministers of the
Gospel, which bring forth out
of his treasure, things new
and old: who is the great
treasury and storehouse of
grace and truth for the old
and new truth, the old
testament and new
testament , they possesses
an enormous treasure: of the
old and new revelation, the
old and new message of GOD
and the old and new
MATHEW 20:1-16
1)For the kingdom of heaven
is like unto a man that is a
householder, which went out
early in the morning to hire
laborers into his vineyard
2) And when he had agreed
with the laborers for a penny
a day, he sent them into his
3) And he went out about
the third hour, and saw
others standing idle in the
market place
4) And said unto them; go ye
also into the vineyard, and
whatsoever is right I will give
you, and they went their way
5)Again he went out about
the sixth and ninth hour, and
did likewise
The great land owner is
GOD, the vineyard or field is
the world, the world and
man are due to GOD”S
grace, it is GOD’S grace the
created man and by his grace
man is provided the field for
man to work, without GOD
there will be nothing, it is
GOD who goes out to seek
and call men to work , it is
not the worker who came to
him, GOD’S going out after
man is grace, every step in
the call of GOD is grace: the
call itself, the challenge to go
and labor, the promise of
wages(reward), the
acceptance of the responses
and sending forth into the
6) And about the eleventh
hour he went out, and found
others standing idle, and
saith unto them, why stand
ye here all the day is dle?
7)They say unto him,
because no man hath hired
us, he saith unto them, go ye
also into the vineyard; and
whatsoever is right, that
shall ye receive
8) So when even was come,
the LORD of the vineyard
saith unto his steward, call
the laborers, and give them
their hire beginning from the
last unto the first
9)And when they came that
were hired about the
eleventh hour, they received
every man a penny
10) But when the first came
they supposed that they
should have received every
man a penny
11)And when they had
received it, they murmured
against the good man of the
12)Saying, these last have
wrought but one hour, and
thou hast made them equal
unto us, which have borne
the burden and heat of the
13)But he answered one of
them, and said, Friend, I do
thee no wrong; didst not
thou are with me for a
14)Take that thine is, and go
thy way; I will give unto this
last, even as unto thee
field, each step demonstrate
GOD’S care and grace.
GOD’S call is directed at a
person when there is a
willingness and eagerness to
serve GOD, is the beginning
to speak to the heart of a
person, there is a tug, a pull,
a voice, a thought, a
movement in one’s heart to
listen and turn to GOD
The landowner promised the
workers a full wage, if the
willing worker believed his
promise, they would go into
the fields and work, if they
did not believe his promise,
they will not go, their belief
precede their work, he
promise, and they believe
and serve.
An employer who asks
workers to join his working
force meet all kinds of
There are the willing and
eager workers, these are
always out early, needing
and looking for work, they
realize and know their need,
and they are extremely
responsible in doing all they
can to provide for the needs
There are what JESUS
CALL THE IDLE, they have no
interest in work at all, they
are there simply because it is
a gathering place where they
can find company and pass
away time,
15)Is it not lawful for me to
do what I will with mine
own? is thine eye evil,
because I am good?
16)So the last shall be first,
and the first last; for many be
called but few chosen
WORKERS, these are just
lazy, not interested in a full
day’s work, they prefer lying
around, being loose , rather
than exerting the energy and
effort require by work, they
choose to live with less
rather than to work a full
WORKERS, the slow-movers,
they sleep late, move slow,
and are always late in getting
to the marketplace, they
could careless if they miss
the better opportunities
THERE ARE WEAK -these go
to work at the jobs that
appeal to them, but they
discover the jobs are hard
and difficult so they walk
away from their commitment
and return to the market
place for something else .
GOD’S grace pays the
promised wage to those who
have worked for him, he will
pay at the appointed time,
when is the appointed time?
