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(JOHN 6:45)








JOHN 6: 45
v MATTHEW 11:28
v JOHN 7;37
v JOHN 3:3
v JOHN 5:21
v JOHN 6:63
v JOHN 7:16-71
v JOHN 8:31-32
v JOHN 17:3
v JOHN 16;13-15
v ROMANS 8:11
v HEREWS 8:10-11
v HEBREWS 10:16
v ISAIAH 55:1-3
v ISAIAH 30;21
v HOSEA 6:3
44)No man can come to
me, except the FATHER
which hath sent me draw
him; and I will raise him up
at the last day
45)It is written in the
prophets, and they shall be
all taught of GOD, every
man therefore that hath
heard, and hath learned of
the FATHER, cometh unto
The person who comes to
CHRIST is the person who
has been drawn by GOD, a
person who has
experienced the divine
initiative, a man does not
act alone , because they
have neither power nor will
of themselves: being dead
in trespasses and sin and
impotent to everything that
is Spiritual : and while men
are in a state of
unregenerated , blindness,
and darkness, coming to
CHRIST by his own effort
and energy, not by his own
works, whether mental
thought or will or physical
or labor good deeds, GOD’S
part in salvation is to draw
man, man resist the Gospel,
man’s resistance is seen in
the word “draw” the ward
drawn has the idea of
rebellious , of constant
God draws a man who is
unwilling: makes him willing
in the day of his power: he
enlightens the
understanding, turns the
will, gives an heart of flesh,
sweetly allures by the
power of his grace, and 
engage the soul to come to
And they shall be all taught
of GOD: by his Spirit to
know by objecting teaching
by the Ministry of the word,
for many are so taught with
the energy of divine grace,
and power of the Spirit of
GOD, who guides into all
truth, savingly.
Every man therefore that
has heard and learnt of the
FATHER: come unto JESUS
CHRIST, everyone that has
heard the voice of the
FATHER’s love, grace; and
mercy in the Gospel and has
learnt of him the way of
peace, life, and salvation by
CHRIST, under the influence
of his grace, comes unto
CHRIST, being encouraged
by the declarations and
promises of grace he has
heard and learned, and
ventures his soul on CHRIST,
and commits it to him;
trusting and relying on his
righteousness and sacrifice
pardon and acceptance with
GOD, and eternal life
The movement of GOD;S
Spirit upon the human
heart, teaching the need for
GOD and drawing the heart
towards GOD for salvation,
the spirit of GOD teaches a
man and moves upon the
heart of a man .
The Holy Spirit quickens,
makes the gospel alive to a
man’s mind so that he sees
it as never before, he sees
understands, grasps as
never before.
Man’s part of Salvation is : 
Man must hear the voice of
GOD when GOD draws,
when the pull, tug, or
movement of GOD’S Spirit is
felt, man must listen to the
conviction of the Spirit
Man must learn of GOD ,
through CHRIST, if a man
wishes to learn of GOD, he
has to come to CHRIST
ISAIAH 54:13
13)And all they children
shall be taught of the LORD;
and great shall be the peace
of they children
All they children born of
GOD ,shall be taught of the
LORD, the children who are
nursed up who are children
of GOD by adoption, which
is made manifest by
regeneration: these the
LORD will take care of they
be “taught” even all of
them, from the least to the
greatest, they shall be
taught of the LORD himself,
by his spirit, to know
CHRIST, and the way of
salvation by him, receive
him, and walk on in him;
when the doctrine of the
Gospel will be taught and
understood more clearly,
fully, and largely
And great shall be peace of
thy children: the inward
peace of their minds in and
from JESUS CHRIST, arising
from a view of their
justification by his
31) Behold , the days come
saith the LORD, that I will
make a new covenant with
the house of Israel and the
house of Judah
32) Not according to the
covenant that I made with
their FATHERs in the day
that I took them by the 
hand to bring them out of
the land of Egypt; which
covenant , they brake,
although I was a
husband unto them saith
the LORD
33)But this shall be the
covenant that I will make
with the house of Israel:
after those days, saith the
LORD, I will put my law in
their inward parts, and
write it in their hearts; and
will be their GOD, and they
shall be my people
34)And they shall teach no
more every man his
neighbor, and every man his
brother, saying, know the
LORD; for they shall all
know me, from the least of
them unto the greatest of
them, saith the LORD for I
will forgive their iniquity,
and I will remember their
sin no more
The new covenant will
definitely come from GOD,
it will not come from a
human source, not from
Jeremiah or any other
human source, GOD himself
will set the terms of the 
new covenant, the parties
to the new covenant were
to be GOD and the true
The old covenant was
based upon GOD’S great
deliverance of his people
from Egyptian slavery, made
at Sinai, which they broke,
the first commandment,
even before Moses came
down from mount Sinai and
down through the centuries
people continue to break
the commandment, every
generation turn away from
GOD, walk in sinful ways of
their parent’s, Israel broke
the covenant by breaking
the commandment of GOD.
