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v MATTHEW 6:14-15
v MATTHEW 18:21
v MATTHEW 18:28-35
v MARK 11:25-26
v LUKE 6:37
v LUKE 7:40-48
v LUKE 11:4
v ACTS 13:38
v PSALMS 32:1
v ISAIAH 1:18
12)And forgive us our
debts, as we forgive our
DEBTS: That which we owe,
or ought to do, a duty
unfilled is unpaid debts ,
which Spiritually represent
sins of omission and
trespasses, the
transgression of a law, sins
of commission, every
transgression suggests the
non-fulfilment of duty in a
more provoked form of and
ever-accumulating debt,
even the sins against our
neighbor are, in this sense,
debts which we committed
against GOD.
GOD has given man certain
responsibility , certain
things to do and not to do,
every man has failed at
some point to do what he
should do, no man can claim
that he has fulfilled his duty
perfectly, without failure,
every man failed in his duty
at some point, every man
needs to pray for
forgiveness of our debts, as
we have debtors also that
we have to forgive their
debts, our sins have a
resemblance to debts,,
which means we have
violated its obligations we
are exposed to its penalty,
we are guilty, and GOD only
can Forgive.
The suffering of
punishment for
transgressing GOD’S law is a
debt which sinners owe the
divine justice, in prayer, to
forgive our debts, we beg
that he would be mercifully
pleased to remit the
punishment and forgive our
sins, particularly the pains
of HELL, we would
graciously receive us into his
favor and bless us with
eternal life
We must forgive others in
who sin against us, in order
for our sins to be forgiven,
as we grant to others, so
that if we do not pardon
our enemies we will not be
pardoned by GOD but if we
pardon our enemies that is
only the reason when GOD
will forgive us If one
forgives GOD forgives, if one
does not forgive, GOD does
not forgive therefore, any
person who holds anything
against another person is
not for given his sins,
If we wish to be forgiven,
we must forgive, those who
sin against us.
We must forgive if we wish
to be forgiven those who:
v Curse us MATTHEW 5:44
v Hate us MATTHEW 5:44
v Some how compel us
against our will
v Some who persecute US
MATTHEW 5:44 4
v Despitefully use us
LUKE 6:28
An unforgiving spirit causes
pains and hurt and tragedy
both to oneself and others,
it can ruin lives, especially
lives of those closest and
dearest to one.
Forgiveness is conditional,
as we have sinned against
GOD, and others have
sinned against us, if we
want GOD to forgive us , we
must forgive those who
have sinned against us
MATTHEW 6:14-15
14)For if ye forgive men
their trespasses, your
heavenly FATHER will also
forgive you
15)But if ye forgive not men
their trespasses, neither will
your FATHER forgive your
If you forgive others when
they offend or injure you,
your heavenly FATHER will
also forgive you, we are
sinners; we have
transgressed GOD’S laws
and needs forgiveness, we
all fall, stumble, perform
blunder and is a continuous
practice, we are always
doing something different
from the way we will follow
, GOD promised he will
forgive our sins if we forgive
men their sins JESUS
CHRIST presses that we
forgive men their
trespasses; all sorts of
injuries done them or
offences given them,
whether word or deed; and
truly freely, from the heart;
forgiven your heavenly
FATHER will forgive in our
prayers .
For it you forgive men their
trespasses, if you forgive 5
others when they offend or
injure you our , heavenly
FATHER will also forgive
you, by this is meant, that
when a man asks
forgiveness from us, we are
to forgive and pardon the
offence, we must declare
our willingness to forgive
him .
The believer who prays for
forgiveness and hold
feelings against another
person is hypocritical, he is
asking GOD to do
something he is not willing
to do, he is asking GOD to
forgive his sins, when
himself is unwilling to
forgive the sins of others
MATTHEW 18:21-22
21)Then came Peter to him,
and said, LORD ,how oft
shall my brother sin against
me, and I forgive him?