In the evening, at death,
when all works ends, this is
the meaning of evening ,
there are two appointed
FIRST, there is the evening or
time of death when the
servant passes from this life
into GOD’D presence, he
receive his rewards of eternal
life, and the believer is
transformed into the image
of CHRIST, this is the reward
of the wage referred in the
SECOND, there is the evening
or the appointed time of
judgment when the servants
works are to be judged, the
foreman is CHRIST, GOD’S
son to whom GOD has
committed all Judgment
GOD pays everyone out of a
heart of grace and care, GOD
is love and he cares, he cars
for all the servant, no matter
how old or how long they
have been serving him, he
cares, wanting workers to
have enough to meet his
needs a day wage the reward
of eternal life he pay the late
comer the full wage eternal
GOD’S pay (reward) is not
based on works and energy,
it is based on GOD’S grace
and justice, and it is based on
GOD;S concern and care for
al, our eyes are evil because
we are of an evil world,
therefore we therefore judge
and understand from
imperfect and selfish stance,
men often question GOD of
When GOD gives work to a
man who is desperate for
work, it is caring and gracious
act, GOD pays reward is not
as man sees but as GOD
knows and will, GOD is good;
he cares and is full of mercy
and grace, he gives eternal
life to all who come, no
matter when they came, at
the early call or the eleventh
hours call.
JESUS CHRIST close his
discussion of eternal life and
salvation with strong
warning: the last will be the
first, that is many of the last (
late commers) will outstrip
the older one in Ministry,
unless we are fervent and
zealous in serving GOD, we
may have professed and
serve JESUS CHRIST for years
before other did; yet we
v Fail to worship CHRIST
day by day as
consistently as the later
Fail to grow in the
knowledge of CHRIST as
eagerly as the late
They fail to study the
scripture and pray as
much as the later
They fail to use their gifts
as faithful as the later
They fail to witness as
boldly as later workers
They fail to give all that
we are and have as
willingly and sacrificially
as the later workers
They fail to love as
meekly as the later
They fail to response as
kind as later workers
They fail to live
unselfishly as the later
They fail to relate as
lovingly as the later
They fail to endure as
patiently as the later
MATHEW 22:1-14
1)And JESUS answered and
spake unto them again by
parables and said
2)The kingdom of heaven is
like unto a certain king,
which made a marriage for
his son
3) And sent forth his
servants to call them that
were bidden to the wedding;
and they would; and they
would not come
4) Again, he sent forth other
servants, saying, tell them
which are bidden, behold, I
have prepared my dinner; my
oxen and my fatling are killed
and all things are ready;
come unto the marriage
5) But they made light of it,
and went their ways, one to
his farm, another to his
6) And the remnant too his
servants, and entreated them
spitefully and slew them
7) But when the king heard
thereof, he was wroth; and
he sent forth his armies, and
destroyed those murderers,
and burned up their city
8) Then saith he to his
servants, the wedding is
ready, but they which were
bidden were not worthy
JESUS again shared the
parable about the kingdom
of heaven GOD prepared
great marriage feast:
GOD invited Israel, but they
rejected, the words “ who
have been invited, refers to
the fact that had already
been invited, from the very
first, beginning with Abraham
himself (GEN> 12:1-3, GOD
had invited Israel to the great
feast of his SON.
The servant sent with
particular invitation were
those living during the life of
CHRIST the servant would be,
therefore, be John the
Baptist, the twelve disciples,
and the seventy who were
sent out into every city , they
Israel refused to come.
