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management, that he never
concerned himself about his
affairs, how they stood or
what money he had in his
house or food.
GENESIS 39:7-10
7)And it came to pass after
these things, that his
master’s wife cast her eyes
upon Joseph; and she said, lie
with me
8)But he refused, and said
unto his master’s wife,
behold, my master wotteth
not what is with me in the
house, and he hath to my
9)There is none greater in
this house than I; neither
hath he kept back any thing
from me but thee, because
thou art his wife how then
can I do this great
wickedness, and sin against
10)And it came to pass, as
she spake to Joseph Day by
day, that he hearkened not
unto her, to be by her, or to
be with her
After he was the overseer of
his masters house: in which
office after he had been
some time, that his master’s
wife cast her eyes upon
Joseph; he being a handsome
young man, caught her eyes,
and that her heart, and led
her on to lust after him, and
frequently fed her eyes with
affectionate look at him and
at lent being fired with lust,
and having and opportunity,
she said to him, in a bold and
impolite manner, in plain
words, having giving signs
and hints, and dropped
expressions lie with me: now
directly, there being both
opportunity and
convenience, when he came
in to do his normal domestic
work,: this was a very great
temptation to a young man
in single life and living well,
from his mistress , who had it
greatly in her power to make
him should he consent, or
ruin him should he deny.
But Joseph refused and said
unto his master’s wife
reasoning with her about the
evil nature of the crime she
tempted him to, which to
commit would be ingratitude,
as well as injury to his
master, and a sin against
GOD; by which it appears
that Joseph was a partaker of
grace of GOD.
Joseph said, behold my
master Never not what is
with me in the house; what
goods or money are in it, and
he hath committed all that
he hath to my hand: as there
is none greater in this house
than I,, not any servants of
the house, he was the chief
of them, who had the rest
under him, Joseph had
authority over all the
servants, and everything his
master had.
He pleads the unreserved
trust his master had reposed
in him, and that the master
Potiphar gave him everything
except her, because she was
his wife.
Such confidence did he
repose in him, wherefore to
do such an injury to him as to
commit adultery with his
wife, would be making a sad
return, and acting in a most
ungrateful part for such favor
shown him, he is bound by
the law of honor, the law of
chastity(this great evil) and
the law of godliness( sin
against GOD) Joseph uses the
name of the almighty GOD to
address the Master’s wife the
GOD allow Joseph to be
tempted, time after time, day
by day over months, GOD
letting Joseph learn self
denial, disciple and self
control, Joseph learn the
lesson well he prove that he
will be trusted with higher
responsibility, top leadership.
Continually, incessantly,
hoping in time to prevail
upon him to comply with her
desires; as the temptation
was strong, very ensuring, as
it is urgent and frequent, and
pressed with great latitude,
which requires grace and
special spiritual strength to
resist, but will not an hearing,
lest he should be overcome
by her persuasions
Joseph went in to do his
business, and she caught him
by his garment, in other to
detain him, that she might
have time to parley with him,
saying, lie with me, and he
left his garment in her hand,
and fled, and got him out: it
was his outward loose
garment she laid hold on, out
of which he slipped himself,
and so get clear of her, and
ran away, and got out of the
house as fast as he could, this
he did, because he would not
struggle with his mistress for
his garment, which no doubt
by his strength he could have
got from her, and partly lest
he should by handling , and
put himself and herself out of
danger of further temptation
and overcome her
GENESIS 39:11-13
11)And it came to pass about
this time, that Joseph went
into the house to do his
business; and there was none
of the men of the house
there within
12)And she caught him by
his garment, saying, lie with
me; and he left his garment
in her hand and fled, and got
him out
13)And it came to pass when
she saw that he had left his
garment in her hand and fled
Joseph was fiercely tempted
day by day by Potiphar’s wife
and she don’t accept what
Joseph said, and his
resistance just aroused her
more and more, she is just
burned with lust and passion
for him, so much so that she
kept after him day by day,
but she was not giving up.