22)JESUS saith unto him, I
say not unto thee, until
seven times but, until
seventy time seven
Peter was greatly struck
with what JESUS CHRIST had
just said about forgiveness,
he wanted to know what
limits were to be imposed
on his generosity, especially
on offender if seven the
perfect number was enough
time to forgive some one,
But JESUS answered
seventy times seven, which
means we should not keep
track of how many times we
forgive someone, we should
always forgive those who
are truly repentant, no
matter how many times
What JESUS meant is
seventy-seven times and on
and on through eternity,
forgiveness is a matter of
heart, a spirit of forgiveness
does not measure and limit
the number of times it will 
forgive, a spirit of
forgiveness will tolerate
when being wronged and
hurt time and time,
forgiveness is the thing of
the spirit , to forgive is to
treat as though the offence
was not committed, to
declare that we will not
harbor malice or treat
unkindly, that the matter
should be buried and
Forgiveness is spiritual,
Such as, love, mercy, grace,
joy, forgiveness cannot be
measure or limited, they
are by their very nature
spiritual and not physical we
are, to experience and
practice love at every
opportunity, believers
forgiveness must be
extended all the days, and
every day of his life,
forgiving those that sin
against him, as often as they
repent and acknowledge
their faults., that no time
be set for the exercise of
grace of forgiveness.
Good human relationships
are impossible with out
forgiven spirit, offending
others is common to all, we
are all sinful, no one walk
perfectly anywhere close
to what we should do,
unforgiving spirit shows that
a person is basically self
centered and spiritually
immature and such persons
has not grown to be like
CHRIST, a forgiving spirit
understands mans sinful
and offending nature and
the nature of GOD spiritual 
and forgiving, peace and
health can be preserved
only through a forgiving
An unforgiving spirit affects
a person’s emotions and
mind and body.
17)Thou shalt not hate thy
brother in thine heart: thou
shalt in any wise rebuke thy
neighbor and not suffer sin
upon him
The believer must not hate
his brother in his heart for
any cause
We are to rebuke and
correct our neighbor in
love, rebuke than hate him,
for any injury done to
yourself, we incur guilt by
not reproving; it is hating
our brother, we should
always say I will do him
kindness to tell him his
fault, we are put to off
malice, and to put on
brotherly love Not suffer
him not to lie under the
guilt of any sin, which thou
rebuke him bring him to
true repentance.
MATTHEW 18:23-34
23)Therefore is the
kingdom of heaven likened
unto a certain king, which
would take account of his
24)And when he had begun
to reckon, one was brought
unto him, which owed him
ten thousand talents
25)But forasmuch as he had
not to pay, his LORD
commanded him to be sold,
and his wife, and children,
and all that he had, and
payment to be made
26)The servant therefore
fell down, and worship him,
with me, and I will pay thee
27)Then the LORD of that
servant was moved with
compassion, and loosed
him, and forgave him his
28) But the same servant
went out, and found one of
his fellow, servants, which
owed him a hundred pence:
and he laid hands on him,
and took him by the throat,
saying, pay me that thou
29)And his fellow servant
fell down at his feet, and
besought him, saying, have
patience with me, and I will
pay thee all
30)And he would not: but
went and cast him into
prison, till he should pay the
31)So when his fellow
servants saw what was
done, they were very sorry,
and came and told unto
their LORD all that was done
32)Then his LORD, after
that he had called him, said
unto him, O thou wicked
servant, I forgave, thee all
that debt, because thou
desiradst me;
33)Shouldest not thou also
have had compassion on thy
fellow servant, even as i had
pity on thee?
34)And his LORD was
wroth, and delivered him to
the tormentors, till he
should pay all that was due
unto him
The kingdom of heaven
refers to the way in which
GOD will deal with his
people as it relates to show
the duty of forgiving others
Likened unto a certain King:
pointing to JESUS, has a
natural kingdom of
providence, a kingdom of
grace, which would take
account of his servants, he
is the usual king ,he is the
king who rules justly, he is
loving, compassionate, and
forgiving, he is consumed
with love that he forgives
enormous debts.
