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EXODUS 2:23-25
v EZEKIEL 20:7-8
v PSALMS 34:15
v PSALMS 34:6
v PSALMS 91:15
v ISAIAH 58:9
v ISAIAH 65:24
23) And it came to pass, in
the process of time, that the
king of Egypt died; and the
children of Israel sighed by
reason of the bondage, and
they cried and their cry
came up unto GOD by
reason of the bondage.
24)And GOD heard their
groaning, and GOD
remembered his covenant
with Abraham, with Isaac,
and with Jacob
25)And GOD looked upon
the children of Israel, and
GOD had respect unto them
This mark the real
beginning of the history of
the Exodus, the king who
started the destruction of
the males child of the
Israelites was now dead,
and his son, the one who
was later drowned in the
Red sea, was King, the
children of Israel thought
that with the death of the
king things will get better
when Pharaoh died, but
things get worse, as his son
maintained his father policy,
continued the
establishment of the
oppressed system and he
granted them no relief of
After many years of
oppression , in
consequence of their
disappointments the
children of Israel sighed by
reason of the bondage, the
severity of it, and its long
duration, and seeing no way
for escape out of it,
remember the Israelites
suffered and groaned under
the heavy weight of their
enslavement being forced
to labor for the state, to 3
work ruthlessly, given
backbreaking, crushing task
to do, being viciously
mistreated, abused, beaten,
and slowly killed off in order
to control the population
growth, they are under
anguish , the heaviest
affliction, anguish, pain and
cried out of desperation
unto GOD in their trouble,
and made supplication to
him more earnestly , they
have to return to the True
GOD, many of the Israelites
had forsaken GOD and
began to worship false gods
of the Egyptians, many
became carnal and fleshy ,
forsaking GOD worshiping
the false gods of the
Egyptians , that they had
previously fallen away from
their faith .
GOD allowing the Israelites
to suffer was GOD’S way of
awaking the people to turn
back to him, GOD’S
sovereign plan had worked,
the anguish and pain of
their bitter affliction had
broken the people, in
desperation they cried out
to GOD, to the only true
and living GOD and their cry
reach heaven: their cry
went up to GOD, and now
returned to GOD after many
years of worshiping the
gods of the Egyptians,
Israel began to cry unto
GOD for help, when they
turn to the LORD , GOD
turned to them, until this
time many had been
worshiping the gods of the
Egyptians and had probably 4
been calling upon help and
deliverance, EZEKIEL 20:8
GOD was stirred; he moved
and acted: GOD heard the
groanings of the people,
their misery, desperation,
anguish, and pain, the true
and living GOD never turns
a deaf hears to any person
who truly cries out to him
for help, GOD heard the
people groanings, God
remembered his covenant
with Israel, the covenant he
made with Abraham , Isaac
and Jacob, the Abrahamic
covenant, which included
the three great promise:
The promise of the promise
seed , which is sending the
Savior of the world through
their descendant of Israel
GENESIS 12:1-3 and the
promise of the promise land
referred both to the land of
Canaan and to the land of
heaven .
The people were broken
and repentant, they have
learnt in the hard way, that
the way of unfaithfulness is
the bitter consequence of
sin and are ready to turn
from their false worship and
ready to turn to GOD and
GOD hears the cries of his
And GOD looked upon the
children of Israel, with an
eye of pity and compassion,
and saw all the hardships
they labored under, and all
the injuries that were done
onto them: and GOD have
respect unto them: had a
favorable regard to them, 5
he loved them and now own
Believers are strangers in
this world, followers of
JESUS CHRIST,, who have
been given the eternal
inheritance of GOD himself;
the promise land of heaven,
who are now marching to
the promise land of heaven,
who are only pilgrims on
the journey through the
wilderness (trails) of this
world, who long to be home
with CHRIST in heaven
EXODUS 3:1-5
v GENESIS 15:13-17
v GENESIS 22:16
v EZEKIEL 34:23
v LUKE 20:37
v JOHN 1:14
v JOHN 21:17
v ACTS 7:30-34
ACTS 20:28
v 1 PETER 5:2
1)Now Moses kept the flock
of Jethro his father-in -law,
the priest of Midian: and he
led the flock to the backside
of the desert, and came to
the mountain of GOD, even
to Horeb
2)And the angel of the
LORD appeared unto him in
aflame of fire out of the
midst of a bush; and he
looked, and behold, the
bush burned with fire; and
