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JOB :38:29-30
29)Out of whose womb
came the ice? And the
hoary frost of heaven,
who hath gendered it?
30)The water are hid as
with stone, and the face
of the dip is frozen
Out of whose womb
came the ice? That is,
who has caused or
produced it? The idea is,
that it was not by any
human agency, or any
known way by which
living beings were made,
this is GOD by his breath
Who makes water as hard
as rock, the surface of the
water by frost become
hard as a stone and 
causes even the deepest
lake to freeze?
JOB 38:31-32
31) Canst thou bind the
sweet influences of
Pleiades, or loose the
bands of Orion?
32) canst thou bring forth
Mazzaroth in his season?
Or canst guide Arcturus
with His son
Can you control the
movement the chains of
the clusters of stars
called Pleiades, or loose
the cords of the
constellation Orion?
Can you bring forth
Mazzaroth in his season,
lead forth a Arcturus with
his Son? Constellation of
many stars called sons in
its seasons, and guide the
JOB 38:33
33)Knowest thou the
ordinances of heaven?
Canst thou set the
dominion thereof on the
Knowest thou the
ordinances of heaven
bodies that is the physical
laws by which the course
of nature is governed, the
laws and statutes respect
their situation, motion,
operation, influence,,
which are constantly
observed these were
wholly unknown by Job or
any man but by the power
of the almighty GOD
Can you set the dominion
thereof in the earth? That
is can you assign the 
dominion of the heaven
over the earth, but this
dominion is solely under
GOD, and at his direction
and is not of men’s fixing
it, can only be done by
the almighty GOD
JOB 38:34
34)Canst thou lift up thy
voice to the clouds, that
abundance of water may
cover thee?
Can thou lift of thy voice
to the clouds? Will the
clouds take orders from
you, listen to thee, obey
thy voice, Can you send
lightning and they may
go, Elijah, indeed prayed
and the heaven gave rain:
but this was a very
different thing from
commanding the cloud of
heaven, His prayer was
addressed to GOD, and
GOD gave the rain for
which he made his
JOB 38:35
35)Canst thou send
lightings, that they may
go, and say unto thee,
here we are?
Canst thou send
lightning , that they may
go and say unto thee,
here we are? After all that
man has done to discover 
its law, and to guard
against it, yet man has
made no advances
towards a power to wield
it, and it is not possible
that he ever should, it is
wholly under the control
of GOD,
JOB 38:36
36)Who hath put wisdom
in the inward parts? Or
who hath given
understanding to the
Who had put wisdom in
the inward part, who gives
people wisdom and
understanding, namely
who gave the
understanding that man
had, who gave the
understanding of your
heart? And who gives
wisdom and understand
all things, and answer to
several questions in man,
whether natural or
spiritual, who puts them
there , GOD himself, and
no other,
JOB 38:37
37)Who can number the
clouds in wisdom? Or
who can stay the bottle of
Who can number the
clouds in wisdom, that is
who is wise enough to
number the clouds, and
say how many they are? 
Or who can stay the
bottles of heaven, to
intelligence, the clouds in
which the rain is kept as
in bottles, prevent the rain
from falling, being poured
out the bottles of heaven
upon the earth, are the
dense clouds heavy with
rain, is at the pleasure of
the Almighty GOD to pour
them out, who can stay,
stop or restrain them
PSALM 19:1
1)The heavens declare
the glory of GOD and the
firmament showeth his
The heavens, the
heavens so vast and
spacious, richly adorned
with stars are recounting
the glory of GOD, the
mighty One, declare how
glorious is GOD, and
indeed as the Almighty;
and what His hand have
made, that is what GOD
has produced with a
superior power to which
everything is possible, the
firmament the Vault of
heaven stretched far and
wide are the handiworks
of GOD
PSALM 33:6-7
6)By the word of the
LORD were the heavens
made; and all the host of 
them by the breath of His
7)He gathereth the waters
of the sea together as a
heap: he layeth up the
depth in storehouse
By the word of GOD by
the command of GOD
were the heavens made 
the heavens were made
by His word and all the
host of them, by the
breath of His mouth, even
out of nothing, not out of
any pre-existent matter,
nor eternal; and being
made are mentioned sun,
moon and star angels the
host of heaven were
made by the word of GOD
He gathered the waters of
the sea together as a
heap: refers to the deep
water reservoir within the
earth, He layeth up
depth storehouses, the
deep waters: the ocean
beds- are thus vast
reservoir or treasures-
house for the reception of
the waters which GOD
Has chosen to deposit
there, He places them
where He pleases
PSALM 50:10-12
10)For every beast of the
forest is mine, and the
cattle upon a thousand