And when he began to take
or render account by
opening the book of
conscience , and bring to
account under guilt by
comparing receipt,
expenditure and balance
the defaulter was brought
to the LORD presence , the
one who owed him ten
thousand talents ,a sum of
money, which was used to
show that the debt was
immensely large, and that
our sins are so great that
they cannot be estimated or
numbered, our LORD
signifies the immeasurable
debt the sinner owes to
All must give account, we
are all lead to see our huge
sin and service that we owe
GOD, the debt of the
servant was huge,, all men
owe a debt of thankfulness
to GOD, for their beings, all
the mercies of life, the
preservation of them, and
the debt of obedience to
the whole law, in failure of
which they are indebted to
be punished because, every
sin becomes a debt, and
these are numerous:
indwelling sins, and the
lusts thereof, are
innumerable: as actual sin
and trans expressed, both
for the weight and quantity
of them by thousand of
talent, in this light they
appear to the conscience
of the sinner, who sees that
he has being doing nothing
but sin, all the days of his
life ;and that he has been
continually breaking the
law, one principle or
another of it in thought,
words, or deed; in violation
of the law has risen to a
great sum, that he is not
able to give it to any
proximity and the
correctness ; he cannot
understand his error, nor
express full number of them
or declare all the provoked
circumstance; beside the
multitudes of corruption of
internal lust and sins, which
he observes dwelling in his
We are all ruined unable to
pay before GOD, sin ruined
man and put him in debt
with GOD, we are also
ruined by sin that nothing
can pay our debts, Gold or
silver, no amount of wealth,
can pay our debts , every
sinner is bankrupt: sinful
man has run out of stock of
nature and is become
bankrupt, and has nothing
to offer by way of
righteousness to answer for
him, nor any work of
righteousness, sin being
against GOD, contracts the
nature of debt, which
cannot be paid by any
human creature, CHRIST
only was able to pay this
debt, and he has done it for
his people; and without an
interest in his blood, every
debt is liable to be cast into
prison of HELL, there to lie
till uttermost of the ten
thousand talents is paid,
which will be to eternity .
Saying LORD have patience
with me, and; give me time,
spare me a little longer,
send me not to prison of
HELL, our only hope is that
GOD loves us enough that
he will simply forgive us in
compassion and mercy, the
false servant had cried for
mercy until he was brought
face to face with the
king/LORD, we are often
careless about sin until we
are called to account.
The LORD of the servant
moved with compassion, it
touches the heart of the
LORD of the distressed
condition, he feels sorry for
his family, he saw the debt
of the servant and
extended mercy towards
him, and the servant got
more than he asked for, but
with pity he forgive him the
whole debts ,that is
forgiving freely, the sinner is
forgiven and the vast debt,
which he could never pay is
freely forgiven, this
represents the mercy of
GOD to people, they have
sinned, they owe GOD more
than can be paid, they are
about to cast off: but GOD
has mercy on them.
But the same servant, that
is graciously freed from
such an immense debt:,
who went out from the
LORD’S place and presence,
immediately after he got his
pardon and liberty, went
out from the presence of his 
master; and found one his
fellow-servant, fellow
human, which owed him a
hundred pence, but small,
when compared with those
which are committed
against GOD, and he took
him by the throat, saying
pay me that thou owe me.
Took him by the throat
took him in a violent and
rough manner- half chocked
or strangulated him, this
man insisted on payment of
the whole debt, which
express the rigor and cruelty
used by people to their
fellows, who having
offended them, in even a
small a matter, will not
forgive the injury, he face a
person who owed him or
have offended him in some
way, in comparison, the
debt or offence is very small
owed by the unforgiven
servant, he exercised his
authority over the debtor
and attempt to squeeze the
payment out of him, he got
angry and showed malice,
he acted wordily and
And his fellow servant fell
down at his feet, in the
most humble and
submissive manner, just as
he himself had done a little
before the feet of the
LORD, and begged him
saying, have patience with
me, and I will pay thee all:
using the very same words,
in which he had expressed
him self to the LORD and
had succeeded,
Humanly speaking, he was
hard, not soft, he was
rigorous, he was just not
compassionate, he was
legal, not loving, he was not
understanding , he was very
opposite of GOD, GOD is
loving, compassionate,
merciful, and forgiving, and
GOD expect his servant to
be as he is.
