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HEBREWS 11:1-3
1)Now faith is the
substance of things hoped
for, the evidence of things
not seen
2)For by it the elders
obtained a good report
3)Through faith we
understand that the world
were framed by the word of
GOD, so that things which
are seen were not made of
things which do appear
The hallmark of faith
reflects men and women
who have believed GOD
through the centuries ,
which emphasis those who
truly believe GOD is great in
the eyes of GOD, the key to
anyone being great in the
eyes of GOD ,is faith that is
faith in GOD’S Son JESUS
CHRIST, Now faith is the
assurance title deed, the
person who holds the title
deed to property actually
possess the property, for
divine guarantee of things
hoped for, assurance of
things hoped for, and the
evidence of things not seen,
the conviction of their
reality, that is faith
comprehends as fact what
cannot be experienced by
physical sense, that is our
hearts and mind believe
something, faith is
possessing the substance of
the promise of GOD, and we
have assurance and
conviction that is true, faith
is an act of the mind and
The reward of faith, is
GOD’S approval, He is very 
pleased, when we believe
Him and His promises,
faith is trust in GOD in all
circumstances, which
enables the believer to
persevere and remain
steadfastly loyal to GOD and
His word at all times, it is a
faith that believes in
Spiritual realities, leads to
righteousness, seek GOD,
believe in His goodness,
have confidence in His
word, obey His command,
regulate life on His
promises, makes us to reject
the present evil and Spirit in
the world, seek heavenly
home , refuses the pleasure
of sin, endure persecution,
for by this kind of faith the
men of old gained divine
Through faith we
understand that the worlds
were framed as contained in
the scripture about the
work of creation, which is
the first thing that occurred
in the bible GENESIS 1:1 the
truth is the Divine
declaration in regards to the
creation, by the word of the
LORD were the heavens
made, and all the host of
them by the breath of His
mouth, in regards to the
agency of the Son of GOD in
the work of creation by the
word of GOD, by JESUS
CHRIST, the essential word
of GOD, to whom the
creation of all things as
ascribed in
JOHN 1:1
The basic understanding of
faith means to perceive with
our mind and heart, we
obtain knowledge and
understanding about, GOD
did create the world, and
things of the Spiritual realm
that happens in the Spiritual
level through revelation and
it is understood through
“faith” the natural minds
cannot understand the
things given by GOD,
including creation, only
regenerated mind through
revelation can comprehend
such things, by faith that is,
with an inherent trust and
enduring confidence in the
power, wisdom and
goodness of GOD, we
understand that the world ,
universe, ages, were framed
and created formed, put in
order, and equipped for
their intended purpose by
the word of GOD, GOD
called the universe into
existence out of nothing,
the doctrine taught is, that
material substance was not
eternal; that the materials
of the universe, as well as
the arrangement, were
formed by GOD, and that
was done by a simple
command of the word, He
declared that is was to be,
and it was, our faith is in the
GOD who created the entire
universe by His word , our
faith must be based on that,
GOD’S word is mighty
powerful and awesome,
when a believer looks at the
origin of the world, he Sees
GOD, GOD’S word, GOD 
willed and spoke, matter
appeared, the worlds were
created by GOD’S word, the
things seen were made by
GOD, we were not here
when GOD created the
world, but we believe that a
supreme being, GOD made
the world, therefore, the
basic understanding of the
believer is that GOD exists
and that He has created the
world, GOD is the giver of
life and the world of life,
GOD gave breath to man
and His world
The visible world, and all
visible in it, were made all
of nothing, they were not
made from pre-existent
matter , but out of nothing,
out of which the rude and
nun digested chaos was
formed; and from that
invisible mass, covered with
darkness ,all was produce of
that formless, void, dark
chaos, were all visible things
brought into beautiful
order, all thing are out of
nothing, which was invisible
void and formless, was
made of non pre-existent
matter or atoms, but of
nothing by the word of GOD
created the heavens and
earth which before were
not in being, and unseen,
and that He made to
appear, that He might put
them into the form and
order they now are
ISAIAH 42:56
ISAIAH 45:12,18
4)By faith Abel offered unto
GOD a more excellent
sacrifice than Cain, by which
he obtained witness that he
was righteous, GOD
testifying of his gifts and by
it he being dead yet
