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HEBREWS 11:17-19
v GENESIS 22:1-3
v GENESIS 22:9-12
v GENESIS 22:15-18
v MATTHEW 19:26
v MARK 9:23
v LUKE 1:37
v JOHN 1:29
v JOHN 3:15-16
v JOHN 5:24-25
v JOHN 6:40
v JOHN11:25
v JOHN 15:13
v ROMANS 5:6
v 2 TIMOTHY 1:10
v TITUS 2:14
v 1 JOHN 3:16
v HEBREWS 11:6
v JAMES 2:17
17)By faith Abraham, when
he was tried, offered up
Isaac; and he that had
received the promises
offered up his only begotten
18) Of whom is said, that in
Isaac shall thy seed be
19)Accounting that GOD
was able to raise him up,
even from the dead; from
whence also he received
him in figure
The trial of Abraham’s faith
was, that he simply and
fully obeyed the call of GOD,
by the same excellent faith
Abraham alone, and by
himself considered, being
tried by GOD, in a rare way,
to give proof of the truth of
his faith , reverting to
Abraham, whose faith , in
leaving his country, in living
as a stranger in Canaan, he
has already mentioned, he
now adduces the third and
greatest instance of his
faithful obedience in being
ready to offer up Isaac,
Abraham was placed in
circumstances which
showed what was the real
strength of his confidence in
GOD’S unbelievable
command, commanded
Abraham to take Isaac and
to offer him as sacrifice to
Him, GOD commanded that
human sacrifice be made to
Him, asked to offer to GOD
his own Son, GOD was
testing the faith of Abraham
, he showed great readiness
to do it; as he heard the
command given him, he
traveled days journey in
order to accomplish it, this
mighty faith enabled him to
do this, he took the wood of
the burnt offering, and laid
it on his son; took fire, and a
knife in his hand, with the
one to burn the word, with
the other to slay his son; he 
built and alter, laid the
wood, with the order to slay
his Son, he bound his son,
and laid him on the wood,
and took the knife, and
stretched forth his hand to
slay him, and fully intended
to do it, had he not been
prevented; and all he did by
faith, he believed the
equity, justice, and wisdom
of the divine command; he
was fully assured of the
truth and faithfulness of
GOD in his promises,
though he is the only
begotten son by promise,
that is he showed he was
ready and willing to make
the sacrifice, and would
have done it if he had not
been restrained by the voice
of the Angel, so far as the
intention of Abraham was
concerned, the deed was
done, for he had made
every preparation for the
offering, and was actually of
his Son
GENESIS 22:11-12
GOD has made the supreme
promise of the seed of the
Savior, of GOD’s very own
supreme hope of the
promised land and of
dwelling in the very
presence of GOD, and the
inheritance are for eternity,
GOD was using the offering
of Isaac as a sacrifice to
symbolize the offering up
of GOD’S only Son as the
sacrifice for man’s sins, was
also teaching that man
must trust GOD to the
ultimate degree, man must
be willing to sacrifice the
thing he loves the most and
holds dearest to his heart,
he must love GOD
supremely, love GOD and
His promises above all else,
GOD will not accept second
best and divided loyalty, He
demands to be first in the
life of every believer, a
person either puts Him first
or else he is unacceptable to
GOD, Abraham loved GOD
And he that had received
the promises offered up his
only begotten son, the
fulfilment of those promises
depend on him whom he
was about to offer as a
sacrifice, it was especially
strong in his ease from the
circumstances that he had
and only son, and that the
fulfilment of the promise
depended on his life, he to
whom it was said, that in
Isaac shall they seed be
called, Abraham known that
God never broke His
promises and that GOD
could not fulfill His promise
without Isaac He counted
GOD trustworthy true and
faithful to His promise, that
in Isaac shall thy seed be
called: that numerous
natural seed of his, which
should inherit the land of
Canaan; and his special
famous seed, the Messiah,
to whom the promises were
made ROMANS 9:7
Accounting that GOD was
able to raise him up even
from the dead, and that he
will do it; for so Abraham
evidently believed, He has
being told expressly that it
was to be through his
favorite Son Isaac, , which
the promise could be fulfill ,
he was now commanded to
put to death as sacrifice and
prepared to do it, to fulfilled
the promises therefore,
there was no other way
possible that but for him to
be raised from the dead,
and Abraham fully believe
that it would be done, the
child was given to him at
first in a supernatural
manner, and he was
prepared, therefore, to
believe that he would be
restored to him again by
miracles, His birth was long
promised prolonged and
expected, as CHRIST was his
birth was the ordinary
course of nature attended
with great joy, as a type of
the death and resurrection
of CHRIST, he did not doubt
that he will raise him up
immediately from the dead,
the faith of Abraham in this
remarkable instance shows
us that the doctrine of the
resurrection of the dead,
not withstanding the limited
knowledge and revelation,
was believed in the world,
his generation was a kind of
resurrection from the dead ,
By the command of GOD,
predicted him in
deliverance: Abraham
stretched out his hand, but
was restrained not Isaac but
the ram was stained ,
Abraham received his Son in
the Resemblance of a
resurrection; it was life from
the dead, Abraham, looked
upon him as dead man; so
he was accounted as dead,
and was received alive,
Abraham was totally
committed to sacrifice Isaac,
he was totally committed to
love GOD and His word,
Abraham believed GOD and
loved Him above the most
dear thing on earth,
therefore GOD stopped the
judgment upon Isaac, which
is like a resurrection from
the dead, we as believers
must trust and love GOD,
we must trust him above
everything else, we must
trust the sacrifice of GOD’S
own Son for our sins and
trust His resurrection and
trust His assurance of being
resurrected and living
forever with GOD
v GENESIS 25:23
v GENESIS 27:1-4
v GENESIS 27:22-29
v GENESIS 27:33
v 2 CHONICLES 7:14