11)I know all the fowls of
the mountains: and the
wild beasts of the field are
12) If I were hungry, I
would not tell you thee:
for the world is mine, and
the fullness thereof
Every beast of the forest
is mine by creation and
preservation, all the
beasts that roam at large
in the wilderness; all that
are untamed and
unclaimed by man, and
the cattle upon a 
thousand hills, meaning
all cattle in the world ,
GOD is totally self-
sufficient, He can take
care of Himself without
help from anyone else
He is the owner of the
earth and every thing in it,
why should He take their
bulls and goats when He
owns the cattle on
numberless hills,
I know all the fowls of the
mountains, and the wild
beast of the field are
mine, I am fully
acquainted with their
numbers; their nature:
their habits their
residence, I have such a
knowledge of them, I
created them and
preserve them, not a
sparrow fails to the
ground without My
knowledge ,MATTHEW
10:29 I could appropriate
them on my own, if I were
in need of them, I am not,
therefore, dependent on
people to offer them, for I 
can use them as I please,
and the wild beasts of the
field are mine, they are
before me, I created
them, I could use them as
I might need them, GOD
is the creator and
sustainer of the whole
world, He is the sovereign
owner of the world
If I were hungry, He is not
a human being who
needs food to survive, I
would not tell thee;
suppose it possible that I
could be hungry, GOD
doesn’t hungers for food,
he hunger for the
righteousness of His
people I should not have
recuse to man or be
dependent on you for the
world is mine, and the
fulness thereof, all that
fills the world; all that
exists upon it, the whole
that the earth produce,
and the human beings in
it belongs to GOD, He
created them
PSALM 65:6-7
6)Which by His strength
setteth fast the
mountains; being grided
with power
7)Which stilleth the noise
of the seas, the noise of
their waves, and the
tumult of the people
Which by strength sets 
fast the mountains, fixing
them firm on their
foundations, in the first
creation and formation of
them, when they were
settled on their basis so
firmly that they are rarely
removed, that they are
not overthrow by floods,
or wind, or earthquakes,
or other natural or violent
causes: which stability
they have only from
GOD’s providence, for
they are held by GOD’S
strength and power.
GOD has shown His
power by ruling over the
sea and nations, which
stilleth the noise of seas,
the power of GOD calms
the seas when they have
been agitated by storm,
He causes the mighty
waves to settle down, and
the whole surface of the
ocean becomes calm and
smooth, the storm
subsides at GOD’S
command and the sea
still, it was the ministration 
of this power which
demonstrated so clearly
the Divinity of the LORD
He said to the troubled
water please be still, and
the wind ceased, and
there was a great calm
MARK 4:39.
And the tumult of the
people: of wicked men ,
who rage against the
people of GOD, and are
like a trouble sea that
cannot rest: but GOD can
say to these waters,
which threaten to go over
their soul, peace, be still,
he can stop the
opposition, quell their
insurrections, restrain
their wrath, and make
them peaceable and
quite , wherefore the
righteous have no reason
to be afraid of them.
PSALM 102:25
25) of old hast thou laid
the foundation of the
earth; and the heavens
are the works of thy
OF old in the beginning ;
at first, hast thou laid the
foundation of the earth
the lower part of the
creation, the LORD’S
footstool, called the earth
beneath, GOD had 
stretched through all
creation and all the
changes which occurred
upon the earth; that at the
very beginning GOD
existed and the heavens
are the work of thy hands,
these are the heaven of
heaven; which are
creatures, and not to be
worshipped made by
GOD himself, and are
expressive of His power,
wisdom and glory
PSALM 104:2-6
2) who coverest thyself
with light as with a
garment; who stretchest
out the heavens like a
3)Who layeth the beams
of His chambers in the
waters; who maketh the
clouds his chariot; who
walketh the clouds his
chariot; who walketh upon
the wings of the wind
4)Who maketh his angels
spirits; his minister a
flaming fire
5)Who laid the
foundations of the earth,
that it should not be
6)Thou coveredst it with
the deep as with a
garment: the waters stood
above the mountains
This refers to the great
light in which GOD dwells,
Who covers thyself with
light , with a light which no
man can approach unto,
which no man has seen in
his sinful state, as with a
garment, referring to the
first work of creation
said, Let there be light,
and there was light out of
darkness by GOD’S word,
light is expressive of the
nature of GOD Himself,
who is light, and in Him
there is no darkness at
all, and who dwells in
light, and so may be said 
to be clothed with it,
which is applicable to