When his fellow servant
observed such inhumanity,
ill-treatment , their fellow
servant met with, in such
circumstances, and such a
man; they were very sorry,
exceedingly grieved as such
instance of unexampled
cruelty from a man who had
himself experienced such
mercy from the LORD,
GOD’S true servants are
always grieved to see
people mistreated, abused
and trampled upon, cruelty,
suffering, pain, hurt, and
death touch the heart of
GOD’S people, thy feel for
the afflicted,, their suffering
pain and hurt, they feel for
the just and sinful man In
that is unmerciful and
uncompassionate, they
could not remain silent
Then his LORD, after that
he had called him, said O
thou wicked servant, should
not thou also had
compassion, it is but
reasonable, what ought to
be, and may be expected, 
that you who have received
mercy: should show mercy;
and as the LORD had
compassion and had
forgiven him such an
immense sum, saved him,
and his family, from being
sold, would had followed
such example, and have had
mercy, on the fellow
servant, as I have pity on
The LORD was worth, very
angry, greatly incensed, and
justly provoked at such
inhuman treatment and
delivered him to
tormentors, to them that
Judge or such that inflicted
punishment according to
the decree of the judge to
be cast into prison, and
there endure all the
cruelties of law and justice
A wicked man is a man who
does not honestly believe
GOD nor diligently seek him
to live as GOD lives, his life
is not compassionate,
merciful, and forgiving,
because of this he shall face
the calamities of judgment
35)So likewise shall my
heavenly FATHER do also
unto you, if ye from your
hearts forgive not every
one his brother their
trespasses .
An unforgiving person will
be judges, because it
determine our eternal
destiny., we must not only
forgive , we must live a life
of forgiveness and mercy,
we must develop a nature
of forgiveness, compassion
and mercy and love towards
one another, if we do not
forgive from our hearts,
neither will GOD forgive us:
Forgiveness comes from the
heart, from a new nature
operated in CHRIST, the
person who does not
forgive others does not
know the forgiveness of
GOD, CHRIST taught the
importance of forgiveness
time and time again
MARK 11:25-26
25)And when ye stand
praying forgive, if ye have
aught against any; that your
FATHER also which is in
heaven may forgive
26)But if you do not forgive,
neither will your FATHER
which is in heaven forgive
your trespasses
When you stand praying, if
you have anything against
anyone, we must forgive
him, drop the issue, let it go
it is not good to pray unless
we forgive, when we pray
there must always be
forgiveness of those who
have wronged us, hard
feeling and anger against a
person is sin, it is evidence
that we have not turn from
sins and not really sincere in
seeking forgiveness.
It is only when we forgive
others, that your FATHER
who is in heaven will also
forgive you your trespasses
and wrongdoings against
him and other, believers
cheat themselves that they
have faith for sufficient for
answered prayer if they
secretly hold hatred or
bitterness in their hearts
against any one, true faith
change the heart, real
prayer dismantles pride and
lets go of hurts, abandon
grudges, vengeance and
replacing it with love and
compassion and forgiving
LUKE 6:36-37
36)Be ye therefore merciful,
as your FATHER also is
37)Judge not, and ye shall
not be judged condemn not,
and ye shall not be
condemn, forgive, and ye
shall be forgiven
Be merciful responsive,
compassionate, tender
hearted, kind, beneficent to
all men, friend and foes: as
your father also is merciful;
that our FATHER in heaven:
who is good to all and his
tender mercies are over all
his works.