Cain and Abel were Adam
and Eve’s first two sons,
By faith Abel offered to GOD
a more acceptable sacrifice
that pleased GOD , the
firstlings of his flock and of
the fat therefore, implying
both a confession of what
his own sin, acknowledging
himself a sinner who
deserved to die and hoping
for mercy through great
sacrifice and desire of
sharing in the great
atonement, which He
offered by
acknowledgement of GOD
as the creator, by obtaining
both righteousness, and
testimony of it, GOD
testifying visibly that his
gifts were accepted, that
the offering is made in
faith , and it is counted as
No greater gift could be
given us than to give us the
glorious privilege of being
counted righteous by GOD,
to be counted righteous is
the great need of man, and
unless some way can be
found to cause GOD to
count us righteous ,
through which it was
testified of him that He was
righteous upright, in right
standing with GOD, and
GOD testified by accepting
His gifts, and though He still
speaks GENESIS 4:3-10 the
voice of thy brother’s blood
cried unto me from the 
ground, which represent
Abel still speaking
Abel approach God in
worshiping exactly was GOD
says, by the sacrifice of
blood, sin had to be
covered by the shedding of
blood , this was the symbol
that pointed to the blood of
that had to be shed in order
to cleanse the sins of men,
Abel believed GOD
approached and worshiped
GOD exactly as GOD said
through the sacrifice of
animal, which was a
reflection of the covering of
goat skin from animal, Put
on Adam and Eve from a
sacrifice animal represented
the covering of atonement ,
to cover the nakedness of
Adam and Eve after they
have committed sin, as a
simple of animal sacrifice
acceptable to GOD
GENESIS 3:9-10
Cain have no sense of sin,
the superior excellency of
Abel’s sacrifice to Cain both
in the manner , the one was
offered heartly to the LORD,
the other, which is offered
in faith as unto CHRIST as a
Lamb, a type of CHRIST, the
Lamb of GOD: a firstling, the
other not, that is Cain, did
not believe GOD he did not
accept GOD’S word, he did
not approached GOD
through the sacrifice of
atonement, He made a
material sacrifice and
offering of GOD, he
approach GOD through the
efforts and fruits of human
works, the fruit borne of the
earth,, the fruit of a dying
hands , Cain recognized that
what the scripture said,
that he was sinful and
imperfect and that he could
never be accepted to GOD
who is perfect and Holy, not
until his sins had to be
Faith has the power to give
us a day to day walk with
GOD and deliver us from
death, GOD through His
own Son who died for our
5)By faith Enoch was
translated that he should
not see death; and was not
found, because GOD had
translated him; for before
his translation he had this
testimony, that pleased
By faith that pleased GOD,
Enoch was caught up and
taken to heaven so that he
would not have a glimpse of
death, by the account of
Enoch in
GENESIS 5:21-24 Enoch
walk with GOD, and was
not, for GOD took him, he
was not among the people
for he was remove from the
earth, he was transported
without seeing death,
having pleased GOD Enoch
is selected as the only one
of that generation signaled
out by eminent faithfulness
who lived in right standing
with GOD, who appears to
have spent his life in openly
rebuke and reproving sinful
generation and warning
them of the approaching
judgment JUDE 14-15 the
wickedness which
ultimately led to the
universal flood seems
already to have commenced 
in the earth, and Enoch, like
Noah his great-grandson,
was raised up as a preacher
of righteousness to reprove
a sinful generation
For GOD had taken him to
Himself in heaven, in the
time of his life, and walking
with GOD in this sinful
world, Enoch believed GOD,
believed that if he walked
and fellowshipped with
GOD day by day, all the
time of his witnessing for
GOD in it, GOD witnessed by
his work on his soul to
himself, by his ministry and
life to the world to the place
of His residence, and in the
very act changed his body
into a spiritual, powerful,
glorious, and incorruptible
one; as all the true believer,
shall be at last
v LUKE 11:9-10
v JOHN 3:11
v JOHN 3:18
v JOHN 3:36
v JOHN 6:28-29
v JOHN 8:24
v ACTS 17:27
v ROMANS 10:17
v HEBREWS 3:12
v 1 JOHN 3:23
6)But without faith it is
impossible to please him;
for he that cometh to GOD
must believe that he is, and
that he is a rewarder of
them that diligently seek
It is impossible to please
GOD without faith, a faith
living, active faith a faith
that knows and follows
GOD, communes and
fellowship with GOD,
without confidence in GOD,
His truth, His wisdom, His
promises , it is impossible to
walk with GOD and please
Him, we must believe in the
existence of the living and
Holy GOD, it is utterly
impossible to please GOD
without faith, which means