1 JOHN 1:5 He seemed
to put on light as a
garment; GOD himself
appeared as if invested
with light, it was the first
manifestation of GOD
Who stretches out the
heavens like a curtain,
alluding to the firmament
as an expanse spread
over like curtain, divided
between the waters and
waters, heaven is
represented it applied to
be heavens, as they
seem to be spread out
like the curtains drawn
around it, to hide the
dazzling and
unapproachable light in
which GOD dwells, and it
is as a curtain or canopy
stretched out and
encompassing this earth ;
the stretching of it belong
to GOD alone
Who layeth the beams of
His upper chambers in 
the waters, GOD forms
Himself an upper
chamber, as a dwelling
place, in the waters that
are above the firmament ,
Who makes the clouds
his chariot, who walks on
the wings of the wind, in
which He rides strongly,
swiftly, and far above, ,
when at any time it is His
will to make use of
uncommon providences
in His government of the
world , sometime GOD
rides to execute
Judgments on His
enemies ISAIAH 19:1
who walk upon the winds
of the wind which is
expressive of His
swiftness in coming to
help and assist people in
the time of need
Who makes His angels
spirits; spiritual nature,
that they might be more fit
for their employment,
who makes them winds,
as the word, who make
them as wind, powerful 
active, His ministers a
flaming fire, to
accomplished his
purpose His servants,
and so differ from GOD,
who is a Spirit, who is a
creators and not
creatures: angels are
created spirits without
bodies, and so differ from
the souls or Spirits of men
for fervency in the
execution of GOD’S
Who laid the foundation of
the earth; who founded
the earth upon her bases,
fixed the earth in its place,
on bases, on foundation,
that is, upon itself by
which it is self-balanced,
and by which it stands as
fast and immovable fixed,
permanent, solid, it
foundations do not give
way, as if it were built
upon the strongest
foundation imaginable,
which is a astonishing
work of GOD wisdom and 
The universe is created
by GOD’S foundation
and guarantee it’s
permanence, even though
one day the heavens and
the earth will be
destroyed 2 PETER
3:10, He will create a new
heaven and a new earth
that will last forever
ISAIAH 65:17,
Thou covers it with the
deep as with a garment,
when the earth, while yet
without form, the
meaning is that GOD
covered the earth with the
waters GENESIS 1:2 it
was covered all over, and,
as it were, clothed with
the great deep, this is
what GOD covered the
earth with garment, that
is in the first creation, a
watery covering was
spread at first over the
whole earth, and
enveloped it like a 
garment, this is not an act
of creation but an act of
judgment upon the earth
because of sin
2 PETER 3:5-7 the
waters stood above the
mountains those which
are now the highest
mountains were under
that liquid element, as yet
there was no dry ground
that appeared,
PSALM 104:24
24) O LORD, how
manifold are thy works in
wisdom hast thou made
them all; the earth is full
of thy riches
O LORD, how manifold
are thy works, it is to the
number and the variety of
the work of GOD, and to
the wisdom displayed in
them all, the earth is full
of thy riches, the earth is
the LORD’S and the
fulness thereof
PSALM 115:16
16)The heaven, even the
heavens, are the
LORD’S; but the earth
hath he given to the
children of men
The heaven, even the
heaven, are the LORD’S
they belong to GOD, He
dwells there: reserved
the heavens as a home
for Himself
But the earth hath he
given to the children of
men, entrusted to the
children of men, for their
habitation, possession,,
GOD made the earth for 
the abode of men, He
placed man upon it to
cultivate it; He has given
to enjoy the fruit of it ,
GOD is the creator of
heaven and earth
PSALM 135:6-7
6)Whatsoever the LORD
pleased, that did he in
heaven, and in earth, in
the seas, and the deep
7)He causeth the vapors
to ascend from the ends
of the earth; and maketh
lightning for the rain; he
bringeth the wind out of
his treasuries
Whatever the LORD
pleases, GOD is an
absolute and sovereign,
he does what ever He
plans and carries it out,
He made the world as He
chose and he ordered all
its arrangements
according to his will
in heaven and on earth in
the seas and all deeps, in
all the universe on the
land and ocean, even in
the profound depths of
the sea, there is nothing
which has not been place
there by His will, and
which he has not
arranged according to His
eternal plan, performing
many wonderful things in
them out of them a
wonderful star appear in
heavens, which guided
the wise me to the birth
the savior of the world; 
unusual voices were
heard from heaven at His
baptism, transfiguration
with the Spirit descending
and ascending surprising;
the surprising miracle
done on earth, the great
work of redemption for
everlasting life to those
who believe.