Condemn not, and ye shall
not be condemned: Forgive
offence and trespasses
committed against you, a
forgiving spirit
demonstrates that a person
has receive GOD’S
forgiveness, if we treat
others generously,
graciously and
compassionately, it will
return to us in full measure,
we are to love other and not
If we do not judge and
condemned men, but rather
forgive them, then GOD will
not judge and condemn
you, but GOD will forgive
LUKE 7:39-50
v MATTHEW 7:21-23
v MARK 7:6
v JOHN 3:6
v JOHN 14:6
v ACTS 5:31
v ACTS 13:38
v ROMANS 10:9-10
v     EPHESIANS 1:7
v 1 TIMOTHY 1:15
v TITUS 1:16
v PSALMS 103:3-4
v ISAIAH 43:25
v ISAIAH 44:22
v ISAIAH 55:7
39)Now when the
Pharisees which had bidden
him saw it, he spake within
himself, saying, this man, if
he was, saying, this man, if
he were a prophet, would
have known who and what
manner of woman this that
toucheth him for she is a
40)And JESUS answering
said unto Simon, I have
something to say unto thee,
and he saith, Master, say on
41)There was a certain
creditors which had two
debtors; the one owed five
hundred pence, and the
other fifty
42)And when they had
nothing to pay, he frankly
forgave them both, tell me
therefore, which of them
will love him most
43)Simon answered and
said, I suppose that he, to
whom he forgive most, and
he said unto him, thou hast
rightly judged
44)And he turned to the
woman, and said unto
Simon seest thou this
woman? I entered into
thine house, thou gavest me
no water for my feet, but
see hath washed my feet
with tears, and wiped them
with the hairs of her head
45)Thou gavest me no kiss;
but this woman since the
time I came in hath not
ceased to kiss my feet
46)My head with oil thou
didst not anoint: but this
woman hath anointed my
feet with ointment
47)Wherefore I say unto
thee, her sins, which are
many, are forgiven; for she
loved much; but to whom
little is given, the same
loveth little
48)And he said unto her,
thy sins are forgiven
49)And they that sat at
meat with him began to say
within themselves, who is
this that forgiveth sins also?
50)And he said to woman
they faith hath saved thee;
go in peace
JESUS announced that he
had something to say, which
is very important, focused
attention was needed,
omniscient, knew not only
truly her character and
conversation of the woman,
which were publicly known
by all but also the secret
thoughts and reasoning of
the Pharisees and the
Simon, who had never had a
word with JESUS , Simon
had only been thinking
JESUS knowns the truth of
every thought and feeling
JESUS worth more than a
common greeting: he
deserve a humble
heartbroken greeting, is the
only one to whom all men
owed their allegiance , the
only one that have power to
forgive and accept men, the
repentant woman saw
JESUS as the one alone who
could help her and have the
power to help, so the
repentant woman
approached JESUS and
greeted him with a deep
sense of humility and
JESUS deserved more than
a common gift: he deserved
a sacrifice gift, he was seen
as the hope and Savor of
one’s life, so the repentant
woman gave her life, the
repentant surrendered her
life and gave the most
precious gift she had to
anoint her LORD JESUS
JESUS CHRIST was the only
one who have power to
forgive sins, the woman sins
which where many was
Her sins, which are many,
being a great sinner on that
are forgiven; though she
was like the largest debtor
in the parable, which owed
five thousand pence, her
sin were numerous, and
attended with very
aggravated circumstance,
which demonstrated her a
sinner I as a very notorious
one, yet they were all fully
and freely forgiven ,washed,
cleansed, sanctified and 18
justified, and not to rejected
and avoided by Pharisees on
account of her previous life,
but he was forgiving by the
most high GOD, to whom
belong the prerogative of
pardoning sin
Her great love was for the
full and free remission of
her many sins, which has
been manifested to her, was
the cause of her great love,
and of her showing it in the
manner she had done, this
woman had been a great
sinner; her many sins were
pardoned; and she
expressed much love to
JESUS CHRIST from whom
she had received her
pardon by her action.