GOD acted with mercy and
grace, still asking the people
to attend the great marriage
feast of His Son, but GOD
saw the second invitation
rejected, the people treated
it lightly, they paid no
attention, they care little if
any: they were making light
of it, they were definite in
their decision not to attend
the great Marriage feast,
9) Go ye therefore into the
highways, and as many as ye
shall find, bid to the marriage
10) So those servants went
out into the highways, and
gathered to gather all as
many as they found, both
bad and good, and the
wedding was furnished with
11) And when the king came
in to see the guests, he saw
there a man which had not
on a wedding garment
12) And he saith unto him,
friend, how camest thou in
hither not having a wedding
garments? And he was
13) Then said the king to the
servants, bind him hand and
foot, and take him away, and
cast him into outer darkness;
there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth
14) For many are called, but
few are chosen
they were careless and
negligent about it, they were
too busy to concern with the
king invitation, too busy with
the world and making of
Some were busy farmers
, Some were busy
business men, they were
wrapped up in the
business of the world
Some were worldly
minded, they were so
attached to the world
that they wanted
nothing to do with the
king, by the invitation he
disturbed their interest
and their lives,
He was a treat to their
position, prestige,
wealth, and security,
there fore they are
hostile to him
Israel had the privilege of
attending the Great Marriage
feast, of GOD only SON, but
the people of Israel abused
their privilege by rejecting
the invitation and killing the
messengers of the King, they
have , therefore, lost their
witness as GOD”s people ,
the thing that made them
unworthy was to reject GOD
gracious invitation
GOD’s invitation is now
given to any and all, this is
what is meant by highways ,
GOD messengers are to go to
the highway of the world,
inviting any and all to the
great wedding feast of his
SON, GOD’S servant are to
invite as many as they can
find, the invitation no longer
for just few, it is universal: to
the Jew and Gentile, the rich
and poor, thing and low the
free and slave, the moral and
immoral, the religious and
GOD servants are to invite
both good and bad, they are
to fill the wedding with guest
from the highway, street
corners. GOD assured his
SON that his wedding will
have guests.
The wedding clothes,
symbolizes a condition of
readiness present possession
of true faith in CHRIST and
continued obedience made
possible through the grace of
CHRIST, CHRIST refers to the
man who was not wearing
wedding clothes, which is
meant, not good works, or a
holy life and conversation,
nor any particular grace of
the spirt, as faith or charity,
or humility, or repentance,
but righteousness in CHRIST,
this man had not on this
garment , the robe of
righteousness; he had got
into a church state without it,
though there is no entrance
into the kingdom of heaven,
v There are those within
the church who do not
deny self nor sacrifice all
they are and have to
follow CHRIST
There are those within
the church who are still
conformed to the world
There are those who are
careless and less
concerned about the
things of GOD
There are those who live
after the flesh or sinful
nature instead of living
There are those in the
church who profess
CHRIST but live
hypocritical lives;
The LORD walk along the
world, church and see
the hypocrites stands out
like a cancerous sore in
GOD’S eyes, the great
Feast Day is the first day
of inspection, he is going
to cast out all who do not
wear the garment of
1CORINTHIANS 3:10-17 the
wedding clothe which the
man lacks represent
righteousness, the man did
not possess the
righteousness of CHRIST nor
did he live righteously, as he
did not trust in the
righteousness of CHRIST to
make him acceptable to
GOD, he lack a moral and
self-denying life
GOD calls and invite many,
but few are chosen:
v There was call to the
Jews, but few responded
There is GOD’S call to the
Gentiles but few
v There is GOD’s call to
those who enter in, but
few wear the wedding
clothes, the only cloths
they have is that of
hypocrisy and false
MATHEW 25:1-13
1)Then shall the kingdom of
heaven be likened unto ten
virgins, which took their
lamps and went forth to
meet the bridegroom
2) And five of them were
wise and five were foolish
3) They that were foolish
took their lamps and took no
oil with them
4) But the wise took oil in
their vessel with their lamps
5) While the bridegroom
tarried, they all slumbered
and slept
6) And at midnight there was
a cry made, behold, the
bridegroom cometh; go ye
out to meet to meet him