the bus was not consumed
3)And Moses said, I will
now turn aside, and see this
great sight, why the bush is
not burnt
4)And when the LORD saw
that he turned aside to see,
GOD called unto him out of
the midst of the bush, and
said, Moses, Moses, and he
said here am i
5)And he said, draw not
nigh hither; put off thy
shoes from off thy feet, for
the place whereon thou
standest is holy ground
Now Moses kept the flock
of Jethro his father in law,
the priest of Midian ,
Moses business was chiefly
concerned during his stay in
Midian; was keeping the
sheep of his father-in-law ,
what a contrast between
Moses life, as an Egyptian
prince and his life as a
Midinite shepherd, as a
prince he had everything
done for him;, as a
shepherd he had to do
things himself, he lived as
unknown foreigner , but
God was preparing Moses
for leadership , he has to
learn about how he will
lead his people though the
wilderness, the best
education that could be
given to Moses in Egypt
court was not enough to
meet GOD’S standard to
prepare Moses for GOD’S
assignment, Moses 40 years
of hardship as an exile
tending sheep in the Midian 6
desert were also necessary
preparation, for leadership
for his future task
Moses was now 80 years of
age according to
EXODUS 7:7 and 40 years
had elapsed since his flight
from Egypt, Moses was
behind the desert, to the
fertile tract which lay
behind the sandy plain
stretching from the Sinaitic
range to the shore, where
was good pasture
, not a barren waste, but a
district supplying pasturage,
where Jethro may have
resided was describe as
barren and parched: on the
west and east are rocky
tracts, but on the northwest
lies the district of Sinai,
where the pasturage is good
and water abundant, but
Moses drove the sheep
from Jethro’s home as far as
Horeb, so that he passed
through a desert with the
flock before he reached the
pasture land of Horeb,
which is elevated ground ,
most fertile valleys, in which
even fruit-trees grow,
Horeb is called the
mountain of GOD by
anticipation, with the
revelation of GOD upon it,
the supposition that it had
been a Holy locality before
the call of Moses, Moses ,
was a Shepherd , which
suggests that he had a heart 7
that could shepherd
people, the word shepherd
was: To feed and water the
sheep, to guide the sheep,
to seek and save the sheep
who got lost, to protect the
It took a person with a very
special heart to be a
shepherd, his heart had to
be both tough and tender,
hard and compassionate,
discipline and soft, he had
to spend a great deal of
time alone out in the
It was a very sharp descent
from Pharaoh’s palace to
the wilderness, and forty
years of a shepherd’s life
were a strange contrast to
the brilliant future that once
seemed likely to Moses, but
GOD prepare those he calls
before he uses them.
Moses had spent forty
years developing the heart
of a true shepherd and
utilizing the hours alone to
draw close to GOD, now
GOD was ready to call him
to be the shepherd of
GOD’S people, GOD’S call
comes to a particular heart,
a heart that is ready and
willing to tackle a heroic
task, a heart that is both<
tough and tender, hard and
compassionate, discipline
and soft, people who does
not waste time, but who
uses their time wisely; a
person who develop his 8
thought and processes and
to draw near to GOD by
been devotional and
prayerful and GOD calls
people who are willing to
feed and guide people, to
seek and save people, and
to protect and keep people
and he must be a person of
faith, GOD does not call
lazy, slothful people, a lazy
person will not work hard,
not long enough to finish his
task, God needs people who
will finish the task no matter
how difficult it may be, he
calls hard working,
industrious person, not lazy
person unserious , slothful
The Angel of the LORD
appeared to Moses in a
flame of fire, not created
angel, but the Angel of the
covenant, CHRIST JESUS,
who then and ever was GOD
and was to be man, and to
be sent into the world in our
flesh, the SON of GOD since
he is afterwards expressly
called himself the GOD of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
he appeared as a blazing fire
within a bush, a flame of fire
that did not burn out nor
consume the bush, and he
looked, this was not
imaginary but a real thing
,there was such a bush, and
GOD appeared in it in this
manner, and though it was
all fire yet was not
consumed, GOD voice called
out to Moses from within
the burning bush, GOD
identified himself as the
GOD of Abraham, Isaac and 9
Jacob, the LORD continued
to speak to Moses from
within the burning bush.
