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possible haste : take this
child away, and nurse it for
me, and I will give thee thy
wage: by which means she
had not only the nursing of
her own child, but paid for
it, it was during the early
life of Moses’ life, sitting at
the knee of his Mother and
Father, that he was most
likely taught to trust GOD
and believe the great
promises of GOD to Israel,
the Mother having been his
nurse, she allow to maintain
a relationship with him .
Moses mother saw God
work had faith rewarded,
our faith will also , be
rewarded if we will only
trust GOD, GOD will twist
events and work all things
out for our good if we trust
him, love and obey him
and follow him
In this act lay defeat of
Satan, the preservation of a
nation, the fulfilment of
prophesy of , and the
furtherance of GOD plan of
concerning the promise
seed GENESIS 3:15, 12:1-3,
The child grew, and was
weaned; Jochebed had
saved her son’s life by a
transfer of her Mother’s
right in her to Pharaoh’
daughter, she had received
him back, merely as a hired
nurse, to suckle him, when
the time comes she was
bound, whatever the
sufferings of her heart may
have been, to give him up, 21
to restore him to Pharaoh
daughter from whom she
had received him, as a child
put out to nurse, and see
that she did not make
attempt to escape her
obligation, Jochebed carried
out the terms of her
engagement faithfully, and
gave up her son to the
princess at the time agreed
Pharaoh’s daughter took
the child into her family
and brought him up as if he
had been his son, giving him
all privileges of a son,
together with such
education as a princess’s
son usually receive ,
according to Stephen
ACTS 7:21 – Now Moses was
learned an all the wisdom of
the Egyptians those who
GOD design for great
service, he finds out ways to
qualify them
Pharaoh’s daughter name
him Moses that is son or
brought forth; because she
brought him forth out of the
water, she said out of the
water hive I drawn him, it
most be and Egyptian
Name for the Egyptian call
water MO
11)And it came to pass in
those days, when Moses
was grown, that he went
out unto his brethren, and
looked on their burdens;
and he spied an Egyptian
smiting a Hebrew, one of his
12)And he looked this way
and that way, and when he
saw saw that there was no
man, he slew the Egyptian,
and hid him in the sand
13)And when he went out
the second day, behold, two
men of the Hebrews strove
together: and he said to him
that did the wrong
wherefore smites thou thy
14)And he said, who made
thee a price and a judge
over us? Intendest thou to
kill me, as thou killedst the
Egyptian? And Moses feared
and said, surely this thing is
15)Now when Pharaoh
heard this thing, he sought
to slay Moses, but Moses
fled from the face of
Pharaoh , and dwelt in the
Land of Midian: and he sat
down by a well
And it came to pass when
Moses was grown, the word
grown seems to mean more
than just age, but maturity,
full development, Moses
now has a heart that was
matured and fully
developed that has had a
sense of purpose and
mission ,according to
Stephen, in ACTS 7:23 he
says he was forty (40)years
old , having become by
some means or other
acquainted with the
circumstances of his birth,
which had most probably
never been concealed from
him, during the years of his
early nursing and training at
the knee of his mother, she
no doubt taught Moses the
great heritage and the great
promises of GOD to Israel as
being his childhood nurse.
