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v GENESIS 4:3-5
v ROMANS 12:1
v ROMANS 12:6
2) Speak unto the children
of Israel, and say unto them,
if any man of you bring an
offering unto the LORD, ye
shall bring your offering of
cattle, even of the herd, and
of the flock
3)If his offering be burnt
sacrifice of the herd, let him
offer a male without
blemish: he shall offer it of
his own voluntary will at the
door of the tabernacle of
the congregation before the
GOD, not man, determined
the way, GOD appointed a
Mediator Moses to reveal
the way, GOD opened the
way for all to seek
reconciliation through
GOD is perfect, living in
absolute perfection; and
heaven is perfect, a place of
absolute perfection no
imperfect being can live in
GOD’S Holy presence, man
on his own , will not be
acceptable to GOD, a great
separation between GOD
and man due to sin,
because man rejects GOD’S
way , he is sinful, short of
perfection, cursed , selfish,
hoarding more and more
shutting his ears to the
needs of the poor, the
hungry, the suffering, and
the lost, ignores GOD,
forgets GOD, lives in self
righteousness feeling he is
good enough and religious
enough to approach GOD.
For unto no other was the
law of sacrifice given: not to
the Gentiles, but to the
children of Israel , GOD
appointed a Mediator
Moses to reveal the way to
approach and become
acceptable to GOD, the
truth is that GOD made a
way for both the poor and
the rich any person, every
human being who is to
approach him.
If any man of you bring an
offering unto the LORD,
called (Corban) that is to
draw nigh, because it was
not only brought nigh to
GOD, to the door of the
Tabernacle where he dwells,
but because by it they drew
nigh to GOD and presents
themselves to him, which is
solely voluntary or freewill;
not forced or compelled to
Bring you offering of those
animals that were not only
tame, innocent and gentle,
but useful and adopted for
food, Oxen, sheep or goats,
but not of wild beast shall
you bring your offering.
instructed people to
approach him through the
Burnt offerings, through the
sacrifice of animal with out
defect or blemish, an animal
that was considered perfect,
the burnt offering was the
very first approach man
ever made to seek
reconciliation with GOD, it is
the offering that symbolized
the atonement, the offering
that symbolized perfect
sacrifice, the sacrifice
substitute in place of man,
bears his sins and the
Judgment of GOD against
Burnt offering so called
because it is consumed by
fire ,which ascends or goes
up as a flame in smoke and
The purpose of Burnt
offering is to satisfy GOD’S
wrath against, sin,
ceremonially cleaning the
worshiper and restoring him
or her to fellowship with
To offer for the Atonement
or reconciliation with GOD,
the burnt offering was the
only way to approach GOD,
to become reconciled and
acceptable to GOD, a
person is assured
atonement or reconciliation
with GOD through the
substitute sacrifice: this act
signified that the animal’s
death represent the death
of the owner, in the ritual
for the day of Atonement it
signified that the sins of the
owner is transferred to the
animal, substituted for the
sinners death, for the
covering of sin , to make
you right with GOD
The rich person by offering
the sacrifice of male bull
without defect
The average person by
offering the sacrifice of
male sheep or goat without
The poor man by offering
the sacrifice of a dove or
young pigeon
The Burnt offering is a type
of CHRIST, as a type of
substitute sacrifice for us,,
in our behalf, in our stead,
in our place, by dying for us,
JESUS CHRIST carry our sins
paid the Ransom price to
deliver us from sin and
death , CHRIST dying for us,
by paying the Ransom price
so that we might escape
the penalty of death and
live forever, JESUS CHRIST
secured the atonement by
reconciling us with GOD
through whom we have
received reconciliation, a
person can now approach
GOD and be reconciled
with GOD and be acceptable
to GOD through the
sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST
There is only one way any of
us to be delivered from sin
and death and escape
judgment to come, we must
approach GOD through the
substitute sacrifice which is
the LORD JESUS, he is the
only perfect sacrifice, the
one and only sacrifice
acceptable to GOD’S
forgiveness of sin, which
comes through him
4) And he shall put his hand
upon the head of the burnt
offering; and it shall be
accepted for him to make
atonement for him
He shall signified that he is
willing to give it to the
LORD, by laying his hands
upon the head of the burnt
offering, and made
confession over the burnt
offering, and indeed by this
action he owned that he
had sinned, and deserved to
die as that creature ,that he
judged himself worthy of
that death which it suffered
in his stead: and that he laid
his sins upon it and
deserved pardon of his sin
through the death of the
great sacrifice ,with an eye
to him upon whom GOD
would lay the iniquity of,
and that together with it he
did freely offer up himself to
GOD to make atonement,
How can man be reconciled
and brought to GOD, is
through, Burnt offering
picture the atonement , the
ransom price, paid so that
man might escape the death
penalty demanded by
GOD’S holiness
Atonement: means to
reconcile by paying a
ransom and covering
different sins, that separate
and alienate a person from
GOD, Atonement, is