v ISAIAH 55:7
v EZEKIEL 18:21
v ACTS 17:30
20) By faith Isaac blessed
Jacob and Esau concerning
things to come
By faith, by firmly believing
what GOD had revealed
unto him concerning the
future state of his children;
Isaac is the prime example
of a person who believes
the promise of GOD, he
believed that GOD would
fulfill His promises through
his sons, fulfil His promise
despite the selfishness and
conniving deception of his
sons, Jacob is the younger
Son who stayed close to
their mother who is a home 
boy, Esau was Isaac’s older
son he wanted Esau the
receive the greater blessing
of GOD, in particular he
wanted Esau to be the seed
through whom GOD would
fulfil the promise of a
promised land and of a
nation of people, Isaac was
aged and blind when he was
ready to pass the blessing
on to his sons, GOD had told
his wife , Rebekah, that
Jacob was to be the one
who was to receive the
blessing; the older Son is to
serve the younger:
23)And the LORD said unto
her two nations are in thy
womb, and two manner of
people shall be separated
from thy bowels; and the
one people shall be stronger
than the other people; and
the elder shall serve the
Isaac was reluctant to obey
GOD: he preferred Esau,
when it came to the time of
passing the blessing of
GOD’S promise on to his
son, Isaac planned to ignore
GOD’s will and bless Esau,
Rebekah overheard Isaac’s
plans to ignore and bypass
GOD’S will, she therefore
plotted with Jacob to
deceive Isaac being the one
who received the direction
from GOD
22)And the children
struggled together within
her; and she said if it be so,
why am I thus? And she
went enquire of the LORD
She plotted with Jacob to
deceive Isaac and have him
pass the blessing on to
Jacob, because Isaac was
blind and unable to see;
therefore Jacob and His
mother Rebekah was able
to deceive Isaac and receive
the blessing, Isaac refused
to reverse the blessing
when the deception was
discovered, finally he turned
away from his own desire
and did GOD;S will
33)And Isaac trembled very
exceedingly, and said, who/
where is he that hath taken
venison, and brought it to
me, and I have eaten of all
before thou camest, and
have blessed him? Yea, and
he shall be blessed
Isaac believed in the
promises of GOD; he
believed in the promise
seed and the promise land,
that he pronounced a
blessing on them in respect
to their future condition,
this is by faith in GOD who
had communicated it to
him, and in full confidence
that he would accomplish all
that was predicted, the act
of faith here was simply
what GOD says is true,
there were no human
probabilities at the time
when these prophetic
announcement were made,
Isaac pronounced blessing
by faith believing they
would be bestowed on
them, which should have
been the basis for his
calculation; but all that he 
said must have rested
merely on the belief that
GOD had revealed it to him,
a blessing was pronounced
on each, of a very different
nature, but Isaac had no
doubt that both would be
fulfilled Isaac blessed Jacob
and Esau, prophetically
foretold the particular
blessings they should
receive , preferring the
younger before the elder,
GENESIS 27:26-40
He never saw the promises
of GOD; he believed in the
promise seed and the
promised land, he never
saw the promise fulfilled,
not during his life time upon
earth, he was only a pilgrim
and sojourner on earth,
never seeing and promise
land, but he believed and
held firm to his belief so
firm that he passed the
blessing of GOD’S promises
down though his son Jacob,
Isaac died, but he died as a
man of faith
21) By faith Jacob, when he
was a dying, blessed both
the sons of Joseph; and
worshiped, learning upon
the top of his staff
Jacob never saw the
promise land given to Israel,
in fact, he saw the reverse,
his family was forced to
Egypt because of famine,
yet he continued to worship
GOD, Jacob worshiped while
he was dying, Jacob bless
both of Joseph son that he
pass the promise of GOD to
them, he gave them the
inheritance in the land of
promise and the promise
seed, they had been born in 
Egypt; , he passed the
blessing nevertheless of the
promise down through
them, never ever believing
and passing on GOD’S
promise even as he was
dying ,By faith Jacob, when
he was dying, when he saw
his death near when he
pronounced this blessing
on Ephraim and Manasseh,
the sons of Joseph, on both
of whom he laid his hands,
preferring Epharim the
younger before Manasseh
the elder, by laying his right
hands on his head, and his
left on the other, and so
adopt them to be his
children , gives them the
blessing of the covenant, as
to their person , and the
inheritance of the two tribes
amongst his son, as
belonging to Joseph, as
birth right, these by faith he
foretold, and applied was
particular to each of them
from GOD Himself through
GENESIS 49:22-26
whereas he could not
distinguish the son of
Joseph by sight, and yet he
distinguished them by faith
GENESIS 48:10-15 and from
being grand-children, he
declared them to be his
sons, when he transferred
the right to Joseph, and
had adopted his two
Children, Jacob was Isaac’s
son and Abraham’s
grandson became the father
of Israel 12 tribes, even
when Jacob also called
Israel was dying in a strange
land, he believes the
promise that, Abraham’s
descendants would be like
the sand on the seashore
and that Israel would be a
great nation
GENESIS 48:1-22
For having sent for Joseph,
he raised up himself on the
pillow at the bed’s head,
and for his support use his
staff, leaning on the head of
it, when in faith he declares
his will to his son Joseph,
and bind him with oath, to
bury him in Machpelah in
Canaan, with Abraham and
Isaac, heirs of the same
promise, as an earnest ,
which Joseph solemnly
sworn to him, Jacob bowed
himself and worshiped,
lifting up his heart to GOD
in thankfulness for his
continual providence in the
gradual accomplishment of
his promise to the seed of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
as he did by faith, adoring
his sovereign LORD and
Savior by his humbly bowing
before Him.