GOD himself was meeting
Moses, he was manifesting
and revealing himself,
meeting Moses in a special
way, GOD spoke to Moses
from an unexpected source;
a burning bush, when
Moses saw it, he went to
investigate, GOD may use
unexpected source when
communicating with us too
,there was a deep, intense,
unforgettable experience
with GOD, he needed an
experience with GOD that
he would never forget as he
launched out for GOD
Moses needed to see the
glory of GOD, before he
could undertake the mission
of GOD, before he could
minister and serve in the
power of GOD, likewise
every believer should seek
deeper experience with
GOD, to know GOD more
and more, to draw closer to
him, we should seek to
experience the glory of GOD
more and more, the glory
manifest in JESUS CHRIST,
our savior.
Moses stopped and seek
the meaning of things that
he stopped and turn aside,
and went over to see the
unusual sight, just why the
flame of fire did not burn
out nor consume the bush,:
he would have missed the
blessing of GOD, missed the
deep experience with GOD
and missed the call of GOD
upon his life, Most people 10
are not like Moses: they are
not just too busy and
concerned with the affairs
of life, just interested in the
pleasure and possessions of
this world, they are not
willing to stop and seek
spiritual things, the LORD
was appearing to Moses
and Moses stopped and
sought the meaning of the
LORD’S appearance, the
LORD has appeared to us he
has come to earth, we as
believers must stopped and
seek the meaning of his
coming, the person who
truly seek GOD must find
And the LORD saw that he
turned aside and going
onward to gratify his
curiosity, by examining
more narrowly this strange
phenomenon of God and
GOD call called Moses by
name ,it was a personal call,
he know us by name every
one of us, GOD called him
unto him out of midst of the
bush: with an articulate
voice, being the eternal
word and said Moses,
Moses for the LORD know
his people distinctively , and
can call them by name; and
the repetition of the name
not only shows familiarity
and strong passionate
affection for him, but haste
to stop him, that he might
proceed no further; and this
was done in order to stir
him up to hearken to what
would be said to him, and
he said, here am I; ready to
hear what shall be said, and
to obey whatever is
communicated, we must
always respond positively to
GOD’S call “here am I” we
must obey GOD: go and do
exactly what he wants the
following men of GOD
v Abraham responded:
Here I am GENESIS 22:1
Samuel responded Here
i am 1 SAMUEL 3:4
ISAIAH responded here i
PAUL responded here I
am Acts 9:6
GOD stopped Moses, he
told him not to come closer
and to take off his shoes,
this he requires as an act
and token of his reverence
to GOD of his humiliation
for his sins, whereby he was
unfit and unworthy to
appear before GOD,
because the ground where
he stood was Holy ground,
on account of the presence
of GOD there at that time, it
was Holy because GOD was
there, GOD was making
special manifestation of
himself and using the
ground for specific
purpose, at GOD’S
command , Moses removed
his sandals and covered his
face, that of calling a man to
be GOD’S servant, GOD
messenger , God told Moses
to take off his sandals, 12
because GOD is Holy, taking
off his sandals was an act of
reverence, conveying his
own unworthiness before
GOD, which means God is
pure, righteous, and
eternal, perfect, when
mortal man enters GOD’S
presence, he must be
prepared; man must be
submissive, respectful
EXODUS 3:6-9
v EXODUS 2:24-25
v EXODUS 6:5
v EXODUS 12:51
v EXODUS 33:2
v PSALMS 34:-36
v PSALMS 145:19
6)Moreover he said, I am
the GOD of thy Father, the
GOD of Abraham, the GOD
of Isaac, and the GOD of
Jacob, and Moses hid his
face; for he was afraid to
look upon GOD
7)And GOD said, I have
surely seen the affliction of
my people which are in
Egypt, and have heard their
cry by reason of their
taskmasters; for I know
their sorrow;
8)And I am come down to
deliver them out of the
hand the Egyptians and to
bring them up out of that
land flowing with milk and
honey; unto the place of the
Canaanites, an Perizzites,
and Hivites, and the the
Hittites, and the Amorites,
and the Hivites and the
9)Now therefore, behold,
the cry of the children of
Israel is come unto me; and
I have also seen the
oppression wherewith the
Egyptians oppress them
I am the GOD come down
to deliver them, engaged to
them by covenant or
promise, which I am now
come down to perform,
GOD declared an amazing
thing to Moses, he said; I
am the GOD of your father,
Abraham ,the GOD of Isaac,
and the of Jacob, JESUS
quoted this verse when he
was arguing with the
Sadducees MATTHEW
I am the GOD of Abraham,
and the GOD of Isaac, and
the GOD of Jacob? GOD is
not GOD of the dead, but
the living ( life after death,
life eternal).