PROVERBS 3:19-20
19)The LORD by wisdom
hath founded the earth;
by understanding hath he
established the heavens
20)By his knowledge the
depths are broken up,
and the clouds drop down
the dew
The LORD by wisdom
has founded the earth,
that wisdom is meant by
which GOD planned the
world-idea, and now also
wrought it out; the wisdom
which the world was
frame and which He gave
external realization of His
thoughts; He has created
all things, and made,
ascribed I JOHN 1:1 and
particularly the laying the
foundation of the earth by
His understanding He has
established the heaven,
prepared, adorned and
beautify them, by placing
stars, moon and sun in
them, and directing their
station, motion and
influence are all from the
wisdom of GOD 
The great depth of water
mixed with and contained
in, the bowels of the
earth, breaks forth into
fountains and rivers, sea
and ocean for the use of
man and beast by which
the earth was made
habitable, and the water
And the cloud drop down
the dew, which makes the
earth a blessing of nature,
that are begotten by the
PROVERBS 8:22-26
JOHN 1:1-3
JOHN 17:5
PSALM 18:7-15
PSALM 104:6-8
22)The LORD possessed
me in the beginning of His
way, before His works of
23) I was set up from
everlasting, from the
beginning, or ever the
earth was
24)When there were no
depths, I was brought
forth; when there were no
fountains abounding with
25) before the mountains
were settle, before the 
hills was I brought forth
26)While as yet He had
not made the earth, nor
the fields, nor the highest
part of the dust of the
The LORD possessed
me, as his eternal wisdom
and word, wisdom is the
eternal attribute of the
eternal GOD, GOD
already existed prior to
creation and wisdom
existed within Him,
perfectly in Him when He
created the universe,
which is embodied in
CHRIST JESUS, that was
in the beginning with
GOD JOHN 1:1-3, and in
Him JOHN 14:10 and 
after word made flesh and
dwelt among men as the
only begotten of the
FATHER, full of Grace
and truth JOHN 1:14
before the work of old,
GOD’S work of creation ,
He was before all things,
by Him all things and by
Him all things consist
had glory with the
FATHER before the world
JOHN 17:5
The scripture speaks of
wisdom of GOD
LUKE 11:49
I was anointed, ordained
or constituted to be by
whom the FATHER
resolved to do all His
works, first to create, and
then to uphold, and
govern, and judge and
afterward to redeemed
and save the world, all
which works are
particularly ascribed to 
the Son of GOD, from the
beginning , or ever the
earth was; or from the first
of the earth, before
anything was created; this
further confirms the
eternal existence of
CHRIST , of which, there
was nothing but a vast
eternity, this
The preexistence of
wisdom is still more
expressly set forth , when
there were no deep
waters, either mixed with
the earth, as their were at
first, I existed, CHRIST is
the firstborn of every
creature, begotten, born,
and brought before any
creature was in being
While as yet he had not
made the earth, that is,
the LORD, who
possessed Wisdom, or
CHRIST, and by whom
He was set up; that
CHRIST was before that
was, for it was made by
Him,before the mountain 
were settled or fixed by
the roots in the earth,
while as yet He had not
made the Earth, that is a
dry land called earth after
it was separated from the
water , the plain and
open part of the
mountains, hill and
PROVERBS 8:27-30
ROMANS 11:33
27)When He prepared the
heavens, I was there;
when He set a compass
upon the face of the depth
28) When He established
the clouds above; when
he strengthened the
fountains of the deeps;
29) when He gave the
sea his decree, that the
waters should not pass
his commandment; when
He appointed the
foundation of the earth
30)Then I was by Him, as
one brought up with Him;
and I was daily His
delight, rejoicing always
before him
When He prepared the
heavens, I was there;
made beautified , and
adorned them: when He
gave them their form,
figure, magnitude, and
motion; when He adorned
the sun, moon and star;
then was CHRIST
present, HEBREWS 1:10
When He set a compass
upon the face of the
depth; or compassed the
water with bounds, this
compass may design the
vast expanse or
firmament of heaven,
which is stretched and
drawn around the globe
as a canopy or Curtin
When He made the firm 
skies above, when he
established the clouds
above, in which the
waters are bound, that is
to sustain the waters
above and repress those
below the firmament ,
where they are weighed
by measure, and a decree
made for them when they
shall fall; and when they
do, the LORD makes
small the drops of water,
which the cloud do drop
and distill on men
abundantly; the spreading
of which are beyond
understanding; and
unaccountable, which is
as a result of the power of
When He strengthened
the foundation of the
deep, gave them strength,
and still continues it, to
cast out waters, which run
into the main sea, and
feed and fill it, and return
to their place again; which
strength of flowing and
reflowing can only be
attributed to the great
power of GOD 
The law laid upon it by
that the water should not
pass his commandment,
which never have been
altered nor never will: He
has placed the sand for
the bounds of the sea
everywhere, which it
cannot pass, though its
wave toss, foam, and
roar; this is decreed
place, with which he has
shut it up, as with doors,
bars, and bolts, that those
proud waves may not go
no further, He stretched
the line upon it, the firm
standing of the earth
notwithstanding all the
assaults which the water
of the sea or within the
earths make against it, it
is the work of GOD’S
Then I was by Him, as
one brought up with Him, 
He was then, and from all
Eternity by Him and with
Him, His co-existence
with GOD, wisdom was
with thee: which knows
thy works, and was
present, when thou made
the world, so the WORD
was with GOD, JOHN 1:2
the eternal Word of GOD
who was incarnated in
CHRIST, was the agent of
creation, all things where
made by Him, before Him
nothing is made, He is
before all things, we
speak of things too deep
for us when we speak of
the GODHEAD, but yet
we know that the eternal
word, which is from
beginning , was made
flesh and dwelt among us.