7) Then all those virgins
arose, and trimmed their
8)And the foolish said unto
the wise, give us of your oil;
for our lamps are gone out
9) But the wise answered,
saying, not so; lest there be
not enough for us and you;
but go ye rather to them that
sell and buy for yourselves
10)And while they went to
buy the bridegroom came;
and they that were ready
The meaning is, when the
SON of man returns to
judgment, it will be as it was
in the case of ten virgins in a
marriage ceremony, the
coming of CHRIST to receive
his people to himself is often
represented under the
likeness of a marriage
When CHRIST return,
something will be clearly
seen, the foolish within the
kingdom, those who have a
false profession within the
church/world, shall be
separated from the wise,
there are wise and foolish
virgins or believers who
attend a wedding:
The ten virgin all professing
believers take their lamps
lives and go forth to meet
the bridegroom,, all
believers, religionist take
their lives , professing that
they live for CHRIST ,
however as they go forth
some five are wise and some
five are foolish:
believer take no oil except
went in with him to the
marriage; and the door was
11) Afterward came also the
virgins, saying, LORD,LORD
open to us
12)But he answered and said
verily I say unto you, I know
you not
13)Watch therefore, for ye
know neither the day nor the
hour wherein the son of man
what they already have in
their lamp (lives), they have
no provision of
righteousness beyond
themselves, beyond their
own righteousness, have no
supply of the Holy Spirit
The wise believer take oil:
they do not depend upon
what they have in their
lamps(lives) as they go forth
through life to meet the
bridegroom (CHRIST), they
lay hold of additional oil, the
provision of righteousness,
but are such who are wise
unto salvation: who not only
know the scheme of it, but
are sensible of their deed of
it, apply to CHRIST for it
venture their souls on him,
and commit them to him;
they trust in his
righteousness , justification;
and his blood for pardon, in
his grace the supply of
GOD’s Spirit and expect
eternal life
There was no visible
difference between the
virgins, they all had lamps,
and they were all called to
participate in the marriage
feast, the lack of provision by
the foolish could not be seen
until the bridegroom actually
How foolish to depend only
on the oil in one’s lamp or
life, no one has enough oil,
enough righteousness, to
make himself perfect, that is,
to make himself acceptable
to GOD, when CHRIST comes,
he must find righteousness,
in a person if that person is
to be allowed in GOD’S
presence, a man must
participate in the divine
nature by faith.
There is along delay before
the bridegroom came and all
the virgins became drowsy
and slept, the idea is that the
bridegroom waited much
longer than was expected,
the virgin had lit their lamps
expecting him any moment,
but he never came, in the
eyes of many, the LORD”s
return has lingered and
lingered, well beyond what
many have thought,
The emphasizes that all
believers must constantly
look to their own spiritual
condition in light of CHRIST’S
coming at an unknown and
unexpected time, they must
continue in faith so that
when the day and hour
arrive, they will be received
by the returning LORD,
failure to be in personal
relationship with the LORD at
his return being excluded
from his presence and
kingdom the foolish from the
wise is the failure of the
foolish to recognize that the
returning LORD will come
unexpected time, a time not
preceded with observable
signs, it was observed that all
virgin was taken by surprise
at the bridegroom coming ,
JESUS stresses, the need of
faithfulness, spiritual
preparedness and
watchfulness, the oil
represent true faith,
righteousness and adding
presence of the Holy Spirit.
All the foolish discover a
shocking fact: their lamps are
out, the bridegroom had not
come while their lamps were
burning, and now their lamps
had used up all the oil they
had, or they saw they are not
prepared, they did not have
the oil( righteousness)
necessary to burn their
lamps(lives) for the
bridegroom coming.
All the wise virgin scarcely
have enough for themselves,
they had prepared, had oil (
righteousness) necessary to
burn the lamps( lives) for the
bridegroom coming, they had
only enough, and barely
enough, for their own lamps,
they were not able to give
any of their own oil to those
who had none.
The righteousness of CHRIST
is the only oil that lights te
lamp of life, the
righteousness of GOD is the
only oil that is accepted to
GOD, a person who depends
only upon the oil in his lamp
or life, who does not secure
additional oil, is foolish as
foolish as the foolish virgins.