So has every other human
being through history, no
person has kept the terms
of the first covenant, all fall
short of the glory of GOD
But the new covenant was
to be based on the lamb of
GOD himself, the promised
Messiah, who would offer
himself as a sacrifice for sin
of the human race, JESUS
was the Lamb of GOD who
take away the sins of the
world, though JESUS CHRIST
sacrificial death on the
cross, people can now be
delivered from sin and
death and made acceptable
to GOD
The new covenant is a
revolutionary change that
takes place inside true
believers, the new covenant
is an inward, spiritual power
that GOD places within the
The new covenant gives
believers the power of a
new mind and heart, GOD
clearly says that he will put
his law into the hearts and
minds of his people, so that,
who truly believe him JESUS
CHRIST the mediator of the
new covenant and accept
the terms of the covenant
by trusting CHRIST GOD
renews their heart and
minds by putting his law in
their minds and writes his
law on their hearts
Having a new heart and
mind, it means that GOD
will accept believers and
give them eternal life and
GOD will deliver them from
sin, corruption and death of
this world and from guilt
and judgments and
condemnation , having a
new heart means that
believers will have both the
desire and power to serve
GOD, a strong desire to
obey GOD and keep his
laws, and it will stir them to
love GOD, the believer will
respond by loving the LORD
and seeking to please him
The believers are given the
power to directly approach
GOD, to enter into every
presence of GOD anytime,
anyplace, no longer is there
any need for human priests
, no need for others to
stand between GOD and
human race to say, “know
the LORD, because the true
believers can approach GOD
and stand before him the
new covenant will be
universal, “ all will know me,
from the least of them to
the greatest, rich and poor,,
black and white, red and
yellow, leader and follower,
believer and unbeliever,
male and female, salve and
free, children and adult, all
will be able to know the
GOD use the old covenant
to point us to the new, he
used the law to show our
CONENAT is the covenant
of law; the new covenant is
v The covenant of grace
v The covenant of
v The covenant of
v The covenant of faith
v The covenant of life real
life, both abundant and
eternal life
v The covenant of true
Both Israel and the world
needed the new covenant,
as they needed
redemption, forgiveness,
salvation, faith, true
righteousness, and eternal
life GOD promise through
Forgiveness of sins is based
upon the mercy and gift of
GOD himself, GOD says, I
will forgive, he will
personally take the initiative
to take wash away the sins
of the people, he will not
forgive people sin on the
basis of works or law, for 
people cannot be good
enough or enough good to
be personally righteous,
self-righteousness is not
acceptable to GOD, for our
personnel righteousness fall
short of his glory
But GOD will forgive our
sins on the basis of what the
Mediator of the new
covenant, JESUS CHRIST did
for us, he died for our sins,
paid the penalty of our sins,
and GOD promise to
remember them no more,
when we approach him
through the sacrifice of
CHRIST, GOD forgives our
v LUKE 1:17
v ACTS 3:25
v ROMANS 15:12
v JEREMIAH 30:22
v JEREMIAH 31:31-34
2)And many nations shall
come, and say, come, and
let us go up to the mountain
of the LORD, and to the
house of the GOD of Jacob;
and he will teach us of his
ways, and we will walk in his
paths: for the law shall go
forth of Zion, and the word
of the LORD from Jerusalem
All nation of the world shall
come to the mountain of
the LORD, and the house of
GOD. And he will teach us
his ways, and we will walk in
his paths: the teachers is
the King Messiah, the teach
the last days teach men by
his Spirit and word, in a very
overflowing manner, and
with great success.