And I was daily His
delights, exceeding
delightful to Him, the
FATHER loves the Son
from eternity
JOHN 17:24
He being the express
image of GOD, being the
same nature and
perfection with His 
FATHER ;He delighted in
Him as a workman, in the
works He did, before, and
even from the days of
eternity, rejoicing always
before Him, being always
in His presence, having
the same nature and
perfection with Him, there
is a mutual pleasure and
delight, which the father
and son have in each
11)He hath made every
thing beautiful in his time;
also he hath set the world
in their heart, so that no
man can find out the work
that GOD maketh from
the beginning to the end
GOD has placed within
the human heart an
inherent desire for more
than just earthly, He has
made everything
beautiful and appropriate
in its time, He has also
planted eternity, a sense
of divine purpose in the
human heart , a
mysterious longing which
nothing under the sun can
satisfy, GOD has set
eternity in our hearts, this
means that we can never
be satisfy with earthly
pleasure and pursuit ,
because we are created
in GOD’S image, we have
a spiritual thirst, we have 
eternal value, nothing but
the eternal God can truly
satisfy us, so that no man
can find out the work that
GOD makes from the
beginning to the end; not
a sinful love of the world,
not a criminal desire after
them ,when we use the
skills GOD has given us
and do our works
according to His plan and
purpose, He makes
something beautiful of our
lives, Human being are
made in the image of
GOD, and GOD is
eternal, people are given
a Spirit that survive the
body when he dies, this
sets man apart from the
rest of creation, in other
words, people are given
the capacity for eternity
and a link to GOD that no
other created being
received, the space in
human heart can only be
filled with the eternal
because we are eternal
beings, this give great
meaning and value to our
lives consequently, 
material thing, secular
activities and pleasures
of this earth will never
fully satisfy, all too often,
people are quick to boast
in their accomplishment,
without recognizing that
they can do nothing
without GOD
5) As thou knowest not
what is the way of the
spirit, nor how the bones
do grow in the womb of
her that is with child: even
so thou knowest not the
works of GOD who
maketh all
As thou knowest not
what is the way of the
Spirit nor how the bones
do grow,
of the Soul of man, how it
comes into the child in the
womb are formed in the
womb of a pregnant
woman, how it is united
with the body, how the
Spirit of the breath of life
goes into the body of an
infant, nor how the bones
do grow in the womb of
her that is with child; or
full, pregnant, big with
child; or in the womb that
is full of liquids, and yet
bones are separated from
them, grow out of them,
and in them, and are 
hardened; all which how it
should be is unknown;
bones are mentioned
because they are the
more solid and substantial
parts of the body, the
basis and strength of it;
and because it may seem
more difficult how any
part of the seed should
harden into them, while
other parts are converted
into skin and flesh,
Even so thou knows not
the works of GOD, who
makes all; as thou knows
not the way of the wind,
we cannot predict,
understand, or fully know
what GOD will do, and
when He will do it, the
ways of GOD defy human
ISAIAH 40:12
12)Who hath measured
the waters in the hollow of
His hand, and meted out
heaven with the span,
and comprehended the
dust of the earth in a
measure, and weighed
the mountain in scales,
and the hills in a balance
Who has measured the
waters, the sense of
GOD measuring these
things when He originally
brought them into
existence, in the hollow of
His hand, and marked of
the heavens with a span 
of the hand, and
calculated the dust of the
earth with a measure, and
weighed the mountain in
a balance, all the waters
of the earth are nothing
more than a drop of water
in the palm of GOD’S
hand, who measured the
waters in the hollow of His
hand: the water of the
seas, for which he has
provided a receptacles,
where he has collected
and put them together;
the dimension of which
are exactly known to Him,
and meted out heaven
with the span: which He
has stretched out as a
curtain, and the measure
of which is but one hand’s
breadth with Him, which is
stretched out like canopy,
all heavens the stars,
moon, sun, planets the
entire universe measure
no more than the width on
GOD’S hand, the weight
of the earth its dust and
he alone, has given to all
these their proper
quantities, their 
determinate form, and
their proportionate place
in the universe,
mountains, and hills is
known by GOD and GOD
alone, God is the great
creator, He alone created
the universe, He is far
greater than the universe
itself, the universe and
multibillion of heavenly
bodies were created by
GOD, He used His
wisdom and power to