GOD is the GOD of
Abraham, Isaac; and Jacob,
they had long ago died and
had been gone for more
than four hundred years,
yet they were still alive,
living with GOD and serving
him, GOD was announcing
to Moses I AM (present) the
GOD of your father, the
GOD of Abraham, the GOD 13
of Isaac, and the GOD of
He is the living and true
GOD, he is the GOD
worshiped by Moses’
forefathers, the very GOD
whom they believed and
served, he is the GOD who
made promise to Moses
forefathers, of the covenant
he had made with them
was still intact, the promise
of the land and of the
promised seed, meaning
both great nation of people
and the Savior himself, He is
the GOD with whom Moses;
forefathers were living, the
GOD who had fulfilled his
promises to give the
promises land of heaven,
eternal life, to them.
Moses’s response to such
wonderful revelation is that
he hid his face, for he was
afraid to look at GOD , due
to the flame of fire and the
external presence of him
was terrible to behold, as
GOD is invisible, conscious
of his sinfulness and
GOD noticed the affliction
the of Israelites; their
sorrows, even the secret
sorrow of GOD’S people are
known to him, GOD was
deeply concerned about the
suffering of his people, he
saw the affliction and
misery of his people, by the
season of their taskmaster;
who were set over them to
see that they work, and lay 14
heavy burden on them, and
afflict them by all manners
of ways and methods, they
could devise, who abused
and beat them, for not
doing what was not to be
done, which made, them cry
to GOD for help and
deliverance, GOD heard
their cries of his people, for
God know their sorrow; the
pain of the body they afflict
on them, and the inward
grief and trouble of their
minds , just as GOD was
concerned about the misery
of his people in Egypt, he is
aware of the distress of all
his people, he hears their
cry of those who are
troubled and oppressed, in
such a time GOD’S people
must cry out to him that he
might mercifully intervene
in their behalf.
GOD heard the cries of his
people, the slave masters
were cursing, abusing,
beating and forcing the
people to work beyond
exhaustion , they groaned
under , they had no hope
but GOD, and did nothing
than to cry out to GOD, and
GOD came down to deliver
his people from their
suffering, from the
enslaving hand of their
enemies the Egyptians,
GOD came down to do the
work of redemption , GOD
came down to save his
people to deliver them from
bondage out of the land of
Egypt unto a good land, and
large; the land of Canaan,
which was not only good 15
land, but a large one in
comparison of Goshen,
where the Israelites were,
unto a land flowing with
Milk and honey.
GOD redeemed us through
CHRIST, it is CHRIST who
came down from heaven to
deliver us from the power of
Satan and from the
enslavement of the world,
from shame, from
brokenness, loneliness,
immorality drugs, stealing
crime, ignorance and other
enslaving power:
JESUS CHRIST can deliver us
from Sin to righteousness,
from death to life, from hell
to heaven, from darkness to
GOD wanted to give the
promise land to his people,
which is the symbol of
heaven, he is going to lead
them into the promise land,
the land flowing with milk
and honey, which is a
picture of plenty,
fruitfulness, fertility, and
abundance, it is a land that
is spacious that has six
nations of the Canaanites,
Hittites, Amorites,
Perizzites, Hivites and
Jebusites enough to take
care of everyone, it is a land
where everyone would have
enough space and would
live in peace with one
another, the land of Canaan
promised to Israel is a
picture of the promised land
of heaven, heaven is a place
that is flowing with milk and
honey, a place where all our
needs are abundantly met:
Heaven is spacious: there is
spacious: there is enough
room for all who will believe
GOD JOHN 14:1-3
The land that GOD had
promised the Israelites was
not empty of people, before
the Israelites could take
over the land that is full
with milk and honey, they
would have to deal with
various enemies:
The Canaanites were
different people made up of
the Amorite, the Perizzite,
the Hivites, the Hittites, and
the Jebusite, the religion of
the Canaanites focus on
various worship of gods ,
but focus more on El that is
also known as Baal, over
time, Israel would find itself
neglecting the command of
GOD to destroy every
influence of Canaanite ,
they will fail to worship the
only true GOD, they will
allow the false religion to
take over their lives, the
Israelites allowed
worldliness to consume
their lives with lust, with
lust of the things of the
world, they lust after
women and men and
material possession of the
Canaanites, which they
desire worldliness rather
than GOD
So also, we face daily
In seeking to live a life of
separation, a life of morality
and righteousness, we seek
to resist people and things17
that try to turn us away
from GOD, so as not to
compromise Bible principles
in an ever changing climate,
we seek to resist the
temptation of seeking
material possessions, so
also we seek to live a life for
the truth and to avoid of
v EXODUS 3:10
v PSALMS 105:26
v PSALMS 77:20
v PSALMS 103:6-7
v ISAIAH 63:11
v MICAH 6:4
v MATTHEW 28:19-20
v MARK 16:15
v JOHN 15:16
v ACT 1:8
v ACT 9:15
10)Come now therefore,
and I will send thee unto
Pharaoh, that thou mayest
bring forth my people the
children of Israel out of
Come now therefore, and I
will send thee unto
Pharaoh, that is, leave thy
flock, thy family, and the
land of Midian, and I will
send thee unto Pharaoh,
that thou mayest bring forth
my people the children of
Israel out of Egypt, and
conduct them though the
wilderness to the land of
Canaan, and so be their
deliverer guide , and govern
under GOD’S guidance, GOD
act compassionately to save
his people but must be from
human agent.