ransom or deliver by the
means of a substitute , the
atonement appeases ,
cancels ,annuls GOD’S anger
against sin, the substitute
take the place of the sinner
and bear the punishment
due to the sinner, through
the atonement , a person is
set free from sin and
punishment of death, to
make him acceptable to
The atonement death of
once and for all ,; therefore,
his sacrifice fine its
fulfillment in the death of
JESUS CHRIST, his death
makes animal sacrifice
outdated ,, we no longer
have any need to offer
Burnt offering for the
atonement of our sins,, we
are reconciled to GOD by
the death of JESUS CHRIST,
he bore our sins so that we
become acceptable and
reconciled to GOD , we are
accepted when we
approach GOD through the
sacrifice of our JESUS
CHRIST , it is sacrifice that
atones for our sins, that
reconciles us to GOD
v JOHN 6:33-35
v JOHN 6:47-48
v JOHN 6:51
v JOHN 6:58
1)And when any will offer a
meat offering unto the
LORD, his offering shall be
of fine flour and he shall
pour oil upon it, and put
frankincense there on
2)And he shall bring it to
Aaron’s sons the priests:
and he shall take thereout
his handful of the flour
thereof, and of the oil
thereof; with all the
frankincense thereof; and
the priest shall burn the
memorial of it upon the
altar, to be an offering
made by fire, of a sweet
savor unto the LORD, to be
The meat /meal or grain
offering sacrifice, was a gift
, distinguishing a bloodless
sacrifice ,presented to GOD
as an act of worship, called
sweet savor offering
symbolizing the dedication
to GOD of the fruit of
person it, is the believers
thanksgiving to GOD for the
provision of food and all the
other necessities of life, a
person expresses his thanks
and the dedication of his life
to GOD by giving the best of
his grains offering :
GOD is the one who is the
great creator and sustainer
of the universe, the one
how give us:
v Life,
v Health and strength
v Rain and sunshine
v The earth the moon and
star the world
v Salvation and peace
v The ability to think and
v Food and water
v Land and crops
v Knowledge and under
v Technology and
v Love and Joy
v Deliverance through
v Clothing and housing
v Victory over sin and
v Life eternal
When GOD has given us so
much, we must take time
every day to thank him, for
all he is, and has done for
us, we need to be honest
and be dedicated and
committed to GOD, we
must spend time daily in
thanking GOD and praying
to GOD.
The Grain offering was
actually laid upon the top of
the Burnt Offering in the
daily sacrifice for the people
every morning and evening,
bearing in mind that the
sacrifice of the Burnt
Was to be made as,
Atonement, paid the
Ransom and reconciled the
person to GOD, by laying
the Grain offering upon the
top of the sacrifice, the
person, was giving thanks
for the atonement,
Reciliation and for all GOD
has done for him, was
symbolizing that he was
laying his life all he was and
had upon GOD, dedicating
himself to GOD.
The fine flour mixed with
olive oil and some
frankincense, and without
yeast or honey. Leaven is 
the emblem of pride,
malice, and hypocrisy, and
honey is of sensual pleasure
Could be cooked in an oven
or a pan
Was seasoned with salt,
salt was permitted because
it is the emblem of purity ,,
preservation of life and
used to seal the covenant,
implying that it must to be
binding and permanent
The person was symbolizing
that he was laying his life
and dependence upon GOD,
in to days term, this is a
picture of thanksgiving and
dedication being offered to
GOD for salvation and for
GOD goodness in meeting
all our needs, a declaration
had done Atonement:
salvation, redemption and
For one’s livelihood: the
harvest, the grain of the
earth- food, crops, rain,
sunshine, housing, clothing.
It is GOD who has giving us
life: Air, water, moon, stars,
crops, GOD created the
materials of the world,
everything the sustains our
lives and keep us going, we
owe GOD everything we are
and have; we must give him
offering of dedication to
GOD and declare our
dependence upon him.
The Grain or Meal offering
is a type of CHRIST, a picture
of CHRIST as the bread of
life, who satisfies the
hunger of our souls for GOD
Who feed us, who nourishes
us, who sustain us, CHRIST 
whose flesh is meat indeed
JOHN 6:55 the fine flour
denotes the choiceness,
excellency, and purity of
1)And if his oblation be a
sacrifice of peace offerings,
if he offer it of the herd;
whether it be a male or
female, he shall offer it
without blemish before the
2)And he shall lay his hand
upon the head of his
offering, and kill it at the
door of the tabernacle of
the congregation; and
Aron’s sons the priest shall
sprinkle the blood upon the
altar round about
.The peace offering or
fellowship offering
expresses, wholeness,
completeness, soundness
health, were sacrifice
distinct in purpose it
symbolizes fellowship with
GOD, expression of
gratitude and a means of
maintaining fellowship,
between himself and GOD
as the result of atonement,
with an animal without
defect, the animal’s
sacrificed life emphasized
the value of gratitude and
maintain harmony with
GOD, peace with GOD
The main point, potion of
the such offerings were to
be eaten by the one who
offered, signifying the
enjoyment of fellowship
with GOD as pardoned and
reconciled with the sinner,
which is the thank offering
because the presenter was
at peace with GOD and
thankful for it and including
communal meal .