People of different nations
would encourage one
another to go to the house
of the LORD, that they
might learn his ways, the
word which came from
GOD, and as it concerning
him, his love and grace to
men: the word of peace and
righteousness, of life and
salvation, by JESUS CHRIST:
and each of his doctrine of
grace, GODs everlasting 
love, and the redemption
from him; of justification by
his righteousness, pardon
by his blood, and
sanctification by his
atonement; as well as of
regeneration by the Spirit
of GOD.
Now shall all LORD’s people
be taught more clearly,
distinctly, and comfortably:
all shall know him, from the
least to the greatest, will be
instructed in all the ways of
the LORD, and the method
of grace, so they will walk in
all the commandment and
ordinance of the LORD
All the people of the earth
will seek to know GOD, they
will yearn to accept and
follow his righteous ways of
their loving creator, they
will discover GOD’S laws, his
ways, they will obey him
and walk in his path.
14) For the earth shall be
filled with the knowledge of
the glory of the LORD, as
the water cover the sea
The world will be filled with
the knowledge of the glory
of the LORD, of the glory of
JESUS CHRIST of the glory of
his person, as the SON of
GOD, and truly GOD; which
means the gospel spreading
the knowledge of CHRIST
everywhere and large
abundance of this
knowledge communicated
by the preaching of the
Expressing the nature of
Gospel doctrines, revealing 
the glory of CHRIST and his
grace, which, like water,
refresh and make fruitful;
and force and power of
them, these being deep in
the things of GOD: and
more especially the general
spread of the gospel and the
large abundance of them,
and the knowledge
conveyed by them; which
will fill the earth, as water
of the sea
27) All things are delivered
unto me of my FATHER; and
no man knoweth the SON,
but the FATHER: neither
knoweth any man the
FATHER, save the SON, and
he to whomsoever the SON
will reveal him
It means that CHRIST has
control over all things; that
the government of the
universe is committed to
him, that as mediator: he
had all things all
perfections, power, and
glory of his FATHER has; all
,that he may redeem his
people and guide them to
glory, all our saving
knowledge of GOD is in and
No man know his Divine
essence, his eternal
generation, such nature of
the SON of GOD, such his
mystery of the union
between the divine and
human nature, such his
exalted character as divine,
that no human or mortal
can fully comprehended
JESUS, none but GOD fully
know him.
The people were blind to
GOD’S will, to his purpose,
GOD has purpose to save
the world through his SON,
JESUS CHRIST, he has also 
purposed that the wise(the
wise in their own eyes, the
self-sufficient) shall not see
the truth but babe the
needful will have the truth
revealed to him:
Man is blind to the fact that
declares that he has been
given all things by GOD, all
things have been delivered
unto his hand, he oversees
and rule the universe
Man is blind that JESUS
alone can revealed the
FATHER, no man can know
GOD except JESUS, a person
who wishes to see GOD and
see what GOD is like must
The spiritual truth is hidden
in GOD, the only access to
the truth is to come to
GOD, the only key to
spiritual truth is faith and
trust in GOD, the man who
considers himself wise and
intelligent and sufficient
enough without GOD never
come to GOD therefore a
personal relation to GOD is
not known , therefore the
things of the Spirit and the
Gospel are hid from him
A man is to walk humbly
during his short stay on
earth, knowing from whom
he has come and whom his
is going to he must trust
GOD, putting his time and
destiny in GOD’S hands
JOHN 6:37
37) All the FATHER giveth
me shall come to me; and
him that cometh to me I
will in no wise cast out
JESUS promise to welcome
all who come to him in
repentance and faith, those 
who come to JESUS come in
response to the grace given
them by GOD, it is those
whom the FATHER gives
that come to JESUS CHRIST,
it is GOD himself who has
drawn believers, who has
moved upon and stirred
them to come to CHRIST
JESUS said that any who
comes to him will never be
driven away , JESUS was
clamming the authority of
accept and reject men,
GOD enables those who do
believe , he draws them to
him by his word and Spirit:
he opens their hearts to