The great call of Moses was
to go as GOD’S messenger
to deliver his people from
their enslavement in Egypt ,
it was GOD who was
sending Moses, Moses was
not appointing himself to be
GOD’S spokesman; he had
no authority to do so ,
Moses was being appointed,
chosen, sent, and
commissioned by GOD
himself, GOD and GOD
alone has the authority to 18
call and commission people
to represent him.
How many pulpits have
been filled by people who
were not truly called by
GOD? Who looked upon the
ministry only as a
profession? Only as a way to
make money or a decent
living? How many people
have chosen the Ministry
only because it seemed to
be the best way to serve
people and to make
commendable contribution
to society?
Moses’ call and commission
was to rescue people, to
deliver them from their
enslavement, when GOD
call us, he expects us to
respond, to accept his call:
God expects us to grasp his
vision and compassion for
people, he expects us to go
forth as his messengers, and
deliver people from their
enslavement of the wordily
way of the earth, from sin
to righteousness, from
death to life, from suffering
to health, from hunger to
fullness, from hate to love
from war to peace , from
darkness to light
EXODUS 3:11-14
11)And Moses said unto
GOD, who am I , that I
should go unto Pharaoh,,
and that I should bring forth
the children of Israel out of
12) And he said, certainly I
will be with thee; and this
shall be a token unto thee,
that I have sent thee, when
A great change had come
over Moses, forty years
earlier he had been forward
to offer himself as a
deliverer , he wen out to his
brethren and slew one of
their oppressors, and
thou hast brought forth the
people out of Egypt, ye shall
serve GOD upon this
13)And Moses said unto
GOD, behold, when I come
unto the children of Israel,
and shall say unto them, the
GOD said of your father
hath sent me onto; and they
shall say to me, what is his
name ? what shall I say unto
them ?
14)And GOD said unto
Moses, I AM THAT I AM;
and he said thus shalt thou
say unto the children of
Israel, I AM hath sent me
unto you
15)And GOD said moreover
unto Moses, thus shalt thou
say unto the children of
Israel, the LORD GOD of
your fathers the GOD of
Abraham, the GOD of Isaac,
and, the GOD of Jacob, hath
sent me unto you this is my
name for ever, and this is
my memorial unto all
supposed his brethren
would have understood
how that GOD by his hand
would deliver them, but
they decline to accept him
for a leader, they
reproached him with setting
himself up to be a “ ruler
and judge over them, and
now, taught by this lesson,
and sobered for forty years
of inaction, he has become
timid and shrinks from
putting himself forward
What weight can I have, a
man wanted by the same
Pharaoh for killing and
Egyptian, as a common
shepherd living as fugitive
in a foreign land and expect
to have with the mighty
monarch of Egypt, more so,
the Israelites were
unarmed, quite dispirited ,
utterly unable to help
themselves , what influence
can I expect to have with
my countrymen, who will
have forgotten me, whom
moreover, I could not
influence when I was in my
full strength , who then they
refuse my guidance and
force me into exile , a
private person, an exile in a
foreign country, a poor
shepherd , unknown to
Pharaoh, he is a great king,
and possessed numerous
forces to defend his
country, and prevent the
departure of Israel out of it,
that is should bring forth
the children of Israel out of
Egypt: who though a people 20
numerous, yet unarmed,
held in great bondage.