And Israel bowed himself
upon the bed’s head,
implies properly the idea of
worshiping, bowing for the
purpose of worship the top
of Joseph’s staff, having on
it an image of Joseph’s
power, to which Jacob
bowed in recognition of the
future sovereignty of his
son’s GENESIS 47:31
22)By faith Joseph, when
he died, made mention of
the departing of the
children of Israel: and gave
commandment concerning
his bones
By faith in GOD’S promise,
to give Canaan to the
posterity of Jacob, Joseph,
when he died, made
mention of the departing of
Israel, namely , out of Egypt,
THAT HE called this to their
mind; he spake of it, and
Joseph said unto his
brethren, I die, and GOD will
surely visit you, and bring
you out of this land unto the
promise land Canaan, which
he sware to Abraham, to
Isaac and to Jacob, this
prediction must have rested
on faith in the promise of
GOD, there was no events
then occurring which would
be likely to lead to this, and
nothing which could be a
basis of calculation that it
could be so, except what
GOD has spoken, the faith
of Joseph was simple
confidence in GOD, and its
strength was seen in his
firm conviction that what
had been promised would
be fulfilled , even when
there were no appearance
that to human view justified
it as an event which would
certainly; and gave
commandment concerning
his bone, to be carried into
the land of promise, which
shows that he believed
their departure out of Egypt
was at a great distance,
when his flesh is consumed
and only the bones left, as it
was about two hundred
years after his death, in 
respect of carrying them the
borne out of Egypt with
them, and burying them in
the land, of Canaan, he had
such a firm belief that they
would possess the land of
promises, that he exacted
an oath, nor could they
have taken it unless both he
and they had a sure
confidence that what GOD
had spoken would be
performed thereby,
testifying his joint interest
with them in the promises
of GOD, this command was
a great faith of Joseph that
the children of Israel will
return to Canaan, and which
might serve greatly to
confirm their faith in it
GENESIS 50:24,25,
Joseph’s faith was faith that
believed, as a young man,
he had been sold as a slave
into Egypt by his own
brothers who had sold him
GENESIS 37:23, while a
slave, he was falsely
accused by his master’s wife
of trying to seduce her, he
had rejected her advances,
choosing to follow GOD in
living righteously rather
than to enjoy the fruits of
Sin for a season GENESIS
39:7, he suffered
imprisonment because the
wife falsely charged him
with assault, he suffered
long imprisonment for living
righteously, Joseph after so
many year in the foreign
land, he still proclaimed the
great promise of GOD, he
believed that GOD was
going to fulfill His promises, 
he believed that GOD had
chosen his family to be the
promised seed and the
promise land to his family.