The self righteous who
believe they have no need
to approach GOD because
they had no sin,:
v Senses only a little need
for forgiveness,
v Has little sense of need
for special mercy and
v They are blinded to
their state of sin,
v They have little personal
relationship with GOD,
v They gives little honor to
GOD, make little
sacrifice for GOD
JESUS doesn’t means we
should ignore wrongdoing,,
but we are not to be so
worried about other’s sin
that we overlook our own,
we often justified our sins
by pointing out the same
mistakes in others, the
sinful woman lavished
tears,, expensive perfume,
and kiss on her Savor, only
those who realize the depth
of their sin can appreciate
the complete forgiveness
GOD offer them
JESUS is the one who save
the repentant woman, the
woman believes CHRIST to
be the Savor , the only one
who could forgive sins and
CHRIST saved her
The Pharisees believed that
only GOD could forgive sins,
so they wondered why
JESUS was saying the
woman’s sins were forgiven,
they did not believe that is
indeed GOD
Those who are deeply
aware of their own past
sinfulness understand how
much they have been
forgiven and therefore they
love JESUS CHRIST much
within a man, if a person is
self -righteous or such
person is truly repentant, no
hide anything from JESUS
CHRIST, He not only knew
her by the Holy spirit, but
knew this man and his
innermost thoughts,
thereby meeting Simon’s
personal thought,
answering what was in
Simon’s mind without his
expressing it
Simon, you did not show
me the common courtesy
that is always customary
with guests by washing their
my feet, but this woman has
not ceased to kiss My feet,
you did not anoint My head
to refresh Me after my long
journey, sermon and work
in healing the multitude of
all manner of diseases , but
this woman has freely
anointed me with her
expensive ointment, mixed
with fragrance and costly
JESUS asked Simon, do you
see this woman, this
repentant?, the repentant
had much to teach the self
righteousness, JESUS
deserve more than common
respect, he deserved a
worshiping respect, he was
seen as LORD and was
respected as LORD by the
repentant woman, he alone
who could meet the need of
the human heart; therefore,
he was the one who was to
be worshipped.
thought to himself.
LUKE 17:3-4
v MARK 11:25-26
v LUKE 6:36
v EPHESIAN 4:31-32
3)Take heed to yourselves,
if thy brother trespass
against thee, rebuke him;
and if he repents forgive
4)And if he trespasses
against thee seven times in
a day, and seven times in a
day turn again to thee,
saying, I repent; thou shalt
forgive him
Pay attention always ,be on
your guard looking out for
one another, that you
neither give or take offence,
take heed to your walk and
conversation, that you give
no offence to any, that you
are not stumbled by what
you shall see in, and meet
with from others, if a
person sin against you go
and tell him his fault, and
seek an explanation, notify
him with what has been the
effect of his conduct, that
he may acknowledge his
we are to rebuke him, but if
he repents, if he made
reasonable and truly sorry
for it, and honestly
acknowledge it , we are to
forgive him, pray to GOD for
him, for an application of
pardoning grace and mercy
to him; and comfort him in
the hope of forgiveness with
GOD, drop all bitterness and
anger, and towards him
with sweetness of temper.
The believer is to confront
the person who offends and
puts a stumbling block way,
by doing what we can to
correct an offending
brother, but the correction
is to be done in love and
compassion not in
judgmental spirit, which is
focus on forgiveness,
believers are to correct
those who sin against them
and do them wrong , so as
not to allow sin to continue
and allow such person to be
indulge and give license to
Trespass against thee, sin
against and does anything
that gives you an offence or
does you and injury,
reprove him, go and tell him
his fault, and seek
explanation about his
conduct that he may
acknowledge his error if he
repents honestly forgive
It is GOD’S unlimited
forgiveness that requires
the believer to forgive
anyone who offends him
and truly repents, even if
the believer has to forgive
the offender seven times a
day for having wrong him,
Forgiving the person that
has offended him, is the
condition, of his receiving
remission of sin from GOD.
1)Brethren, if a man be
overtaken in a fault, ye
which are spiritual, restore
such a one in the Spirit of
meekness; and considering
thyself, lest thou also be
2)Bear ye one another’s
burdens, and so fulfill the
law of CHRIST
Be charitable to the fallen,
for you too, may fall
yourselves, sympathize with
each other, don’t take pride
in mistakes as to your own
superiority watch yourself,
for you, too, can be
tempted and caught in a sin,
therefore we are to love
and help our fallen brothers
just like we would want to
be loved and helped , we
must reach out in love and
gentleness to help our
fallen brothers
If anyone is caught in any
sin, let the spiritual believer
, who have receive the Spirit
of truth, grace and wisdom
and continue to walk by in
the Spirit ,who are
responsive of the guardian
of the Holy spirit, should
handle sinning brothers, so
as to restore such person
in a spirit of gentleness, so
that he is not force , with
sense of superiority or self
righteousness ,but by
keeping a watchful eye on
yourself, so that you are not
tempted as well.