Moses made excuses he felt
inadequate for the job GOD
asked him to do, it was
natural for him to feel that
way, he was inadequate by
himself, but GOD will
accomplish the task through
How many of us have
rejected GOD’S call? How
many of us have been called
to preach or teach or serve
and established business or
set up some estate in order
to support taking the Gospel
to the world? Yet we
refused, we have used
excuses after excuses for
not doing what GOD has
called us to do?
Those that are weak in
themselves, yet may do
wonders, being strong in
the LORD, and in the power
of his might, GOD’S
presence puts wisdom and
strength into the weak and
foolish and is enough to
answer all objection, Since I
will be with thee, to
encourage and strengthen
him, to protect, defend, and
preserve him and to
succeed and prosper him; to
give him credit and respect
with the people of Israel
and influence over Pharaoh
to prevail upon him at
length to let Israel go,
Moses had excused himself
on the ground of unfitness,
GOD replies, thou will not
be unfit, since I will be with 21
thee, I will supply thy
deficiencies, I will convey
all the qualities you need, I
am not sending you on a
fruitless errand, it is
determined that you will
lead the people out of
Egypt, GOD was going to
deliver them from slavery,
from the land of Egypt,
Moses felt incapable,
inadequate, unqualified”
who am I, that I should go?
Moses protested that he
was unworthy of such great
But GOD’S reply to this
argument, and said I will be
with you, GOD’S very own
presence would be with
Moses, which meant that
GOD himself would equip
Moses, God will give
whatever inner strength
and ability needed, GOD will
arouse the confidence,
assurance, and faith needed
to do the task, GOD will
lead, guide, and work things
out, it is very clear that GOD
has assured us throughout
the scripture that he will be
with us as we go forth
serving and bearing witness
for him:
v GOD promise to be with
Isaac GENESIS. 28:15
GOD promise to be with
GOD promise Jerimiah
JEREMIAH 1:8 and
GOD promise to be with us
in our divine assignment
No person is qualified to
serve GOD, no person is
capable, adequate,
sufficient, not in his or her
own strength, but GOD is
faithful to us just as he is
faithful to Moses , he will
always be with us, he will
give us whatever inner
strength and ability that is
needed, and he will lead,
guide and work thing out for
us once we are in his plan ,
there was the promise of
successful mission assured
by GOD is that the people
would be delivered and
Moses would bring Israel
out of Egypt, and they
would worship GOD on the
very mountain: Mount
Horeb or Sinai where Moses
then knelt before GOD.
And this was a sing;
confirming the divine
mission of Moses: that he
indeed called by GOD and
appointed to be the great
deliverer of Israel, GOD was
demanding that Moses
believe him, That GOD
called him, that GOD will be
with him and that GOD will
give him a successful
GOD will use us to deliver
people out of Egypt the
world and into the promise
land of heaven
Moses second protest was
that he had inadequate
knowledge, he did not know
GOD’S name, Moses was
familiar with the Egyptian
habit of having a name for
every god, the false god of
Moses excuse , when he to
the people declaring that he
had been sent by GOD told23
deliver them, he knew that
the people will ask him,
what god was it that has
sent him?, what god
actually had the power to
save and deliver them from
the terrible circumstances ?
what was his name?