HEBREWS 11: 23
23)By faith Moses, when he
was born, was hid three
months of his parents,
because they saw he was a
proper child; and they were
not afraid of the king’s
The king who did not know
Joseph, took the initial step
of enslaving them, thinking
that he could slow down
their production through
slavey, that is when Moses
was born, he was saved
from Pharaoh edict to
destroy the Hebrew male
infants, by the mother’s
cleverness , she must have
had some revelation from
GOD on which she based
their faith, they believed
that he was destined to
some great purpose, and
that he would be spared,
notwithstanding all the
probabilities against it, and
all the difficulties in the
case, was hid three months
of his parents EXODUS 2:2 it
was said that it was done by
his mother, the mother was
the agent in doing it, but
the father concurred in it,
this child was concealed in
the hope that some way
might be found out by
which his life might be
spared, because they saw
he was a proper child, a fair
and beautiful child, he was
fair to GOD, that is
extremely fair and
handsome, which
influenced the parents and
they were not afraid of the
king’s commandment,
requiring that all male
Children should be given up
to be thrown into the Nile,
Moses , born under the
bloody edict of a tyrant
Pharoah of Egypt for
drowning all the Hebrews
males in the Nile, he was
born three years after
Aaron, and sixty-five year
after Joseph’s death, they
keep him there months
from the destroyers, and
they adventured the
penalties threatened by the
edict , faith overcome their
fear and difficulties and
ordered their fitting the ark,
and dispose of it for
preservation that is, they
were not afraid or not dread
the king, as to be induced to
comply with the command,
the strength of the faith of
the parents, because they
had the strong faith that
GOD will save the child, they
themselves found it
impossible to conceal him
longer than three months,
they love GOD and his
promises therefore, they
were willing to stake their
live upon him and the
promise seed and land
HEBREWS 11:24-26
24)By faith Moses, when he
was come to years refused
to be called the son of
pharaoh’s daughter
25)Choosing rather to
suffer affliction with the
people of GOD, than to
enjoy the pleasures of sin
for a season;
26)Esteeming the reproach
of CHRIST greater richer
then the treasures in Egypt; 
for he had respect unto the
recompense of the reward
When he was full forty
years of age, when he
publicly associating himself
with his oppressed people,
when Moses slew the
Egyptian who was smiting a
Hebrew, one of his
brethren, he in the act 
refused to be called a son of
Pharaoh’s daughter and
choose to suffer affliction
with the people of GOD,
Moses refused to be called
the son of Pharoah
daughter, by whom Moses
was taken out of the water;
by whom he was named,
and provided for, she
reckoned him as her son,
and designed him for
Pharaoh’s, successor Moses
refused all these honor both
in word and acts, as that is
he renunciation of his
position in the court of
Pharoah in order to
associate himself with his
oppressed fellow
countrymen to make a
struggle of freedom , by
faith he had confidence in
GOD Exodus 2:15
Moses had a sacrificial
faith, self denying faith, he
choose GOD and GOD’S
people rather than this
world and its pleasure
Choosing rather to suffer
affliction with the people of
GOD with those whom GOD
had chosen to be his people
the Israelite , they were
oppressed and down
trodden, poor and crushed,
and despised a nation of
slave, Moses saw that if he
cast in his lot with them, he
must expect trails, the
condition will be like theirs,
he sought to deliver them,
than to enjoy the pleasure
of sin for a season, Moses
gave it all up, he sacrificed
everything for GOD he gave
all the pleasure and 
enjoyment in Egypt and the
world gave it all up, for the
promises, the promise seed
and land , he was a prince,
the son of the daughter of
Pharoah, he had everything
that a person on earth could
ever want: education
knowledge,, fame and
wealth, possessing and
estates, power and
authority, position and duty,
it will pass away, had Moses
lived at the court of
Pharaoh all his days, it
would have been only but
be for a little season, these
pleasure will soon vanish
because life it self is short ,
the ordinary period allotted
to man is short , very brief,
those who live for pleasure
shorten their own lives,
calamity, disappointment,
envy, sinful and transitory
and end in eternal anguish
and torment, where as
Moses affliction will end in
eternal joy
Moses choose to suffer
patiently , out of faith in and
in love to CHRIST, these
where things that followed
by virtue of GOD’S promise,
he preferred better and
richer estate and more
desirable, than all the
treasures of honors and
riches, which either Egypt or
its king could oblige him,
with the whole of them
founded in dust, disposed
by flesh, fading in
enjoyment, and ending in
vanity, what are these
treasures, compared to
HEBREWS 11:27-28
27)By faith he forsook
Egypt, not fearing the wrath
of the king; for he endured,
as seeing him who is
28)Through faith he kept
the Passover, and the
sprinkling of blood, lest he
that destroyed the first
born should touch them
By faith he forsook Egypt,
not fearing the wrath of the
king; for he endured, as
seeing him who is invisible,
the faith of Moses was an
enduring faith that
courageously looked to GOD
rather than man, Moses did
not fear Pharoah , he was
loaded with courage , his
fearlessness applies to his
whole course of action from
the time when he decided
to brave the king in behalf
of Israel, namely, in the
power of GOD to preserve