He was determined to go
out to his brethren, see with
his own eyes what their
treatment was, and do his
best to alleviate it, he had
as yet, this visit change
Moses’ life it stirred up
within Moses a spirit of
purpose, mission, mercy,
compassion and a spirit of
felt and identified with
GOD’S people, Moses went
out, this suggest that Moses
was going out to visit his
people with some sense of
mission and purpose, with a
heart that has been stirred
up and was set of helping
his people, as a prince of
Egypt, Moses had no doubt
often seen his people suffer
under the weight of slavery,
laboring in the construction
and farming industry of
Egypt, he had seen them
abused, whipped, lashed, 23
and mistreated, when
Moses finally stood before
his people, he looked,
watched, and studied their
plight, he look with
sympathy, with deep
feelings and emotions, to
identify with them, the idea
is that Moses has gone
there to investigate the
plight of his people, that he
stood their deliberately
looking the situation over,
he watch them toil at their
hard labor, and he saw the
heavy burdens that were
weighing them down, he
look at their condition and
made himself acquainted
with it was by personal
inspection and was moved,
touched with deep
emotions and feelings
possible his heart reach out
for compassion for them, he
felt for his people and
identified with them , and
he adopted this proceeding
in pursuance of the patriotic
purpose that the faith,
which is of the operation of
GOD, was even then
forming in his heart,
He spied and Egyptian
hitting an Hebrew slave one
of the taskmasters without
no just cause , and in so
cruel manner under the
barbarous treatment, the
sight was new and strange
to him he was fired with
indignation, and he looked
all around to observe if
there were any within sight
who could see what he did,
which did not arise from any
consciousness of any evil he 24
was about to commit; but to
for his own preservation,
lest if seen he should be
accused to Pharaoh, and
suffer for it, and when he
saw that there was no man;
near at hand, that could see
what he did, and be witness
against him, he slew the
Egyptian Taskmaster an and
rescue the oppress Israelite
, and hid him in the sand,,
which is a complete change
in the life of Moses that
was affected, as the
attraction of temptation of
the riches, pleasure ; and
position of being the
adopted son child of the
princess forfeited , as
not only did Moses decided
to help his brethren when
he appeared among them,,
but, this forcible
interference on behalf of
his brethren could have
arose the thought in their
mind, that GOD would send
them salvation through
him,, but they
misunderstood, as the same
time Moses thereby
declared that he would no
longer be called the son of
Pharaoh’s daughter; and
chose rather to suffer
affliction with the people of
GOD, than to enjoy the
pleasure of sin
ACTS 7:23-25
HEBREWS 11:24-26
GOD had apparently moved
the heart of Moses arose
feelings of compassion
towards the Israelites, GOD
stirred the heart of Moses
to make a special visit to
investigate the suffering of
his people and to make
plans to help them, Moses
spirit was grip for a sense of
purpose, mission and
As Believers sense of
compassion and mercy can
change our lives,
compassion can make us for
more useful and helpful
individual, a compassionate
person make greater
contribution to society, a
greater contribution to
friends, neighbor,
communities, cities, nations
and the world, a
compassionate person
meets the need of the
world, the experience of
feeling compassion for
others, identifying with
them if acted upon, can
change our lives and can
change the world, if we
allow compassion to grip us
as Moses, then most of the
desperate need of people
could be met, the needs of:
The poor, widows,
fatherless, hungry, empty,
lost, sinful, diseased,
prisoners, brokenhearted,
sick , dying backslidden,
The following day behold
two men of Hebrews strove
together, and he said to
him that did the wrong;
who was the aggressor; and
acted, wherefore smites
thou thy fellow? Friend and
companion, signifying, that
it was very unbecoming, 26
unkind and that the
brother and friend ought to
live together in love, and
not strive with, and smite
one another and especially
as such time as this when
they are oppressed and
suffer from their enemies
As the reputed son of a
princess, Moses would be
in some sort a prince but no
one had given him
jurisdiction over the
Hebrews, he had not really
interfered as one who
claimed authority, but as
any man of position and
naturally inferring to stop a
quarrel, who made the a
prince and a judge over
us,? But God had designed
him for one, and he
appeared to be after wards,
but then man meant that
Moses has not being
appointed by Pharaoh’s
order the, and so had
nothing to do to interfere
in their difference and
quarrels; though Moses did
not take upon him to act in
an authoritative way, but
to urge and persuade them
to peace and love, as they
were brethren
The murderer of the
Egyptian is become known,
and Moses fear and said to
himself, he concluded from
his speech, that either
somebody had seen him
commit the Murder,
surely this thing is known, 27
especially as it seems that
is not the same Hebrew, on
whose account Moses had
slain the Egyptian, for the
thing should have been
secret between them as
before, but is now known
Both for his killing the
Egyptian, which by the law
of Egypt was death,
whether bon or free; and
for his taking part with the
Hebrews against Egyptians,
and knowing him to be wise
and valiant man, might fear
he would put himself at the
head of the Hebrews, and
cause a revolt of them and
Moses fled, knowing what
he had to expect, he fled
from the face of Pharaoh, to
avoid danger and preserve
his life for future
usefulness,, and no doubt
under divine instinct, and by
the direction of divine
providence the time for him
to be deliverer for Israel has
not yet come and he ran to
the land Midian; a country
one of Abraham son by
Keturah GENESIS 25:2
Moses is to be further fitted
for service, and therefore is
directed to withdraw fort
the present, till the time to
favor Israel, even the set
time GOD guided Moses to
Midian, because the
Midianite are seed of
Abraham, and retained the
worship of the true GOD; so
that he might have not only
safe, but a comfortable
settlement among them and
through this country
afterward he was to lead
Tired and thoughtful,
waiting to see what
providence would direct
him, it was a great change
with him, since he was,
Moses flight to Midian were
a time of preparation, a
period of great growth both
mentally and spiritually,
Moses character grew by
living in Midian, a hard,
harsh, and impoverish
place, life was rough and
hard in such a place Moses
was to Learn:
The geographical terrain of
the desert wilderness
The hash environment of
the desert with its scattered
water holes and food supply
The strength needed to
face poverty by living in a
harsh land
The suffering of the people
who lived in a poor, hash
16)Now the priest of
Midian had seven daughters
and they came and draw
water, and filled the troughs
to water their father’s flock
17)And the Shepard’s came
and drove them away; but
Moses stood up and helped
them and watered their
18)And when they came to
Reuel their father, he said,
how is it that ye are come
so soon to day?