the person will never be
acceptable to GOD, who
cares for us,
GOD; to the throne of, His
grace, to pray unto Him, to
implore His grace and
mercy, help and assistance,
worship, and serve Him, and
in order to enjoy His
presence, and have
communion with Him;
which coming ought to be
Spiritual and with the heart,
and supposes Spiritual life,
and must through JESUS
CHRIST and by Faith, must
believe that He exist and it
is revealed in the word and
believe in GOD, a person
must look at JESUS the Son
of GOD, who reveals GOD to
man, and believe in GOD,
for whoever comes near to
GOD must necessarily
believe that GOD exists,
which is the first thing
required in worship, we
must not come to Him in
unacceptable manner if we
doubt, we do not see Him,
but we must believe that He
is, we cannot form in our
mind a correct image of
GOD , it is necessary that
we have this belief in lively
exercise in the act of
drawing near to Him, we
must realize that we are
actually in the presence of
all seeing GOD His existence
We must believe that GOD
rewards those who
earnestly seek Him, to
sincerely seek Him and
follow Him He rewards
those who earnestly and
diligently seek him above all
things else, in their hearts
GOD care in this life and 
deliverance from death
unto eternal life
v MATTHEW 25:31-32
v JOHN 5:22
v ACTS 10:42
v ACTS 13:39
v ACTS 17:31
v ROMANS 3:23-24
v ROMANS 4:3
v ROMANS 5:1
v ROMANS 5:9
v ROMANS 6:7
v ROMANS 8:33
v ROMANS 14:10
v 2 TIMOTHY 4:1
v HEBREWS 9:27
v 2 PETER 2:9
v 2 PETER 3:7
v 1 JOHN 4:17
v JUDE 1:14-15
v GENESIS 6:5-8
v GENESIS 6:11-14
v GENESIS 6: 17-19,22
7) By faith Noah, being
warned of GOD of things
not seen as yet, moved with
fear,prepared an ark to the
saving of his house; by the
which condemned the
world and became heir of
the righteousness which is
by faith
By faith with confidence in
GOD and His word Noah,
being warned by GOD, man
had reach the point of no
return in the time past in
world history when the
earth had become so
wicked that it was filled with
corruption and violence, it
was so corrupt that every
imagination of man’s heart
was corruption and evil
man had reach a point of no
repent and return to GOD,
GOD left with no choice;
that the earth had to be
destroyed, but there was
only one man on earth who
was Godly Noah, he
worshiped and honor GOD
in his life, therefore GOD
warned Noah of the coming
judgment up on the earth
GOD told Noah to prepare
an ark and the ark would
save him, his family, and
two of every animal and
GOD told Noah to warn the
world of the coming
Noah received the warning
from GOD and he believe
GOD warning of the coming
judgment, diligently taken
GOD at His word,
immediately acting upon
what GOD says, he began to
build the ark with a godly
fear and reverence, knowing
that what GOD said would
come to pass. About events
not yet seen, of the flood 
which was not yet visible
sign of it; it was done in the
belief of what GOD said,
there was nothing which is
the basis of calculation that
it would occur, that is, not
only as being future, but of
such a nature that no one
had ever seen or heard of
anything like it, namely, the
dissolution of the world by a
flood, and the destruction
of all its inhabitants, that
Noah was to take for
preservation of his family
prepared an ark for the
saving of his family,
immediately and without
delay, he set about the
building of the ark, and
made it exactly according to
the patten which was given
him by GOD he was to
secure himself, and wife,
his three sons and their
wives ,from the impending
ruin, yet this revelation
Noah received with faith
from GOD, this warning was
giving a one hundred and
twenty (120) years before
the flood, therefore Noah
was influenced by the fear
of what was coming , in
reverence prepared an ark
for salvation of his family,
by this act of obedience he
condemned the world, that
is , the wicked world around
him, that by his confidence
in GOD, and his preparation
for the flood , He showed
the wisdom of his own
course and the foolishness
of the others around him,
the guilt and foolishness of
their lives by the contrast
between his conduct; Noah
stood fast in his faith
despite the mockery of the
world, Noah lived far, far
inland from the ocean; he
was nowhere close to the
sea or shipbuilding yard of
the world as large as ocean
liner , the world mock him,
he was called a fool and
thought that he is insane ,
he suffered abuse and scorn
, but that did not deter him,
he was faithful, he preached
the righteousness and the
coming judgment of GOD,
in the eyes of the world he
was nothing more than a
foolish preacher , that did
not deter him, he continued
to build the ark he remain
faithful and continue to
proclaimed the truth to
warned the people all what
GOD told him to do, he
continued on to work at