create the entire universe
ISAIAH 40:22
22)It is He that sitteth
upon the circle of the
earth, and the inhabitants
thereof are as
grasshoppers; that
stretcheth out the heaven
as a curtain, and
spreadeth them out as a
tent to dwell in
He that sitteth
upon the circle of the
earth, and the inhabitants
thereof are as
grasshoppers; that
stretcheth out the heaven
as a curtain, and
spreadeth them out as a
tent to dwell in
It is He who sits above
the circle of the earth,
when the LORD sits
enthroned above the
earth, the circle of the
earth or the round earth
looking down upon the
people its inhabitants,
GOD looks upon man
from of above as busy,
agitated, moving,
impatient, and ragging
multitude , He orders and
direct its motion, and
governs all things, the
inhabitants appeared as
nothing are like 
grasshoppers in its sight.
it is He the LORD is so
great who stretches out
the heavens which He
created like a curtain, this
refers to the firmament
above and spreads them
out like a tent, which He
lives dwell in, and
demonstrates His
presence and glory.
JOHN 17:5
JOHN 7:33
JOHN 8:58
JOHN 14:28
JOHN 16:28
JOHN 17:11
5)And now, o FATHER,
glorify thou Me with thine
own self with the glory
which I had with thee
before the world was
And now, O FATHER,
glorify thou Me with thine
own self, before CHRIST
came to earth, He was
one with GOD, He lived I
a preexistent , eternal
state and glory with GOD
JOHN 1:1-2 as to My
Divine nature I had with
thee before the
foundation of the world,
now that His mission on
earth was almost finished,
a relationship which has
been suspended since
have been JESUS
CHRIST and glorifying
thee amid the toil and
sorrow of the earthly
crucifixion, resurrection
and ascension He was
asking His FATHER to 
restore Him to His
previous position of glory,
to exchange humility for
glorification before the
world began, JESUS
CHRIST set His glory
aside when He came to
earth as a man
could not be a more
distinct and clear
declaration of the pre-
existence of CHRIST than
this, it means before the
creation of the world;
before there was any
world, He existed from
ISAIAH 44:24
24)Thus saith the LORD,
thy redeemer, and he that
formed thee from the
womb, I am the LORD
that maketh all things;
that streadeth forth the
heavens alone, that
spreadeth abroad the
earth by myself
Thus saith the LORD, thy
redeemer of His people
and He that formed thee
from the womb; He
formed each individual in
the womb, that formed in
it, and brought thee out of
it, separated thee from it,
and called thee by His
grace, I am the LORD
that makes all things; that
made all things out of
nothing at first; for without
anything made that was 
made; all things in
heaven, and earth, sea,
were made by Him; and
He continues all creatures
in their being, and provide
for them, and governs all
by His power; that
stretches forth the heaven
alone, GOD did not
delegate the creation of
heaven and earth to an
inferior Spirit , the fact is
that ,He alone had made
the heavens and the
earth, that spreads
abroad the earth by
Himself; not to the
exclusion of the FATHER
and the Holy Spirit, but all
creatures, angels and
men; He stretches out the
vast space of heaven as a
curtain, and spread out
the earth in its length
and breadth, and the
large space of it
ISAIAH 45:18
18)For thus saith the
LORD, that created the
heavens; GOD himself
that formed the earth and
made it; he hath
established it, He created
it not in vain, he formed it 
to be inhabited; I am the
LORD; and there is none
For thus saith the LORD
that created the heavens,
He is GOD, that formed
the earth and made it: He
established it: He created
it not in vain, as GOD had
not formed the earth to be 
material chaos, GOD
created the earth for a
specific purpose so that it
might be fruitful and
inhabited by human race,
the earth is not supposed
to be empty or desolate,
but had made it, in order
and arrangement, so He
willed His Spiritual
creation to be recovered
out of the confusion into
which it had fallen, but
formed it to be inhabited, I
am the LORD, and there
is none else, to detect the
vanity of idols, by
asserting that none was
to be owned as the true
GOD, beside that one
GOD who made the
heaven and earth, and
the inhabitant
ISAIAH 46:9-10
9)Remember the former
things of old; for I am
GOD, and there is none
else; I am GOD, and
there is none like Me
10)Declaring the end from
the beginning, and from
ancient times the things
that are not yet done,
saying, My counsel shall 
stand and I will do all My
Remember the former
things of old, remember
this, and become firm,
take it to heart, You
rebellious ones, the
idolaters must remember
all GOD’S former works
for they prove that He is
GOD, the only living true
GOD, that I Am GOD and
none else,, proclaiming by
demonstrated His
existence and power
throughout history,
beginning with creation,
from the beginning of
human history GOD had