and conduct him and them,
notwithstanding Pharaoh’s
rage and threatening ; he
forsook Egypt , implies
fleeing; and then it was
when Pharaoh’s wrath was
kindled against Him: but it
may be said, that Moses
seemed then to be afraid of
it, seeing he fled: to which it
may be answered, that he
showed great courage and
dauntlessness in slaying the
Egyptians , and he took no
methods to gain the king’s
favor, when the thing was
known; his fleeing was
consistent with courage and
with the obedient with the
will of GOD, or of his own
flight, as he did many years
before, when he fled from
Egypt into Midian EXODUS
2:14-15 by the same
excellent faith, but that he
waited for GOD’S time,
wherefore endure affliction
in Midian, and wait 
patiently , till GOD should
call him again to service,
when he led the children of
Israel out of Egypt after his
demand from Pharoah of
liberty for Israel to leave
Egypt, for he endured;
affliction, reproach, and
menaces, with patience and
courage; his mind was not
broken with them, nor
overborne by them; he
expected Divine help
expected divine help, as
seeing him, who is invisible;
that is GOD, who is not seen
, Moses saw him visionally,
and symbolically in the
bush; he saw him by faith
and so believing in his
power and faithfulness
The faith of Moses was a
saving faith, a faith that
believed GOD’S message of
salvation, GOD had led
Moses to prepare Israel for
the deliverance of His
people, GOD was now ready
to save his people from
bondage of Egypt
(a symbol of the world) GOD
pronounce judgment(the
taking of the firstborn upon
the people of Egypt for
their injustices, as he
prepared to executive the
final judgment, those who
believed GOD were
instructed to slay a pure
lamb and sprinkle its blood
over the door posts of their
homes, the blood of the
innocent lamb would then
serve as a sign that the
coming judgment had
already been carried out,
when seeing the blood,
GOD would pass over that
house, symbolically, the
Passover picture the coming
of JESUS CHRIST as the
savior, the lamb without
blemish picture His sinless
life, and the blood sprinkled
on the door post picture
CHRIST blood shed for the
believer, Moses great faith
is clearly seen by his
arrangement for escaping
GOD”S judgment on that
dreadful night
that he instituted the rites,
and made the arrangement
as for its observance by the
special faith which he had,
he never doubted that
GOD’S planned salvation
and his promises that he
would give to Israel the
promised seed and the
promised land
v MATTHEW 21:21
v ACTS 2:21
v ROMANS 10:13
v 2 TIMOTHY 4:18
v HEBREWS 2:14-15
v 2 PETER 2:9
v PSALMS 28:7
29)By faith they passed
through the Red sea as by
dry land; which the
Egyptians assaying to do
were drowned
That is it, was only by
confidence in GOD that they
were able to do this, by
Israel crossing the red sea, a
miracle controlled entirely
by GOD, which took great
faith for Israel to cross the
red Sea with two tall walls
of water on both side , this
is a living example of strong
faith in GOD, a delivering
faith , the kind of faith that
assured GOD’S delivering
power, a faith that obeyed
GOD against
insurmountable forces, the
forces confronting Israel,
the pursuing army of the 
Egyptians, the red sea in
front and the mountain on
both sides, after Moses
had, at GOD’S command,
Moses GOD’S leader, was
aroused to believe GOD, he
stepped forward and shout
to the people
EXODUS 14:13-14
13)And Moses said unto the
people, fear ye not, stand
still, and see the salvation
of the LORD, which he will
show to you to day ; for the
Egyptians whom ye have
seen today, ye shall see
them again no more
14)The LORD shall fight for
you, and ye shall hold your
The salvation of the LORD
was proclaimed by Moses,
stirred faith in the heart of
the people, in obedience to
GOD’S command, He lift up
his rod and moved it across
the face of the water, when
he did, a strong east wing
began to blow over the face
of the water, it blow so
forcefully that the water
divided, two tall walls of
water with a stretch of dry
land running down between
them, but the people
salvation is on the other
side, the message of GOD’S
servant, Moses had stirred
them to believe in GOD,
now they were beholding
the power of GOD to
remove the insurmountable
odds, He actually rolled the
red sea back and made a
road of dry land for them to
march across to safety, they
have faith in GOD and being
to march, marching in faith
bring protection the
Israelite were delivered
despite the insurmountable
odds, the Egyptian army
pursued the Israelite who
are not trained army, but
defenseless people fleeing
the great and the mighty
power of the world, they
went right after the
Israelite ,but GOD protected
them from their enemy, the
east wind died down and
the two walls of water
closed in and covered the
pursuing army, drowning
everyone of them, it was
night when Israel crossed
the sea and GOD people
were protected by the hand
of GOD himself, GOD
performed the miracle of
salvation and deliverance
for the people, as a result
of their faith, Moses
proclaimed and salvation of
GOD and the people
believed GOD and he
worked on their behalf, he
had promised that He would
lead them to the promise
He and all the children of
Israel passed through one
end to the other by faith
they passed through the red
sea as dry land, that is by
confidence in GOD that they
were able to do this, it was
not by power which they
had to remove the waters
and to make a passage for
themselves; and it was not
operation of any natural
causes, it was made by the
strong confidence in GOD 
and not by faith the
confidence could not have
been made at all