GOD identifies himself as I
Am WHO I AM, revealing his
divine name, declares his
character and attributes,
reinforcing, I am, self
existence one; the Eternal
and unchangeable the one
who always has been and
always will be , who is
present and active
PSALM 90:2, immutability,
constancy of faithfulness in
fulfilling his promises,,
Moses was to declare
GOD’S identity to the
people , that the LORD GOD
is his name, he is the same
GOD who is the GOD of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
it was he who sent Moses,
the GOD is the GOD of our
forefathers , he who is
Jehovah, and the covenant
GOD of the people of Israel,
he is the very GOD who has
promised the savior and
heaven to us, the very GOD
who sent the savior to the
world and took our
forefathers into heaven
when they passed from this
world in to heaven, he must
declare to the people of our
generation, GOD is great I
AM” the only living and true
GOD, the only GOD who 24
truly exist, the only GOD we
are to worship and serve:
The self- existence one
The GOD who exists
who alone exists and
who can never cease to
The eternal one
The perfect one
The absolute one
Moses was to declare
GOD’S memorial to the
people His name the LORD
GOD is his memorial, the
name by which he is to be
remembered for ever,
Moses was to gather the
elders of Israel together
and declare GOD’S concern
and care for his people
EXODUS 3:16-17
16)Go, and gather the
elders of Israel together,
and say unto them, the
LORD GOD of your fathers,
the GOD of Abraham, of
Isaac and of Jacob,
appeared unto me, saying, I
have surely visited you, and
seen that which is done to
you in Egypt
17)And I have said, I will
bring you up out of the
affliction of Egypt unto the
Land of the Canaanites and
the Hittites, and the
Amorites, and the Perizzites,
and the Hivites and the
Jebusites, unto a land
flowing with milk and honey
The Elders either by age ,
or rather by office and
authority for though they
were all slaves to the
Egyptians, yet among
themselves they retained
some order and
government as their
teachers and rulers, as
heads of tribe and families ,
who exercised a certain
authority , Moses was first
to prevail, on them to
acknowledge his mission,
for they shall hearken to thy
voice; for he would make
them willing in this day of
his power
And say unto them, the
LORD GOD of your fathers,
the GOD of Abraham, of
Isaac and Jacob, appeared 25
unto me: in a flame of fire in
the midst of a bush at
Saying I have surely visited
you, and seen that which is
done to you in Egypt; took
notice of their afflictions
and oppressions, and
determined to deliver them
out of them, Moses was to
declare GOD’S past promise
of deliverance to the
elders; GOD had promised
400 years before to bring
them out from Egypt and
into a promise land, a land
that flowed with milk and
honey GENESIS 15:13-14
GOD had given this great
promise to Abraham, and,
and Joseph had reviewed
the promise with the people
of Israel some 300 years
earlier, the elders at least
some of them, would
remember the great
promise of deliverance,
great joy and hope would
therefore flood their hearts,
when Moses declared that
the great day of deliverance
had come GENESIS 50:24-26
GOD has promise to deliver
the believers from the
enslavement of this world,
including the terrible
enslavement of sins and
death, and GOD has
promise to deliver us into
the promise land of heaven,
the perfect land that flows
with milk and honey.
18)And they shall hearken
to thy voice: and thou shalt
come, thou and the elders
of Israel, unto the king of
Egypt, and ye shall say unto
, Moses was to declare
GOD’S instruction to the
elders/leaders about GOD’S
appointed servant the
promise that the elders and
him, the LORD GOD of the
Hebrews hath met with us;
and now let us go, we
beseech thee, three days
journey into the wilderness,
that we may sacrifice to the
19)And I am sure that the
king of Egypt will not let you
go, no, not by a mighty
the people will listen and
accept his leadership, they
will give credit to his
commission, attend to what
he said, and obey his orders,
and follow the direction
that he should give them,
and not slight and reject
him, as some of them had
done before when he was
the prince in Egypt and as
GOD’S messenger and
prophet, Moses and the
elders were to go to
Pharaoh the king of Egypt
and declare that the GOD
of the Hebrews hath met
them and had appeared
and demanded that now let
us go three days journey
into the wilderness: the
wilderness of Sinai, and to
mount Horeb in it three
days journey that we may
sacrifice to our LORD GOD
in the place where he had
appeared to the principal
man Moses among them
where they would be in no
danger of being insulted
and molested by the
Moses was to declare
GOD’S prediction and fore
warning to the elders that
the King of Egypt will reject
their request, and GOD was
telling Moses to inform the
elders not to be discouraged
by the king’s rejection, GOD
knew all about the
rejections ahead of time,
they were all part of GOD
great plan for both Israel
and Egypt.
I know that Pharaoh will
not be willing to let you go,
GOD’S knowledge was
based on the true character
of Pharaoh , he knows that
he was a stubborn, proud
ruler who was not in the
habit of obeying GOD nor
man, especially the GOD of
Hebrews, or the nation
which was so profitable to
Egypt at the time, GOD
know how much it will take
to break the will of Pharaoh.
Though he see and feel the
miraculous and dreadful
works of strong and
almighty hand, the mighty
power of GOD displayed
once and again, even in nine
plagues inflicting on him
and his people, yet he will
not consent to your going,
until the ten last came upon
him the mighty power of
GOD is extended upon him.
We will sometimes be
rejected and persecuted by
the world, but we must
never allow rejection to
discourage us, GOD knows,
and HE is in control of the

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