19)And they said an
Egyptian delivered us out of
the hand of the Shepard’s
and drew water enough for
us, and watered the flock
20)And he said unto his
daughters , and where is
he? Why is it that ye have
left the man? Call him, that
he may eat bread
21)AND Moses was content
to dwell with the man: and
he gave Moses Zipporah his
22)And she bare him a son,
and he called his name
Gershom: for he said, I have
been a stranger in a strange
now the priest of midian
had seven daughters
jethro is represented as
exercising priestly
functions, the midianites,
descendant of abraham the
forth son of keturah,
genesis 25: 1-2 worshipped
the true god, and seem to
have been at this time a
religious people the name
ruel or raguel means friend
of god,
life of moses in midian
moses was fugitives from
egypt he sat on 
jethro had 7 daughter who
kept his flock, they
sometimes had difficulty
with shepherds of others
flocks, so on this occasion
the shepherds drove the
flocks of jethro away, so as
to use the water drawn by
his daughters for their own
flocks, moses saw it and
felt the injustice he
resented by defending
them, he moved to see
such rude and uncivil
treatment of weaker sex,
rose up from the ground on
which he sat, and took the
parts, and obliged the
shepherds to give way and
helped the girls water their
father’s flock, so they could
go home sooner than usual
, this implies that the
daughter had been having
trouble with the shepherds
in the past and kept quiet
about it to their father,
moses look like and
egyptian in the dress and
having shaved according to
the customs of egypt
genesis 41:14
moses again is the
champion of the oppressed,
his character grew by
standing for justice and for
the oppressed, as he
already demonstrated a
strong sense of justice by
taken two strong stand for
the oppressed israelites
who was being beaten by
the taskmaster of egypt and
had taken a stand for the
oppressed israelites who
had been drawn into fight 30
by a neighbor, a fellow
israelite, he demonstrated
true sense of justice and
compassion for the
oppressed being the second
and moses character has
developed to stand up for
justice and for the
oppressed, he love to be
doing good, where the
providence of god cast us,
we should desire and
endeavor to be useful and
to do good when we can
the shepherds oppression
of the daughter of the
priest, was obviously a daily
attack, for moses help
enable the girls to return
home early, they were so
far ahead of returning
home so early, it was
marvelous to him that it
could be done so quick a
dispatch moses made
through his assistance, their
father actually asked, why
they were retuning home so
early, they simply related
what happened,: an
egyptian had rescued them
from the shepherds and had
even watered their flock for
them, moses appearance,
and language pointed
toward him being an
egyptian, he so train and
sunken in egypt society
that his appearance to be
an egyptian but not his
heart .