v ROMANS 8:31-39
v ROMANS 16:20
v HEBREWS 2:14-15
v JAMES 4:7
v 1 JOHN 5:4-5
30)By faith the walls of
Jericho fell down, after they
were compassed about
seven days
This Divine faith , exercised
by Joshua and Israel is a
conquering faith, which is
the kind of faith Israel need
to conquering Jericho , a
faith that GOD could give
victory over insurmountable
forces , Jericho is a fortress ,
completely surrounded by
walls and apparently
manned by strong people
by faith of Joshua and the
Israelite believed in GOD’s
promise; the impregnable
walls of Jericho once every
day for six days together,
and on the seventh day
seven times, sounding with
trumpets of rams’ horns and
at last giving a shout,
brought down these wall
flat to the ground, the walls
of Jericho fell down being
smitten by the hand of GOD,
by the almighty power of
GOD, without any human
force; after they were
compassed about in solemn
silence, according to the
divine command, seven
days, round the city daily
and to sound trumpet of
rams’ horns as summoning
the inhabitants in the name
of GOD of Israel to
surrender, having
surrounded Jericho seven
times, they raised a great
shout, upon which the wall
fell down flat, so that the
people went up into the city
every man , made known 
the supremacy and power
of the GOD of Israel and
how vain it was to make any
resistance, that is, it was not
by any natural causes, or by
any means that were
themselves adopted to
secure such a result, it was
not because they can fall
the wall themselves, or it
was natural tendency in the
blowing of horns to cause
them to fall,, it is only by the
confidence in GOD that
means so little adopted to
such a purpose could be
employed at all and it was
only by continued faith in
him that they could have
been persevered in day to
day, it is the strength of
faith demonstrated on this
occasion, that made them
to realize GOD’S promise to
them, reach forth their love
to Him, and obedience to
His command
GOD said that if the people
believes in His instruction
and His promises the walls
of Jericho would fall down,
GOD will conquer the
enemies of any believer , if
he can trust and believe in
GOD’S promises and
instruction, the instruction
seems foolish and
unreasonable to the world,
what Israel did must have
seemed foolish to the
people of Jericho, but if a
person goes ahead and do
what GOD says, GOD will
conquer his enemies even
as He did for the Israelite in
v PSALM 31:19
v PSALM 32:10
v PSALMS 34:22
v PSALMS 37:5
v PSALMS 118:8
v POVERBS 29:25
v ISAIAH 50:10
v JOSUAH 2:12-21
v JOHN 3:15-16
v JOHN 5:24
v JOHN11:25
v JOHN 12:46
v JOHN 20:31
v ROMAN 10:9-10
v 2 TIMOTHY 3:15
31)By faith the Harlot
Rahab perish not with them
that believed not, when she
had received the spies with
The faith of Rahab was a
faith that believed in GOD
of Israel and the faith that
saved her and her family
She resides in Jericho an
hostess, who kept a house
of entertainment, public
harlot, who gets her
livelihood by the
prostitution of her body, as
well the sales of meat and
drink; so notorious a sinner
as she, and a Canaanite too,
was preserved from the
destruction that was
inflicted by the Israelites on
the unbelieving and
disobedient inhabitant of
Jericho, being after her
exclusion, when Joshua
crossed the Jordan, he sent
two men as spies to her
house, and she saved them
by concealment from the
enemies that would have
destroyed their lives, for
this act of hospitality and
kindness, they assured her
of safety when the city
should be destroyed, and
directed her to give an
indication of her place of
abode to the invading
Israelite , that her house
might be spared, she was
exempted from destruction
she was ten years of age
when the Israelite came out
of Egypt ; and that all the
40 years they were in the
wilderness, she played the
harlot and was fifty one (51)
years of age when she was
converted , she was called a 
harlot; not in respect to her,
but her past life.
Rahab was a wonderful
and singular instance of the
free, sovereign, efficacious
grace of GOD, being one
that sprung from Canaan ,
and was of the nation that
was hated; but being called
by grace, became
renowned believer , she
believed that the GOD of
Israel was the GOD of
heaven and earth;
JOSUAH 2 8-11
8)And before they were laid
down, she came up unto
them upon the roof;
9) And she said unto the
men, I know that the LORD
hath given you the land, and
that your terror is fallen
upon us, and that all the
inhabitants of the land faint
because of you
10) For we have heard how
the LORD dried up the water
of the Red Sea for you, when
ye came out of Egypt; and
what ye did unto the two
kings of Amorites, that were
on the other side Jordan,
Sihon and Or, whom ye
utterly destroyed
11) And as soon as we had
heard these things, our
hearts did melt, neither did
there remain any more
courage in any man,
because of you; for the
LORD your GOD, he is GOD
in heaven above, and in
earth beneath
12) Now therefore, I pray
you, swear unto me by the
LORD, since I have showed
you kindness, that ye will
also show kindness, unto my
father’s house, and give me
a true token
13) And that ye will save
alive my father, and my
mother, and my brethren,
and sisters, and all that they
have, and deliver our lives
from death
that he had given the land
of Canaan to them; she
received the spies, and hid
them through faith; she
caused them to swear by
the LORD, she strongly
believe in the GOD of Israel
that He was the true and
the living GOD, she acted
upon that faith, she
believed the GOD of Israel
will saved his people and
give them the promise land,
therefore she save the lives
of the two Israelite spies