Yet it was only after
CHRIST, death and
resurrection, when he
become our perfect peace
offering COL. 1:20 , the
peace offering was to be
made over and over but
CHRIST’S death was once,
for all time .
When CHRIST becomes our
peace, and being justified
through his blood, we are
made one with him,
through him we have
communion with GOD
finding the flesh of CHRIST
to be meat indeed, and his
blood drink indeed, through
the exercise of faith in his
sacrifice, which put away
sin. CHRIST has offered up
himself a sacrifice, and
thereby has made
reconciliation for sin and
sinners, and procure peace
with GOD for us; the
consequence, which is
spiritual peace here, and
eternal peace hereafter.
1)And the LORD spake unto
Moses, saying
2)Speak unto the children
of Israel, saying, if a soul
shall sin through ignorance
against any of the
commandments of the
LORD concerning things
which ought not to be done,
and shall do against any of
3)If the priest that is
anointed do sin according
to the sin of the people;
then let him bring for his
sin, which he hath sinned, a
young bullock without
blemish unto the LORD for a
sin offering
Every person stands before
GOD as a sinner, we are in
the state or condition of sin,
no person can ever live in
the presence of GOD, sin is
the condition or state of
imperfection, sin is coming
short of the glory of GOD, of
his perfection
If a soul shall sin through
ignorance ,error, or
misrepresentation, the sin
however referred to in this
law were unintentional
violations of the ceremonial
laws, breach made through
haste, or negligence, such
sins as a man is overtaken
with unawares, against the
commandment of the LORD
concerning things which
ought not to be done , that
is the time of its committal,
did not know that it was a
transgression: but
recognized it as sin after he
did it, against the
commandment of GOD,,
which, if done knowingly
and willfully, would have
involved a capital
A sin offering had to be
brought and Atonement is
made, sin is transgression
against the law of GOD or
breaking any single one of
the commandments and
incurred the penalty of
broken the law,, it is against
everything which is opposed
to holiness and purity of the
divine law committed
strictly in ignorance they
are, in short, to be offered
by the worshipper as a relief
of the conscience whenever
he felt the need of
atonement, this includes all
men, priest and laymen
GOD required a sin offering
in order that those who
sinned in ignorance, in
weakness or unintentionally
could receive forgiveness,
intentional rebellious sins,
on the other hand, were to
be punished by death.
The sin of ignorance or
though error, to make
atonement for
unintentional violation of
GOD’S commandments,
mandatory atonement for
specific unintentional sin,
which is accompany with:
confession of sin,
forgiveness of sin, cleansing
from defilement, that is
intended to remedy a
failure and repair a loss.
The sin offering was for
those who committed a sin
without realizing it or
committed sin out of
weakness as opposed to
outright rebellion against
Before CHRIST came
people were to approach
GOD through the sacrifice of
animals that bore the sin
the guilt of his sins, the
animal stood as the symbol
CHRIST was the lamb of
GOD that takes away the
sins of the world, if a person
believe sGOD through the
sacrificed animal, GOD
counted the animal as a
picture of CHRIST, as the
person’s substitute in
bearing the punishment of
sin, GOD counted the
sacrifice as the ransom
payment to be paid by
A person gains the right to
live eternally with GOD, It is
through the death of JESUS
CHRIST, he is the sacrifice,
the ransom paid to deliver
us from the penalty of sin,
when a person trusts in
JESUS CHRIST and believes
in him, to save him from
sins: his sins are forgiven,
GOD himself forgives the
person’s sins, the person is
reconciled to GOD and
accepted by GOD and
accepted to live eternally
with GOD , all because
JESUS CHRIST died as the
sacrifice for our sins, He 
paid the ransom price to
deliver the person from the
penalty of sin.