saving himself and his
family, a world that lives by
science and technology is
tempted to trust in nothing
beyond itself, they draw
attention and focus all their
attention upon the world of
sense, and feelings, of
comfort,, and pleasure, of
possessions and self, they
therefore ignore the idea of
GOD and the coming
Noah’s reward was
threefold , Noah family was
saved, He believed the
warning of GOD about the
coming judgement,
therefore GOD saved him
and his family, everyone
else around Noah died in 
the flood, to be separated
from GOD forever, as they
refuse the warning of GOD
about the coming judgment
the world was commend
and Noah’s faith was
vindicated , and became an
heir of the righteousness
which comes by faith, which
means properly that he
acquired, gained, or became
possessed of that
righteousness , Noah was
not the heir of
righteousness by
inheritance from his
ancestors,, but by virtue of
it , he obtained it, by the
virtue of it ,he was
manifested in obedience by
Faith, he entered into the
inheritance of righteousness
which faith had brought
him, regarded as among the
heirs of GOD,
GENESIS 6:13-22 and as
being a possessor of that
righteousness, which is by
faith, Noah was called
preacher of righteousness
2 PETER 2:5 Noah
experienced rejection
because he was different
from his neighbors,
HEBREWS 11:8-10
v MATTHEW 7:21-25
v ACTS 7:2-3
v ROMANS 8:14-17
v 1 TIMOTHY 2:4
v HEBREWS 13:14
v 2 PETER 3:10-13
v GENESIS 11:26-32
v GENESIS 12:1-5
v GENESIS 13:14-17
v GENESIS 15:1-7
v GENESIS 17:15-19
10)For he looked for a city
which hath foundations,
whose builder and maker is
an obedient believing faith,
a faith that genuinely
believed , obeyed and hope
in GOD, GOD gave Abraham
a great call, GOD called and
challenged Abraham to be a
witness to other people of
the world, a witness to only
the true and living GOD, He
challenged Abraham to
separate himself from the
world and follow GOD, to
leave his father’s house,
friends , employment, and
his country Abraham
obeyed GOD; he believed
GOD, he had a decisive,
obedient faith.
He obeyed, and he went
out, he acted immediately ,
he did not hesitate,, argue,
questioned or waver back
and forth, he obeyed, as
soon as he had the call of
GOD, he got up and
followed GOD; he acted
decisively , faith and
obedience are inseparable,
just as unbelief and
disobedience are
inseparable, Abraham was
influence by faith in GOD
and he believed in GOD and
it was counted it to him for
righteousness, and he
went, not knowing where
he was going, he did not
know where following GOD
would lead him, he just
believed the promises of
GOD; therefore, he acted
upon his belief, he believed
therefore ,he obeyed, a
person who truly believes
GOD obeys GOD, no person
knows where his faith will
lead him, but he is not to 
fear following GOD, GOD is
good and he has only good
things in store for true
believers, if we shrink back
and do not believe and
follow GOD, then we shall
miss out on the promise of
By faith in the Divine
promises; Abraham when
he was called by GOD in
reference to GENESIS 12:1
to go from father’s house
and native land; into a place
far distance, which GOD
promised he should
afterwards receive for an
inheritance of a promise
land, and he never saw a
nation of people born of his
seed, Abraham never even
owned a piece of land upon
which he could settle and
live, he was only a stranger,
a wonderer from place to
place in a strange country,
he even lived to a ripe old
age, seeing both his son and
grandson born, and he
witnessed them become the
heirs of the promise, not
inheritors of the land , he
never saw them receive one
parcel of land , but despite
all as it appeared to be all
kind of odds against GOD
promises ,Abraham still
believed in GOD without
disputing or murmuring he
obeyed, and believing GOD,
when out, not knowing
whither he went ,although
he did not know the country
to which he was going, nor
whether it was a good or
bad land, and not knowing
what will befall him, the
trail of Abraham’s faith was,
that he simply and fully
obeyed the call of GOD, he
still believed in the hope
GOD has given him, he
believe it so strongly that he
even taught the same
promises to his son Isaac
and to his grandson Jacob,
he lives as a foreigner in the
promise land, living in tents
as nomads with Isaac and
Jacob, who were fellow
heirs of the same promise
living in tents built no
houses but lived as nomads
with Isaac and Jacob, who
were fellow heirs of the
same promise
For he was waiting
expectantly and confidently
looking forward to the city,
the great heavenly city was
his hope His faith was faith
that looked beyond this
world to heaven, Abraham
knew that the earthly land
of promise was not the end
of his pilgrimage , rather, it
pointed beyond to the
heavenly city that GOD had