that they would show mercy
to her, and her family; and
gave credit to them, and
observed their instruction;
and so she perished not
with the unbelieving and
disobedience inhabitants of
Jericho who all perished by
the sword; but Rahab perish
not, neither temporally nor
eternally; her temporal
salvation was an symbol and
type of her spiritual
salvation, her receiving the
spies was a symbol of a
soul’s receiving the Gospel,
the scarlet thread, that was
hung out, was an emblem of
the blood of CHRIST, by
which sins, though as scarlet
are made white as wool;
and saving of her whole
family is an emblem of 
complete salvation by the
same faith by which she was
justified; and her faith
justified to be sound and
and from Salmon marrying
her, which might be strange
that a prince of Israel
would, and honored by him
to be a mother in Israel,
from whom the Messiah
should descend JOSHUA
JOSHUA 2:18-19 in the
destruction of the city, she
was accordingly preserved,
strong faith has been
exercised by those who
were confessed to be great
and good, humbled who
obeyed and fear GOD
She believed that the scarlet
thread was her assurance of
protection, we read of Boaz
in RUTH 2:1 that he was a
mighty man of wealth, and
in Matthew 1:5 tells us
Salmon begot Boaz(Booz) of
Rachab; and Boaz begot
Obed of Ruth; and Obed
begat Jesse, Jesse was the
father of David, and it was
through the lineage of
David that the Savior come,
we see when GOD saves a
harlot, a murderer, a liar, a
thief, or a good moral
person, that one become a
new creation, with a new
heart and anew life
HEBREWS 11:32-34
v PROVERS 14:34
v PROVREBS 16:12
v ISIAH 54:14
v ROMANS 4:20-21
v ROMANS 8:28
v ROMANS 8:35-37
v 2 TIMOTHY 4:18
v 2 TIMOTHY 2:12
v HEBREWS 10:22-23
v 2 PETER 1:4
v 1 JOHN 2:25
v 1 JOHN 5:4-5
v 1 JOHN 5:14-15
32)And what shall I more
say? For the time would fail
me to tell of Gideon, and of
Barak, and of Samson, and
of Jephthah ; of David also,
and Samuel, and of the
33) And who through faith
subdued kingdoms, wrought
righteousness, obtained
promises, stopped the
mouth of lions
34)Quenched the violence
of fire, escaped the edge of
the sword, out of weakness
were made strong, waxed
valiant in fight, turned to
flight the armies of the
Heroic faith is great men of
faith, men who dare to
believed GOD against all
unbelievable odds, and
every case their faith
triumphed and won the
victory, the heroic faith of
outstanding leaders: a faith
that accepted, and what
shall I more say, there are
numerous other instance
showing the strength of
faith which there is not time
to mentioned, for the time
would fail me to tell, to
recount all that they did; all
the illustrations of the
strength and power of faith
demonstrated in their lives
there because of the evil
committed by the Israelites,
GOD used the Midianites to
oppress them for seven
years, the scripture
teaches that GOD love His
people; therefore He
chastises or disciplines
them when they continued
in sin, living evil lives, sin
and evil damages and
destroys people through
such thing as injustice,
immorality , lawlessness,
and violence, GOD
corrected them in other to
stop the corruption, GOD,S
family is to live as they
have been commanded,
they are to live Holy and
righteous lives, bearing
strong witness to the
glorious salvation of GOD ,
that man can live a full and 
overflowing life with GOD
The Midianites were
powerful very oppressive,
vicious and cruel, the
Israelites were helpless
before the camel-riding
enemies terrorist and they
set up camps and remained
in Israel during the harvest
season thy cried to the
LORD for help, the Israelites
had borne all the could
bear: the oppression was
cruel they become defeated
broken and distress people
a young GIDEON: Gideon
was already a grown man
when GOD called him, by
the angel of the LORD
himself, he was GOD’S
instrument to deliver the
people of Israel, but he was
a young man with weak
wavering faith who had to
be strengthened by GOD,
Gideon felt unqualified he
was gripped with sense of
humility and unworthiness,
however, GOD gave Gideon
assurance he finally
believed GOD and GOD gave
Gideon the spirit of the
LORD and with three
hundred hand picked men
he defied incredible odds
and defeated the
Medianites army JUDGES
7:1-15 Gideon was an
outstanding leader because
of great faith, even before
he launched the great his
battle against the Mediante,
he cried out to his three
hundred hand picked men;
get up the LORD has given
the Mediante camp into our
hand JUDGES 7:15 was
sustained by strong
confidence in GOD, who
small band of men cut off so
many thousands of
There was the heroic faith
of Barak and the command
of Deborah the prophetess,
when the call of GOD came
to Barak to save Israel, the
Canaanite had been
attacking and oppressing
Israel for 20 years, the
commander in chief of the
Canaanite army is Sisera,
the call of GOD to Barak
came through the
prophetess Deborah, by her
command, who summoned
him to war in the name of
the LORD, encountered and
overthrew the hosts of
Sisera, and freed Israel from
the oppression of Jabin,
his yielding to her
summons, and his valor in
battle against the Canaanite
Barak being a soldier, but he
hesitated , feeling
incapable, he insisted that
the prophetess of GOD, to
go to battle by his side,
JUDGES 4: 1- 24 when she
agreed, he surrender to
GOD’S call, Barak faced
incredible odds, Sisera, had
over 900 chariots of iron
and a massive army, Barak
believed GOD, he attacked
with only 10000 men and
won an incredible victory ,
which showed that he was
motivated by faith, he did
not act without GOD, he
believed GOD and did not 
act without GOD and GOD