Upon hearing how Moses
had defended his daughters,
Jethro the father rebuke his
daughters with a want of
politeness, even to show
gratitude, why they have let
the man, why have they not
invite him in? they must
themselves remedy the
mission, for having left the
Egyptian at the well, he
immediately sent them
back to invite Moses that
he may take meal with
Jethro invited Moses he
must have been so pleased
with the manner and
appearance of Moses that
he invited him to take
service with him, Moses
consented, and Moses and
in course of time took to
wife Zipporah, one of
Jethro’s daughter
23) And it came to pass in
progress of time, that the
king of Egypt died: and the
children of Israel sighed by
reason of the bondage and
they cried, and their cry
came up unto GOD by
reason of the bondage
24)And GOD heard their
groaning, and GOD
remembered his covenant
with Abraham, with Isaac,
and Jacob
25)And GOD looked upon
the children of Israel, and
GOD had respect unto them
EXODUS 3:1-6
1)Now Moses kept the flock
of Jethro his fathers-in law
the priest of Midian: and he
led the flock to the backside
of the desert, and came to
the mountain of GOD, even
to Horeb
2)And the Angel of the
LORD appeared unto him in
a flame of fire out of the
midst of a bush was not
3)And Moses said, I will
now turn aside, and see this
great sight, why the bush is
not burnt
4)And when the LORD saw
that he turned aside to see,
GOD called unto him out of
the midst, of the bush, and
said, Moses, Moses, and he
said Here am i
5)And he said, draw not
nigh hither; put off thy
shoes from off thy feet, for
the place whereon thou
standest is holy ground
6)Moreover he said, I am
the GOD of they Father, the
GOD of Abraham, the GOD
of Isaac, and the GOD of
Jacob, and Moses hid his
face; for he was afraid to
look upon GOD
7)And the LORD said, I have
surely seen the affliction of
my people which are in
Egypt, and have heard their
cry by reason of their
taskmasters; for I know
their sorrows
8)And I am come down to
deliver them out of the
Egyptians, and to bring
them up out of that land
unto a good land and a
large, unto a land flowing
with milk and honey; unto
the place of the Canaanites,
and the Hittites, and the
Amorites , and the
Perizzites, and the Hivites
and Jebusite
9)Now therefore, behold,
the cry of the children of
Israel is come unto me; and
I have also seen the
oppression wherewith the
Egyptians oppress them
10)Come now therefore,
and I will send thee unto
Pharaoh , that thou mayest
bring forth my people the
children of Israel out of
11)And Moses said unto
GOD, who am I, that I
should go unto Pharaoh,
and that I should bring forth
the children of Israel out of
12)And he said, certainly I
will be with thee; and this
shall be a token unto thee;
that I have sent thee: when
thou hast brought forth the
people out of Egypt, ye shall
SERVE GOD upon this
EXODUS 3:13-15
13)And Moses said unto
GOD, behold, when I come
unto the children of Israel
and shall say unto them, the
GOD of your fathers hath
sent me unto you; and they
shall say to me, what is his
name? what shall I say unto
14)And GOD said unto
Moses, I AM THAT I AM:
and he said thus shalt thou
say unto the children of
Israel, I AM hath sent me
unto you
15)And GOD said moreover
unto Moses, thus shalt say
unto the children of Israel,
the LORD GOD fathers, the
GOD of Abraham, the GOD
of Isaac, and the GOD of
Jacob hath sent me unto
you: this is my name for
ever, and this is my
memorial unto all
16)Go, and gather the
elders of Israel together,
and say unto them, the
LORD GOD of your fathers
the GOD of Abraham, of
Isaac, and of Jacob,
appeared unto me, saying, I
have surely visited you, and
seen that which is done to
you in Egypt
17)And I have said I will
bring you up out of the
affliction of Egypt unto the
land of the Canaanites and
the Hittites, and the
Amorites and the Perizzites,
and the Hivites and
Jebusites into a land flowing
with milk and honey
18)And they shall hearken
to thy voice; and thou shalt
come thou and the elders of
Israel, unto the king of
Egypt, and ye shall say unto
him, the LORD GOD of the
Hebrews hath met with us;
and now let us go, we
beseech thee, three days
journey into the wilderness
that we may sacrifice to the
19)And I am sure that the
king of Egypt will not let you
go, no not by a mighty hand
20)And I will stretch out my
hand, and smite Egypt will
all my wonders which I will
do in the midst thereof; and
after that he will let you go
21)And I will give this
people favor in the sight of
the Egyptians; and it shall
come to pass, that when ye
go, ye shall not go empty
22)But every woman shall
borrow of her neighbor, and
of her that sojourneth in her
house, Jewels of silvers, and
of gold, and raiment: and ye
shall put them upon your
sons, and upon your
daughters; ye shall spoil the

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