understand the scripture
and grant them repentance
ACTS 16:14
The sinner comes to JESUS
feeling that he is poor, and
needy, and cast himself on
his mercy, believing that he
alone can save him, they
who believe are given to
him through his Spirit works
in them, made willing in the
day of his power PSALM
110:3, no man is compelled
to go to heaven against his
will, and no man is
compelled to go hell against
his will, the Spirit of GOD
inclines the will of one, and
he comes freely as a moral
agent, the other chooses
the way of death: and
though GOD is constantly
using means to save him yet
he prefers the path that
leads to destruction
Everyone that comes in
feeling that he is lost and 
ruined sinner, this invitation
is wide and full and free,
which shows the
unbounded mercy of GOD;
and it shows, also, that the
reason, and the only reason,
why men are not saved, is
that they will not come to
Such who come to CHRIS in
a spiritual manner, and are
brought to believe in him
truly and really, he not only
receives kindly, but keeps
and preserves them by his
power, and will not cast
them out, thrust them from
him into hell :
Then the person who came
to his:
v JESUS will receive him
into GOD’S household
v JESUS will feed, nourish,
satisfy, and fill him
v JESUS will not cast him
v JESUS will keep his
word with every
generation of people
JOHN 6:65
65)And he said, therefore
said I unto you, that no man
can come unto me, except it
were given unto him of my
Man can not save himself,
GOD draws and save man,
CHRIST says man cannot
save himself, no man can
come to me, unless the
FATHER has enabled him
No man can come to him
unless GOD draws and stirs
him to come
No man really belong to
GOD who has not come to
No man is saved unless
they have come to him
all men are lost unless they
come to him this fact that 
most people feel they are
good enough and have done
enough good to be
acceptable to GOD, few
people think they are lost
and doomed to the
separated from GOD;
therefore, hearing the fact
preached offends them.
But the only saved person is
a person who has been
drawn to CHRIST by GOD
and who has surrendered to
GOD”s pull and movement
within his heart, for faith in
CHRIST is the gift of GOD,
and coming to him, is
owning to efficacious grace,
and is not the produce of
man’s power and freewill
JOHN 10:4
4) And when he putteth
forth his own sheep, he
goeth before them, and the
sheep follow him for they
know his voice.
The Sheep’s are disciples or
believers of CHRIST the
sheep knows the shepherd
voice, they know his words,
the words of his voice are
words of care and
tenderness, of warning and
safety, of truth and security,
believers trust the word of
CHRIST and follow him the
shepherd who leads the
way in order to pick out the
safe and secured way to the
pasture, he leads to show
the sheep(believer) that the
road is clear and safe, the
sheep/believer knows that
they are perfectly safe and
secure, they follow him
because, a shepherd spends
time with his flocks, he went
before them to seek the
best pastures and watering-
place, and defend them
from danger;
The Sheep/believer follows
him, in the exercise of grace
of humility, love, patience,
self-denial, and to abide in
the will of GOD , for they
know his voice: in the
Gospel, which directs and
encourages them to
exercise grace in him, and to
walk in the path of duty and
to give them life
JOHN 10:27-29
27) My sheep hear my voice
and I know them, and they
follow me
28)And I give unto them
eternal life; and they shall
never perish, neither shall
any man pluck them out of
my hand
29)My FATHER, which gave
them me, is greater than all:
and no man is able to pluck
them out of my FATHER
The religionist did not
believe JESUS Claim, why
because there are not his
sheep they don’t belong to
GOD , they claim to belong
to GOD, but their claim was
only a verbal profession,
their hearts and lives were
far from GOD, they where
not sheep of JESUS, they
rejected his claim and
Sheep are receptive to the
voice of shepherd, they
know his voice and respond
to it, when he call them,
they come and do what he
says, by keeping GOD’S
commandment, with a
believing, loving heart,
sheep are known by
shepherd , and this
knowledge make them to
trust him explicitly he care
for them deeply, leading
and looking after them, he
know them by name and
calling them by name.