gave him victory
Samson who was a child of
promise, the angel of the
LORD appeared to the
mother of Samson and told
her that she was to bear a
son who was to save Israel
from the Philistines, he was
to be reared under the
Nazarite vows of extreme
disciple, self-denial, and
control of sinful nature, is
symbolic , to teach the
people that they were to
live lives of self-denial
dedication before GOD and
devoted to the LORD; he
was appointed by GOD the
Spirit of the LORD stirred
him JUDGES 13:25 he was
famous for his great
strength; he had his
infirmities, a man of serious
flaws and weakness
throughout his life but was
without doubt, a good man,
he was a man of unusual
and courageous faith in the
power of GOD slew so many
thousands of the Philistines
with the jaw-bone of an ass,
and performed many other
astonishing achievement,
the last act of his life seems
to be great instance of faith;
he did it with calling upon
the LORD; he was
strengthened for by the
There was the heroic faith
of Jephthah was called by
GOD to save Israel from the
Ammonite, he was a man
rejected for being a son of a
Harlot, he was rejected,
abused by his family and
neighbor during his
childhood days, he was
finally driven from home in
to exile in the desert , in
the desert he become a
leader of the group of
fighting adventurers who
protect the surrounding
villages from Ammonites
terrorist JUDGES 11:1-11
Jephthah, believe and
accepted the call to fight an
save Israel, he made a
covenant with the elders of
Israel before the LORD
There was the heroic faith
of David, he was
unquestionable one of the
greatest men of heroic faith
who ever lived, David was
chosen to be king of Israel
himself when he was only a
young shepherd boy who
killed a bear and a lion 1
SAMUEL 17:34-37
David also: a man after
GOD’S own heart, raised up
to fulfil his will, whose faith
appeared in his dependence
on GOD, when he fought
with Goliath; in encouraging
himself in the LORD his GOD
1 SAMUEL 17:45-51, David
was a man of heroic faith in
defeating enemy after
enemy, he stretched the
border of Israel out further
than anyone else had ever
done and brought Israel in
the light of glory as a nation,
He was feared and hated by
Saul the king because he
had been appointed to be 
future king of Israel while
only a young boy, Saul
pursued David for years
trying to kill him, David
proved to be a young man
of extraordinary trust in
GOD as he lived in the
wilderness and faced trials
after trials and enemy after
enemy, he ruled Israel for
40 years and proved faithful
throughout his whole life ,
who through faith subdued
kingdoms particularly Syria,
Moab, Ammon, Amalek,
Edom, Jebusite and
Philistines 2 SAMUEL 8:12
with exception of the one or
two years lapse with
2 SAMUEL 11:1 he was also
one of the ancestors of
There was the Heroic faith
of Samuel, he was both a
judge and prophet of Israel,
called when he was a young
child, Samuel followed the
LORD all through his life,
during his lifetime he was
the lone figure of great faith
among people who rebelled
against GOD and refused to
follow him in righteousness
and holiness in the midst of
a faithless and unbelieving
There was the heroic faith
of the prophets, they were
all men who sensed their
unworthiness before GOD
but who answered GOD, S
call, their faith in GOD will
stir GOD to give the victory
over all enemies, no matter
how formidable , GOD will
even work miraculously to
deliver the person who
truly believe in Him, heroic
faith ruled with justice,
when the leaders above
believed GOD,
righteousness, which always
produces in the live of the
When the leaders above
believed GOD, they set a
dynamic example of
righteousness and they
taught and preached
righteousness , as a result,
some people turned to GOD
and began to live
righteously themselves,
faith if the faith of only one
person stirs other to believe
GOD and to live righteously
GOD always fulfills his
promise to everyone who
believes Him, Heroic faith
shut the mouths of lions,
this is true of Samson
JUDGES 14:5-6, David 1
Samuel 17:34-35, and Danial
DANIEL 6:22, GOD has the
power to control the
animals and nature of this
world if believers will trust
in GOD and GOD will deliver
believers from the mouth of
the lions which is Satan
The heroic faith quench
fury of flame refer to three
Hebrews young men
Shadrach, Meshach and
Abednego who refused to
worship the state religion
of Nebuchadnezzar,
therefore they were to be
burned alive, however GOD 
saved them by performing
the most fantastic miracle,
he preserved them and kept
them from the flames of fire
from burning them
DANIEL 3:15-27, escaped
the edge of the sword, as
Elijah did when he fled from
Ahab the king of Israel
1 KING 6:30-31 as Elijah did
when he was delivered from
the King of Syria
2 KING 6:16 and as David
did when he fled from Saul
and escape the sword of
Goliath 1 SAMUEL 17:49-51
GOD delivered the
believers from violence and
death , GOD is able to
deliver the person who
truly believes him, without
faith it is impossible to
please GOD, faith is the one
who trust in GOD, which
bring about deliverance
Heroic faith grows
powerfully in battle, true
faith develops and stirs
courage and strength, it
Enable to perform exploits
beyond their usual strength,
or raise up from a state of
physical infirmity, and
invigorated for conflict, such
a case , the person who
truly believes in GOD knows
that GOD is with him, he is
actually stirred to fight and
fight, even against
unbelievable odds, heroic
faith brings strength out of
weakness, every believer is
strengthen to conquer their

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