prepared for believers who
are His faithful,, he believed
that GOD was going to give
him the land of Canaan
which was a type or symbol
of the great land of heaven,
the great city whose
architect is GOD believer
must emulate Abraham’s
example for all GOD’S
people; we are only
traveling through this world 
on our way to GOD’S city
and His Home for us in
heaven, we are strangers
and exiles on earth , this is
not our home land, but
foreign territory , the end of
our pilgrim is heaven which
has foundation s, and
eternal, heavenly city whose
architect and builder is GOD
HEBREWS 11-11-15
v ROMANS 4:21
v ROMANS 8:38-39
v 2 TIMOTHY 1:12
v HEBREWS 13:14
11) through faith also Sarah
herself received strength to
conceive seed, and was
delivered of a child when
she was past age , because
she judged him, faithful who
had promised
12) Therefore, sprang there
even of one, and him as
good as dead, so many as
the stars of the shy in
multitude; and as the sand
which is by the seashore
13)There all died in faith,
not having received the
promises, but having seen
them afar off, and were
persuaded of them, and
embrace them, and
confessed that they were
strangers and pilgrims on
the earth
14)For they that say such
things declared plainly that
they seek a country
15)And truly, if they had
been mindful of that
country from whence they
came out, they might have
had opportunity to have
Sarah was Abraham’s wife,
they were unable to have
children through many
years of their marriage,
GOD promised Abraham a
Son, when she was past the
normal age for it, though at
first she laughed at the
promise, Sarah had
difficulty believing GOD at
first, when she first had the
promise of GOD, yet she
afterwards feared, and
believed, through faith she
received strength that
receiving power from GOD
to retain and conceived
seed, she manifested faith
because she considered him
who had given her the
promise to be reliable, it
was GOD who was given the
promise , which is true to
His words, and was
delivered of a child when
she was past age of bearing
and bringing forth children,
being ninety years of age it
was a miraculous birth, but
GOD had promised and He
fulfilled his promise seed
GENESIS 17:1919
GENESIS 18:11-15
So from one man, from a
single individual the whole
Jew sprang from one man,
which is the reward of
Abraham strong faith he
was made the father and
founder of the Jews,
though he was physically as
good as dead, being
hundred years of age the
body of both Abraham and
Sarah were like a dead
carcass to human
appearance , there was no
more possibility that he will
have a son at that period of
life, than that were born as
many descendants as the
stars and nation heaven in
number, and innumerable
as the sand on the shore,
Sarah believed the
impossible, and GOD
rewarded her faith and she
receive the impossible the
promised Son and nation
through her seed, those
who profess the be born
again by the sacrifice of
JESUS CHRIST for their sins,
they exist today because
Sarah believed the
impossible promise of GOD
Believers are only strangers
and pilgrims on earth, they
are only passing through
this earth and this life and
world, which is so brief and
corrupt, they are heir and 
citizens of heaven, all these
Abraham, Jacob , Isaac and
others, died in faith guided
and sustained by it, faith
had been the support and
guide of their life, and their
death was in accordance
with the same principles,
that is Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, Sarah without
receiving the tangible
fulfilments of GOD’S
promise, not having the
things promised the land of
Canaan, the Messiah, and
the blessing of the Gospel
dispensation; they had the
promises things, and though
they were not fulfilled in
their days, they believed
they would be fulfilled, and
died in the faith of them,
having seen them afar off,
their faith was a visionary
faith, they saw the promises
of GOD afar off, not by sight
but in their hearts and
minds what was the
promises, the things
themselves in promise only
having seen anticipated
them and having welcome
them from a distance, and
having acknowledged that
they were strangers and
exiles on earth, thus
Abraham said I am a
stranger and a sojourner
with you, that he regard
himself as a foreigner, as
having no home and no
possessions there, it was on
this ground that he
proposed to buy a burial
Their faith was a faith that
ensured, that for ever 
sought an unseen, heavenly
country, Abraham Jacob
Isaac and other men who
had great faith in GOD and
His promises, these all died
believing what GOD has
promised and not a single
one of them ever received
the promise, they had to
believe in them, hoping in
them and accept them by
faith , their faith is a
visionary faith, they saw the
promises of GOD afar of,
not by sight but in their