The door was shut, the
foolish cry for entrance, they
were to late they Were
rejected as they were not
ready , they had not
prepared themselves, he
does not recognize them ,
JESUS CHRIST taught time
and time again when the
door will be shut.
MATHEW 25:14-33
14) For the Kingdom of
heaven is as a man traveling
into a far country, who called
his own servants, and
delivered unto them his
15) And unto one he gave
five talents, to another two,
and to another one; to every
man according to his several
abilities; and straightway
took his journey
16) then he that had
received five talents went
and traded with the same,
and made them other five
17)And likewise he that had
received two, he also gained
other two
18) But he that had received
one went and digged in the
earth and hid his LORD’S
19) After a long time the
LORD of those servants
cometh, and reckoneth with
20)And so he that had
received five talents came
and brought other five
talents, saying, LORD, thou
deliveredst unto me five
talents; behold I have gained
beside them five talents
JESUS CHRIST told that he
was like a man who was
traveling to a far country,
and what he foretold
happens , he traveled away
from the earth and ascended
into heaven for specific
purpose, to sit at the right
hand of GOD he is to there
until his servant complete
the work he has given to us
to do, when he return it will
be the time for reward and
Entrusted his property(gifts,
abilities, responsibilities) to
his servants, he gave them
different portions of his
properties to look after, the
point is special talents(gift or
responsibilities)no one was
left out, the LORD gave each
servant according to his
ability: GOD endows his
property(gifts as he will,
knowing each servant has
and equal opportunity to be
faithful in using what GOD
has given him, we are to be
judged on our faithfulness,
not on the number of gifts or
size of the work we assigned,
we are GOD’S own his
possession, each one is given
his property, very special
gifts, abilities and
21) His LORD said unto him,
well done, thou good and
faithful servant; thou hast
been faithful over a few
things; enter thou into the
joy of thy LORD
22)He aslo that had received
two talents came and said,
LORD thou deliveredst unto
me two other talents beside
23) His LORD said unto him,
well done, good and faithful
servant; thou hast been
faithful over a few things, I
will make the ruler over
many things; enter thou into
the Joy of thy LORD
24) Then he which had
received the one talent came
and said LORD, I knew thee
that thou are a hard man,
reaping where thou hast not
sown, and gathering where
thou hast not strewed
25) And I was afrid, and
went and hid thy talent in the
earth; lo, there thou hast
that is thine
26) His LORD answered and
said unto him, thou wicked
and slothful servant, thou
knewest that I reap where I
sowed not, and gather where
I have not strewed
27) Thou oughtest therefore
to have put my money to the
exchangers, and then at my
coming I should have
received mine own with
28) Take therefore the talent
from him, and give it unto
him which hath ten talents
responsibilities to look after
for GOD, he give us exactly
what we need to fulfil our
lives and to give us purpose,
meaning, and to conform to
the image of CHRIST himself
Two servants treated the
LORD’S property differently
were responsible, they went
to work immediately, they
exerted themselves,
expanded their energy and
efforts to use what the LORD
had given them, the less
gifted servant, he did not
have as many gift, but he
exerted the same initiative
energy and effort.
The two servants use the
LORD given them faithfully
and diligently, they were
successful, each one gained
and and doubled what GOD
has given him, each servant
gift bears fruits in proportion
of his gifts, the one given five
talents bore more talents,
the one given less two
talents bore less four talents,
but both were equally
successful, doubling what
GOD has given to them.
One servant was lazy and ,
the effort of the faithful and
diligent will bear fruits,
interest, the servant who
uses his gift faithfully and
diligently will witness a
manifold increase in the
property of his LORD
29)For unto every one that
hath shall be given, and he
shall have abundance; but
from him that hath not shall
be taken away even that
which he hath
30) And cast ye the
unprofitable servant into
outer darkness; there shall
be weeping and gnashing of
31) When the son of man
shall come in his glory, and
all the holy angels with him,
then shall he sit upon the
throne of his glory
32 And before him shall be
gathered all nations; and he
shall separate them one from
the another, as a shepherd
divideth his sheep from the
The gift is not ours but the
LORD, a person who is gifted
with little, feel his service
matter a little, the gift is of
the LORD’S it is to be used,
and full energy and effort are
to be exerted in its use.