To restore a person means
to lead him back to true
repentance and to full
commitment to JESUS
CHRIST and his ways, dis 
may involve undertaken
Everyman must do this for
himself, but to help share
the burden, grief, misery
and pressure of another,
to carry each other’s
burdens , CHRIST gave and
sacrifice himself to reach
out to man, he bore the sins
of man for man, we, of
course, cannot bear sin of
men: but we carry the
burdens of each other’s, for
we all suffer under the
weight of sin: we can: Be
encourage, compassionate,
forgive, be warm and
communication the
promise of GOD and
distribution which might
include, helping the needy
in time of sickness, sorrow
and financial stress
v LUKE 6 :35-36
v LUKE 14:4
v ROMANS 12:9
v ROMANS 12:10
v 1 PETER 1:22
31)Let all bitterness, and
wrath, and anger, and
clamor, and evil speaking,
be put away from you, wit
all malice
32)And be ye kind one to
another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even
as GOD for CHRIST’S sake
hath forgiven you
Let all bitterness and wrath
and anger and clamor
perpetual animosity,
resentment, strife, fault
finding and slander be put
away from you, along with
any kind of malice all
vindictiveness , bitterness
sometimes designs the
corruption of nature, which
is the irritation and bond of
iniquity: and sometimes
actual sins and
transgression , offence
taken in the mind, against
any person, upon any
account, which should at
once be put away, and not
encouraged .
A man who is bitter is
Harsh, aggrieved,
disparaging, distasteful,
intense, relentless,
traumatic and unpleasant
The believer is to put on
the garment of the new
person- produce true
politeness and desire to
make others happy, gentle,
caring, helpful, considerate,
good, useful, giving,
showering favor upon
Tender-hearted, having a
heart disposed to pity and
compassion, which is
opposed to being hard
hearted to them that are in
distress, and close their
hands to the needy; but are
to extend the bowel of
compassion and to forgive
the fault of erring brother,
as GOD for CHRIST’S sake n
hath forgiven us
The word forgiving means
to be gracious to a person,
to pardon him for his wrong
done to him, by hurting him
and causing him pain, but it
is command that he must
forgive him if he repent of
his action, the reason we
should forgive each other is
because GOD has forgiving
us, because JESUS CHRIST
died for our sins so that we
could be forgiving,
2)And walk in love, as
CHRIST also hath love us,
and hath given himself for 
us an offering and a sacrifice
to GOD for a sweet-smelling
The believer’s life should be
characterized by love: let it
be demonstrated in all his
behavior and conversation,
the believer must imitate
GOD by loving, fervently,
constantly, in sincerity with
all their heart, they should
walk in love to one another,
which is CHRIST new
Commandment and
evidence of regeneration.
CHRIST also love us,
forgiving as CHRIST forgive,
as CHRIST died in our place,
in our stead as our
substitute as himself as
offering to GOD.
Believer is to walk in love,
just as CHRIST has loved us
and has given himself as an
offering and sacrifice to
GOD, the believer is to love
so much that he gives
himself as an offering and
sacrifice, there is no limit to
the offerings and sacrifice of
our lives to GOD and to men
, forgiving our brother their
trespasses as the FATHER
for give us our trespasses
13)Forbearing one another,
and forgiving one another, if
any man have a quarrel
against any; even as CHRIST
forgave you, so also do ye
Believer should bear one
another burden, and with
one another weakness to
put up the garment of
forgiveness, to be gracious
to a person: to pardon him
for some wrong doing
against us, all trespasses
and offence, a person has
hurt us and brought pain to
us, but no matter what they
have done , we are to have
forgiving spirit, we are to be 
clothed with the spirit of
forgiveness, because has
forgiven us, therefore, we
are to forgive those who
have done wrong against us

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