hearts and minds,
PSALMS 39:12
It was a promise of a
country of a better country,
a heavenly world, JESUS
CHRIST even said that
Abraham saw His days and
rejoiced in the Hope
JOHN 8:56
Their faith was a growing
faith, they saw the promises
of GOD and were thankful,
they were persuaded of the
promises of GOD, they
believe that the promises
were true, that there was a
promised land and that GOD
was going to give it the
them, that His promises He
was going to fulfill , they
rejoiced and loved the
promise, setting their eyes
upon it, they admitted that
they were only aliens and
strangers on earth, just
passing through until they
could inherit the glorious
hope of the promised land,
their faith is a working faith,
they actively sought after
the promise land and
declared the fact to all,
they did not just sit back
and talk about the promise
land, they did not go about
their lives upon the earth,
ignoring the promise land,
the early believers actively
sought after the promise
land, they got up and went
looking for it, leaving the
world and its passions
behind, by separation from
the world and seeking after
GOD’S promises, they show
that they were men and
women of true faith, their
faith is enduring faith, they
never returned to the
country they left UR,OF THE
CHALDEES they had
separated from the world
and began a search for the
promise land of GOD and
stayed on the search, they
kept their mind and thought
on the promise land, they
did not harbor the thoughts
of the old world’s pleasures
and desires, possession and
indulgences, feelings and
comforts, they did not
return to the old world
when they had the chance,
they endured to the end,
they went to the grave,
from the call of Abraham to
the death of Jacob there
were two hundred years, so
that they had enough time
to return if they had the
mind to, there was no
external difficulties in their
way by force of opposition,
the journey was not so long
or dangerous that they
could not have retrace their 
steps, this shows that their
remaining as strangers and
sojourners in the land of
Canaan was voluntary, they
preferred it with all its
inconveniences and
hardship, than to return to
their native land ,believing
in the great hope of GOD for
the promise land the same
thing is true, if they choose
to return to the world, and
to engage again in all its
vain pursuits, there was
nothing to hinder them,
there are abundant
enticements held out in the
world, there are numerous
frivolous and worldly friends
who are ready to accept
them back to participate in
their worldly pleasures of
vanities and foolishness
16)But now they desire a
better country, that is a
heavenly; wherefore GOD is
not ashamed to be called
their GOD; for he hath
prepared for them a city
That is an heavenly, having
deserted this world, as
strangers in it, they sought,
desired, and hoped for the
greatest and earnest, a city
in the country of heaven
,these people of faith died
without receiving all that
GOD had promised, but
they never lost their vision
of heaven a better country,
they showed that they
sought a better country
than the one which they
had left, they lived as if they
had no expectation of a
permanent residence on
earth, and were looking to 
another world, they have a
confident belief that the
land of Canaan would be
given to their future, but as
for themselves they had no
expectation of permanent
dwelling there, but looked
to a home in the heavenly
country, hence they have no
plan of conquest, but
looked for better and final
home in a better country,
even a heavenly.
Many believers become
frustrated and defeated
because their needs, wants,
expectations and demands
are not immediately met
when they believe in JESUS
CHRIST, they become
impatient and want to quit,
we must take courage from
the heroes of faith who
lived and died without
seeing the fruit of their faith
on earth and yet continued
to believe, those who
honored GOD by living as
“aliens and strangers /
pilgrims by desiring a better
country GOD will honored
by calling Himself their GOD
He will not be ashamed by
acknowledging them as his
very own
That heavenly state and
place which they sought for,
which noticeably
transcended Canaan so
they desire a better country
than this world, such as
heaven, that is, an heavenly;
inheritance in heaven, an
eternal house in the
heaven, the kingdom of
heaven, they received
GOD’S approval, GOD is not
ashamed to be called their
GOD; they are still living,
even today, and so is GOD ,
He is the GOD of Abraham
Isaac and Jacob and He is
not ashamed to be called
their GOD, they are living in
GOD’S presence for
thousand years, GOD loves
and commits Himself to all
those who believe Him and
His promises, He is not
ashamed of them

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