The reward for work well
done is more work to be
done, the LORD, they both
acknowledge GOD’S gift and
grace they were appreciative
and thankful for the privilege
to serve their GOD, it has
given them purpose and
meaning in life and the
greatest privilege in the
The LORD commended and
reward the tow servants
greatly, he gave them
twofold reward rulership and
joy, the joy of the LORD, he
commended them for being
good men, kind, gracious,
disciple, faithful and
trustworthy, that have
worked being kind to men,
there are both good and
faithful servant both increase
the LORD’S property by 100%
(percent)b exerting their
energy and efforts, they were
given entrance into the joy of
the LORD, the servants were
to be usher in to everlasting
kingdom of our LORD, savior
JESUS CHRIST, wher there is
nothing but joy, believers
must acknowledge that their
gift are of GOD and to be so
faithful and diligent that they
can be bold in day of
The punishment for work
not done, will be stripping
and separation, the servant’s
reason for not using the gift
the LORD has entrusted to
his care:
The worthless servant said
that the LORD was too
demanding, exerting, stern,
unsympathetic, he was LORD
who demand too much and
was strict, he did not allow
man the right to enjoy this
world and its pleasures
enough, the servant believe if
he spent his time of the
LORD he will miss out of the
pleasure and life of this
world, the demand of the
LORD upon his time and
affairs were just too
burdensome, the servant was
too involve in the world and
its affairs to give that much
time and effort to labor for
the LORD, he fear using and
putting his talent to work for
the LORD,he therefore hid
the LORD”S talent and id not
use it to increase the LORD’S
The worthless servant was
wicked and worthless, he
was wicked because he went
about to do exactly what he
want to do, spending his time
and energy on his own thing,
he transgress GOD’S
command and will, he was
worthless because he did
nothing with GOD’S gift, he
buried it
The worthless servant was
stripped of what he had, all
that he had was taken from
him, the servant
responsibility, the glorious
privilege of working for and
serving the LORD, his
responsibility was taken
from him and given to one
who proven most faithful.
The worthless servant was
thrown in darkness , he was
cast out of GOD presence
and banished forever, and
there was no joy there,
nothing but darkness and
weeping and gnashing of
Many person think GOD is
hard, stern, demanding, and
unsympathetic they are not
willing to follow such hard
and narrow way, so they
bury, hide their God-given
gift and travel along the easy,
broad way, other think that
what they do is one’s affairs
except their own, not even
Laziness or slothfulness,
doing nothing for GOD, is one
of the great sin, being idle
and worthless, being
complacent and doing
nothing, being sluggish and
self-satisfied all are
condemning sins: sins that
condemn a person to outer
darkness where there will be 
weeping and gnashing of
MARK 4:10-13
10) And when he was alone
they that were about him
with the twelve asked of him
the parable
11) And he said unto them,
unto you it is given to know
the mystery of the kingdom
of GOD but unto them that
are without, all these thing
are done in parables
12) That seeing they may not
see and not perceive; and
hearing they may hear, and
not understand; lest at any
time they should be
converted, and their sins
should be forgiven them
13) And he said unto them
know ye not this parables?
And how then will ye know
all parables
MATHEW 13:35
34) All these things spake
JESUS unto the multitude in
parables; and without a
parable spake he not unto
35) That it might be fulfilled
which was spoken by the
prophet, saying, I will open
my mouth in parables; I will
utter things which have been
kept secret from the
foundation of the world
PSALM 78:2
2) I will utter dark sayings of
ROMANS 16:25
25) Now to him that is of
power to stablish you
according to the revelation of
the mystery, which was kept
secret since the world began

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