14)And the LORD spake
unto Moses, saying
15)If a soul commits a
trespass, and sin through
ignorance, in the holy things
of the LORD; then he shall
bring for his trespass unto
the LORD a ram without
blemish out of the flocks,
with thy estimation by
shekels of silver, after the
shekels of the sanctuary, for
a trespass offering
The person is guilty arising
from sin against the Holy
things of GOD:
v Neglects or abuse
worship or spiritual
service, Holy days or
spiritual duties, when a
person sin against the
Holy things of GOD:
v Ignores or neglects the
Holy things of GOD
v Show disrespect and
dishonor to GOD
v Abuse the Holy things
of GOD
v Damage the Holy thing
of GOD
He might feel guilty,
troubled, he stands guilty
before GOD, he is to be
judged to face
condemnation before GOD,
the person must approach
GOD to be set free, through
the Sacrifice, which is the
symbol of CHRIST
The person offer Ram
sacrifice, a Ram with out
blemish of detect , that the
animal had to be valuable of
such size and weight , this
shows the seriousness this
sin is to GOD, a person who
sins against the Holy things
of GOD has committed
terrible wrong
The person shall make
amends for the harm that
he hath done in the Holy
thing, and shall add the fifth
part ; Beside paying the 
principal, value, the fifth
part of the value of the
property, will be include
as additional amount which
will be , given to the priest,
so that recompense was to
be made according as the
damage was valued
The priest shall make
atonement for him with the
Ram of trespass offering; by
offering it up for him and
shall be given him; after he
has paid the whole damage,
and a fifth part beside, and
offered the trespass offering
for atonement
1)And the LORD spake unto
Moses, saying
2)If a soul sin, and commit
a trespass against the LORD,
and lie unto his neighbor in
that which was delivered
him to keep, or in fellowship
,or in a thing taken away by
violence, or hath deceived
his neighbor
3)Or have found that which
was lost, and lieth
concerning it, and sweareth
falsely; in any of all these
that a man doeth, sinning
4)Then it shall be, because
he hath sinned, and is guilty,
that he shall restore that
which he took violently
away, or the thing, which he
hath deceitfully gotten or
that which was delivered
him to keep, or the lost
thing which he found
5)Or all that about which
he hath sworn falsely; he
shall even restore it in the
principal, and shall add the
fifth part more thereto, and 
give it unto him to whom it
appertaneth, in the day of
his trespass offering
All sin is against the LORD,
which is contrary to his
nature and will and a
For every sin against man is
against the LORD,, because
it is a violation of human
society and GOD alone was
the witness the sin against
one neighbor is a sin
committed against the
LORD and the person is
unfaithful to the LORD.
v The person who sins
against his neighbor:
v Break faith with his
v Deal treacherously with
his neighbor
v Commit a terrible
transgression against
his neighbor
v Sins grievously against
his neighbor
v Commit a serve, painful
sin against his neighbor
v Commit an act of
material unfaithfulness
in the eyes of GOD
When a person sins against
his neighbor he is guilty, he
is condemned by GOD and
he is to be judged, for the
person to be free he must
make return what he has
stolen, extorted, and pay 20
percent interest ,make
restitution in the day of
confession, the person will
approach GOD through the
sacrifice offer a ram, a
perfect Ram without
blemish once again sacrifice
at a very costly value.
PSALM 40:6-8
6)Sacrifice and offering
thou didst not desire: mine
ears hast thou opened:
burnt offering and sin
offering hast thou not
7)Then said I, Lo, I come: in
the volume of the book it is
written of me,
Sacrifice and offering thou
didst not desire: the LORD
saw nothing satisfactory in
various offering of the
ceremonial law, he cares
not for the flesh of bull of
and goats, he did not will
this or wish it: he will would
not be pleased with it in
comparison with obedience
or substitute for obedience
of the heart he preferred
obedience of the heart than
all imposing performance of
ritualistic worship of any
external rites and forms,
which have no value
without obedience: they
could not be substituted in
place of obedience.
The LORD delights in the
attitude and character of
making an offering more
than the offering it self, the
LORD requires obedience
more, or rather, than
sacrifices as was said in
1 SAMUEL 15:22 but in
proper and full sense ,they
belong to the person and
time of Messiah, in whose
name David utters these
GOD did not desire or
require sacrifice for the
satisfaction of his own
justice and compensation of
men sins, which could not
be possibly done by the
blood of bulls or goats, as is
said in HEBREWS 10:4-10,
but only by the blood of
CHRIST, which CHRIST came
into the world to shed, in
pursuance of his FATHER’S
will, so here is a prediction
concerning the termination
of legal sacrifice, and the
substitute by the blood of
David testified that the
LORD had opened his ears
so that he could understand
this great truth: GOD desire
obedience over sacrifice,
GOD had opened his ears
his understanding to
comprehend that he
speaking of one greater
than himself the coming
Lo I come here I am, a term
of an obedient servant
ready for service, Volume
of the book refers to the
scripture, as contained in
the old testament, there are
prophecies of GOD plan of
salvation through his son
coming to earth, these
prophecies were fulfilled in
the birth, life, and
resurrection of JESUS

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