Sheep follows the shepherd
they obey him, in exercise
of grace and are giving
eternal life , which includes
the abundance of life while
on earth , which begins 
when the sheep a follower
of the shepherd
The sheep are saved from
some one trying to pluck
them away, and are saved
no matter how great the
attempt may be, they are
secured, kept from the evil
one, even the devil himself,
the owner in the hand of
the shepherd , because they
belong to the shepherd, the
owner is GOD, and GOD is
greater than all, therefore
being the greatest, no one is
now able or ever able to
pluck the sheep from
GODs” hand, not the devil
Those who are true sheep
of CHRIST obey his voice, in
his gospel and follow him;
they are in constant
fellowship with the
shepherd “listen to and
follow, which denote
repeated or habitual activity
, to those who are following,
the shepherd gives eternal
life, CHRIST gives eternal life
to his sheep, or people now;
he gives them spiritual life
or a life of grace, which
issues in eternal life, he
gives them knowledge of
himself, which is eternal life:
and give them his
righteousness, which is their
justification of life of what
entitles them to eternal life
JOHN 14:26
26)But the comforter,
which is the Holy Ghost,
whom the father will send
in my name, he shall teach
you all things, and bring all
things to your
remembrance, whatsoever I
have said to you
The Holy spirit is the
teacher, he teaches all
things; the proper work and
busines of the Holy Spirit is
to teach, interpret, and
explain all things which 
CHRIST had said to them; to
make it more plain and easy
to their understandings; to
instruct them in all things
necessary to salvation, and
to be known by them, that
they might teach them
Counselor or Comforter will
teach all things which it was
needful for them to
understand. (Holy Spirit),
who is given to help the
believer through trails of
life, and the indwelling
presence and love of the
The purpose of the Holy
Spirit in believers’ life is to
teach all things; both words
and the life of CHRIST both
truth and life, both word
and how to live the word,
both theory and practice
both principle and conduct,
both moral and behavior
To help remember: to
remember all that has been
taught in the word of GOD,
and shall bring to your
remembrance the things I
have taught you, so as you
shall more fully and clearly
understand them; and
though you may have
forgotten them, yet they
shall by the Holy Spirit be
revived in your memories.
The Holy Spirit is to help
especially in the moments
of trials when the truth is
JOHN 16:13-15
13) Howbeit when he, the
Spirit of truth is come, he
will guide you into all truth
for he shall not speak of
himself but whatsoever he 
shall hear, that shall he
speak; and he will show you
things to come
14)He shall glorify me; for
he shall receive of mine, and
shall show it unto you
15)All things that the
FATHER hath are mine:
therefore said I, that he
shall shew it unto you
The Spirit of truth, because
he would teach them all
necessary truth the Holy
Spirit guides believers by
speaking the truth, he goes
before, leads in the way,
removes obstructions,
opens the understanding,
makes things plain and
clear, teaches and leads the
way men should go .
The Holy Spirit guides by
leading into the truth, the
Holy Spirit will complete the
teaching of CHRIST and lead
them into all truth, the Holy
Spirit is called the Spirit of
truth, he speaks only the
truth and guide into all
truth, the truth is JESUS
CHRIST himself, the Holy
Spirit leads believers to
CHRIST the truth and
teaches him all truth about
JESUS CHRIST’S departure
was necessary to the
Comforters coming, sending
the Spirit was to be the
fruits of CHRIST’S, in all
places, at all times, where
two or three are gathered
together in his name he is
there , his bodily presence
could be only in one place at
one time, but his Spirit is
every whereafter Pentecost
The Holy Spirit guides by
showing announcing,
declaring things to come,
after CHRIST arose the Holy
Spirit was the one who led
the apostles to write the
new Testament and to
foresee the things revealed
in its pages, since that day,
the Holy Spirit is the one
who takes the things
revealed in the word and
show declares , announces
them to the hearts of the
The believer must be
dependent upon the Holy
Spirit’s leadership in
learning the truth, the
believer’s growth
progressive, coming only
from the Holy Spirit’s
opening up the word to him
The Holy Spirit glorifies
CHRIST and only CHRIST, the
Spirit makes CHRIST known
and show declares it to the
believers, he reveals and
v Only what CHRIST is
v Only what CHRIST did
v Only what CHRIST said
The Holy spirit was Sent in
JESUS name to pro claim
JESUS alone, he is the Spirit
of truth, leads believers to
CHRIST who alone is the
truth, he did not come to
proclaim a movement and
message of his own but to
proclaim the glorious gospel
Though is true that the
same Divine nature the
FATHER possessed of, the
SON is; and the same divine
perfection belong to one as
the other, and the SON
shares in the same glory as
All the Divine essence,
wisdom, power, which is in
the FATHER are mine, in all
things that concern the
deity, one and equal with
the FATHER, and that was
the reason that I said that
he should take of him, and 
show it to you for all the
FATHER hath is mine: I and
my FATHER are one .