revealed the truth to man
and foretold important
future invents that had
already taking place and
those which will take
place at the end of the
world, the issue from
beginning, and from
ancient times what has
not yet taken place,
saying My counsel shall
stand, the purpose of
GOD, which are within
Himself, wisely formed by
Him, eternal and not
frustrated,and which shall
stand and be
accomplished, being the
counsels of Him who is all
wise, all knowing, all
powerful, unchangeable,
true and faithful, His
purpose and plan for His
people, those who truly
believe and follow Him,
will come to pass, and all 
My good pleasure I carry
out, not only have I
spoken, I also bring it; I
have purposed it, I also
executed it , what I have
done for you and in the
world, My miraculous
works, particularly things
relating to JESUS
CHRIST , His obedience
and sufferings, and glory
that should follow; His
resurrection, ascension;
the work of redemption by
Him,; the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit, the spread
of the Gospel among
Gentiles, and their
conversion, whereby I
have abundantly proved
My Divinity, foretelling
from the beginning of the
world, such as the
creation of heavens and
earth, and all things in
them; the destruction of
the old world, and of
Sodom and Gomorrah.
And I will do all My
pleasure: as He has done
in creation, in grace and
in redemption
ISAIAH 57:15
15)For thus saith the high
and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose
name is Holy: I dwell in
the high and Holy place,
with him also that is of a
contrite and humble spirit,
to revive the spirit of the
humble, and to revive the
heart of the contrite ones
For thus saith the High
and lofty one, His exalted
majesty and almighty
power, the omnipotent
and supreme Ruler of the
universe; LORD of
LORDS King of King, He
that dwells eternally ,that
inhabit eternity, who is
from everlasting to
everlasting, without
beginning of days of the
end of life, or change of
time who only is immortal,
from eternity to eternity
had it to Himself, He is
absolute LORD of His
creatures, and therefore
High above them and that
constantly inhabit eternity
it cannot be dispossessed
of it whose name is Holy,
who is perfectly and
essentially Holy in nature,
His works, His word and
His ways
I dwell in the high and
Holy Place, although My
throne is in the highest
heavens, where nothing
impure can have place,
and with the contrite one
and him that is of a 
humbled Spirit, to revive
the Spirit of humbled
ones, and to revive the
heart of the contrite ones
ISAIAH 66:1-2
JEREMIAH 31:13-34
1)Thus saith the LORD,
the heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my
footstool: where is the
house that ye build unto
Me? And where is the
place of My rest
2)For all those things hath
mine hand made, and all
those things have been,
saith the LORD; but to
this man will I look, even
to him that is poor and of
a contrite spirit, and
trembeth at My word
`Heaven is My throne and
the earth is My footstool,
where, then, is a house
that you could build for
Me, and where will My
resting place be, No place
on earth can
accommodate the
transcendent GOD, even
the temple built by
Solomon, which was filled
with the glory of GOD, 1
KING8:8 did not really
contain GOD, His
kingdom extend all over
His creation, because the
entire universe is GOD’S
dwelling place , human
beings cannot limit Him to
a building, He is not
impressed with the
splendor of any building
that human construct for
Him, GOD is a Spirit He is
omnipresent, that is He is
present everywhere, even
expanding out beyond the
far reaches of the
universe, GOD dwells in 
another dimension of
being, although the sky
demonstrates the glory of
GOD, it is nothing more
than a throne for GOD
and all the earth in all of
its beauty and glory is
nothing more than a
footstool for Him, GOD
dwells in another
dimension of being, the
Spiritual dimension which
is the eternal world,, the
physical and material
world in which we live is
corrupt, deteriorated and
wasting away, GOD lives
in the Spiritual dimension
or Spiritual world , the
vast expanse of GOD’S
presence is far beyond
human comprehension ,
beyond physical material
universe, even the
universe cannot contain
GOD’S presence Temple
or worship center is not
the focus of GOD, just
because a Temple/church
is constructed does not
mean that GOD will
manifest His presence in
the building, He will grant 
a special sense of His
presence only if the
hearts of the worshippers
belong to Him it is not the
building that pleases
GOD, it is the heart of the
worshipper, who he
delights, He is pleased to
dwell with , with the
person certain kind of
person, those who are
humble in spirit, a
submissive person is a
humble person a contrite
man one who is broken
and crushed in spirit who
recognized their need for
continue help and grace,
and who seek to follow
His word.