17)That the GOD of our
FATHER of glory may give
unto you the Spirit of
wisdom and revelation in
the knowledge of him
The believer is indwelt by
the Spirit of GOD, the Spirit
of GOD dwells in him
JOHN 14:15-17
JOHN 14:26 ,
to teach him the deep
things of GOD, for the
believer to grow in the
knowledge of GOD he must
have the Spirit of revelation,
it is the Holy Spirit who
reveals GOD to the believer
If the believer is to grow in
the knowledge of GOD, he
must seek the wisdom of
GOD more than anything
else on this earth, it is the
person who hungers and
thirsts after GOD and his
righteousness that is filled.
The great need of believers
is to grow in the knowledge
of GOD, that the GOD we
are to know is clearly
identified, he is not the god
of our own minds and
thoughts, the god we
conceive when we picture
what GOD is like, the god
made by mans mind and
hands the god of religion,
the god of mammon, money
The GOD we are to know is
the GOD whom JESUS
CHRIST came to reveal to
men, there is no other GOD
not a true and living GOD, if
we are really to know GOD,
we must come to know
revealed, the GOD we are to
know is the FATHER of glory,
that is the only true and
living GOD, the Supreme
Majesty and Sovereign
LORD of the Universe, the
one who is supreme
intelligence and power of
the universe and who has
created all and rules over
all, the omnipotent all
present everywhere) and so
expansive that his very
being and presence reaches
out beyond the stars and
embraces all that is one
ever will be, the one who
declares that he has set His
glory above heavens
If believers are to grow in
the of wisdom of GOD he
must have the spirit of
Wisdom differs from
knowledge, knowledge is
the grasping of facts, but a
person must know how to
use facts, that where
wisdom come in, wisdom
know how to use the facts,
the point is that; it is not
enough to know the facts
about GOD, he must use the
fact to develop a personnel
relationship with GOD, a
growing relationship that is
intimate, that grows deeper
and deeper , it is not an
intellectual knowledge of
GOD, but an experimental
knowledge of GOD,
Spiritual wisdom is GOD’S
v A spirit that reaches out
and grasps after
A Spirit that hungers
and thirsts after
A Spirt that seek after
Wisdom means knowing
what something is, what is
behind something, and
what can be done, it is
knowing how to use or
relate to something,
therefore, spiritual wisdom
v Knowing who GOD is
and how to relate to
v Knowing the truth and
how to use it
v Knowing what to do
and how to do it
v Knowing how to live
more and more fruitful
lives for the glory of
GOD and for the
welfare of men.
The believer must open his
heart and focus its affection,
intelligence, and will upon
knowing GOD, the believer
must seek the Holy Spirit to
enlighten and floods his
hearts with the things of
21) If so be that ye have
heard him, and have been
taught by him, as the truth
is in JESUS
And If a man has heard
CHRIST and being taught by
CHRIST, then he had been
taught the truth, that
teacher is CHRIST himself
by the Holy Spirit, CHRIST
uses the body and voice of
believers to teach people
how they are to live, as to
him to understand his
words, and distinguish his
voice: so as to love him,
approve of him; feel the
power of the Gospel,
appreciate the truth, and
obey his ordnance, and
direct souls to for
righteousness, pardon,
cleansing and for every
supply of grace, but he is
the efficient of teaching:
and there none who
teaches like him; and those
who are taught by him, are
taught as the truth is in
JESUS CHRIST; as the Gospel
is in him, for he is the truth
itself for grace and truth
came by him; and as it was
preached by him, and so is
pure and unmixed
  • JOHN 13:34- 35
  • JOHN 15:12
  • ROMANS 12:9
  • GALATIANS 5:13
  • 1 PETER 1:22
  • 1 PETER 4:8
  • 1 JOHN 4:21
9)But as touching brotherly
love ye need not that I write
unto you: for ye yourselves
are taught of GOD to love
one another
GOD actually teaches
believers to love each
other’s, especially charity
and affection which
believers have as a duty as
brothers, which means GOD
work within our hearts and
stirs us to love each other,
GOD arouses the thought
within our minds- flashes
the thought across our
minds the thought that we
should love each other as
brothers, therefore, we are
to grab hold of that thought
and of the stirring within
our hearts and love each

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