For all these things My
hand has made, so all
these things came into
being by and for Me,
declares the LORD, but to
this one I will look
graciously, to him who is
humble and contrite in
Spirit, and who reverently
trembles at My word and
honors My
amazingly GOD’S very 
own Spirit dwells within
the true believer, the true
temple of GOD is the
believer who is
submissive to GOD and
who trembles at GOD’S
JOHN 17:24
JOHN 14:1-3
24)FATHER, I will that
they also, whom thou
hast given Me, be with Me
where I am; that they may
behold My glory, which
thou hast given Me; for
thou lovesdst Me before
the foundation of the
CHRIST, as one with the
FATHER, claimed on
behalf of all that had been
given to Him, and should
in due time believe on
Him, that they should be
brought to heaven; where
I am in heaven, the SON
of GOD was still in the
bosom of the FATHER
JOHN1:18 and that there
the whole company of the
redeemed might behold
His glory, here our savior
wills His disciples and
other believers Eternal
life ,I will that they whom
thou hast given Me, not
only the disciples but
believing followers will
see JESUS true glory the
true love that has existed
in heaven since the
beginning of the world,
JOHN17:5 not all the
world, but a selected 
number; is not to be
restrained to the Apostles
but to be extended to all
those who, belonging to
the election of grace , this
CHRIST expresses under
the notion of being with
Him where He is as
JOHN 14:1-3
JESUS request that
believers may be with him
in glory being the whom
thou set apart to be the
Mediator between GOD
and Man
Thou loves Me, another
passage, which prove that
the LORD JESUS existed
before the creation of the
12)He hath made the
earth by his power, he
hath established the world
by his wisdom, and hath
stretched out the heavens
by his discretion
13) When He uttereth His
voice, there is a multitude
of water in the heavens,
and He causeth the
vapors to ascend from the
ends of the earth; He
maketh lightings with rain, 
and bringeth forth the
wind out of His treasures
He hath made the earth
by his power, in it the
almighty power of the
living GOD is shown,
GOD is the Maker of the
entire universe, He and
He alone made and
established the universe
out of nothing , and
hanging it upon nothing,
and preserving it firm and
stable ,are prove of his
almighty power, and by
wisdom upon the rivers
and He had disposed it in
an orderly, regular, and
beautiful manner by
making it partly land and
partly water; by opening
in it fountains rivers by
diversifying it with hills
valleys, which show the
wisdom as well as the
power of GOD And hath
by His understanding He
hath stretched out the
heavens as a canopy
over the earth, as a tent
to dwell in; and which is
beautifully with stars,
moon and sun in it by his
discretion, the attribute
ascribed to the creator
are very remarkable, the
creation of the earth, the
material world, is an act of
power, the establishing
the ordering and
arranging made it fit,
firm, solid, and
unmovable that is from
its basis, as a place fit for
inhabitation of man and
beast with all things
useful, both for habitation
and provision, to sustain 
the natural life and to
praise and magnify the
creator, is the work of
unsearchable wisdom of
GOD; while the spreading
out the heavens that is
through the whole
circumference of the
earth, with all glorious
and varieties of motions
from the order and Law
over it like tent ,is an act
of understanding or an
unparalleled skill in GOD,
all which are His
handiwork, and do
declare His glory
When He uttered His
Voice, Declares His will
and pleasure, issues out
His commands; or when
He thunders His voice
JOB 37:2
There is a multitude of
water in the heavens;
they are covered with
clouds, and these clouds
full of water, which is
brought and He caused
the vapors to ascend from
the ends of the earth, the 
most distant, He makes
lighting through fire and
water , the lightning
seems to rend the clouds
and let them pour their
water out on the earth,
which is contrary, yet it
opens the clouds to make
way for the rain and is
produced in the midst of
water; all which is
wonderful , GOD causes
the wind to go forth from
His store-chambers,
where He has it also
under His custody, and
blow over the earth, which
very often go together,
and the one makes ways
for the other
JOB 28:26 and bring forth
the wind out of His
treasures, He has plenty
of it in reserve, snow and
hail JOB 38:22 and the
water of sea PSALM 33:7
He is LORD over it, He
sends it forth when He
pleases, and it fulfils His
will and His word

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