She planned a scheme where
by she could actually assault
Joseph, she got rid of all the
male servant in the section of
the house where Joseph
worked, when Joseph
entered into his office , she
surprise him by grabbing him
and propositioning him
ready to rape him if possible,
he turn away from her and
fled so quickly that she pulled
his coat off.
And when she saw that he
had left his garment in her
hand, and so all hopes of
succeeding in her were over,
and Joseph fled forth: into
the streets or out of the
house, where business was
carried on by servant under
him, then she called unto he
men of her house, however
disappointed and outraged,
she vowed revenge and
GENESIS 39:14-19
14)That she called unto the
men of her house, and spake
unto them, saying, see, he
hath brough in a Hebrew
unto us to mock us; he came
Joseph was made stronger
through the most terrible
trials, he had to learn the
feelings of humiliation
endurance and hardness, in
future years Joseph was to
unto me to lie with me, and I
cried with a loud voice
15)And it came to pass,
when he heard that I lifted
up my voice and cried, that
he left his garment with me,
and, fled, and got him out
16)And she laid up the
garment by her, until his lord
came home
17)And she spake unto him
according to these words,
saying, the Hebrew servant,
which thou hast brought
unto us, came in unto me to
mock me
18)And it came to pass,as I
lifted up my voice and cried,
that he left his garment with
me, and fled out
19)And it came to pass,
when his master heard the
words of his wife, which she
spake unto him, saying, after
this manner did thy servant
to me, that his wrath was
be exalted as the chief
administrator od all Egypt:
he was to have complete
control over food supply of
the nation, so as to be just
and compassionate
administrator, he will need
to know what it felt like to
be humiliated and to lose
everything one owned.
GOD was going to use him to
save Egypt and Israel from
starvation, he must be able
to be compassionate
towards those who had lost
all they had and were
Joseph now suffered the
trails of lies and false
accusations , she turned,
against Joseph more quickly,
first to the servants of the
house, and on his return to
her husband, you have
brought in an Hebrew to
mock us, to corrupt and
defile me: which was
insinuates that this was not
only an indignity to her, but
an injury to all the family,
which therefore they were
obliged to revenge an
affected and blind aspersion
of her husband for keeping in
his house and Hebrew: the
very abomination of
He came in unto me to lie
with me, and I cried with a
loud voice; both of them lies:
for it was she that solicited
him to lie with her, and not
he, nor did she cry out at all;
and come she was no heard
by them, That he left his
garment with me, and fled,
as a proof of what she laid to
his charge; and as a
testimony against him until
her husband return and she
related to her husband much
the same manner.
Her husband believed her
story without hearing from
Joseph’s defense,
GENESIS 39:20-23
20)And Joseph’s master took
him, and put him into the
prison, a place where the
king’s prisoners were bound;
and he was there in the
21) But the LORD was with
Joseph, and showed him
mercy, and gave him favor in
the sight of the keeper of the
22)And the keeper of the
prison committed to Joseph’s
hand all the prisoners that
were in the prison; and
whatsoever they did there,
he was the doer of it
23)The keeper of the prison
looked not to any thing that
was under his hand; because
the LORD was with him, and
that which he did, the LORD
made it to prosper
Potiphar was Captain of the
guard or as the title literally
runs, chief of the
executioners, in the capacity
he had charge of the prison,
GENESIS 40:3-4 it is quite
intelligible that he should
have put Joseph in
confinement on his own
authority, and the distinction
drawn between such a
prisoner and the king’s
prisoners, which was in
adjoining to his house, as
captain of the guard; and as
the chief executioner.
It is much he did not in his
passion deliver him up into
their hands to be put to
death, but through his great
respect for Joseph and
especially if he heard
Joseph’s apology for him
before committed him, his
passion might subside a little
, but for the credit of his wife
he might take the step or
however, things were so
overruled by the providence
of GOD, who has the heart of
all men in his hand
Such high-handed treatment
of a slave, it was merciful for
death would have been the
punishment of the crime of
which Joseph was accused
Either Potiphar was singularly
lenient, or more probable,
he did not quite believe his
wife’s story and thought it
best to frame up a scandal
The LORD comforting him
with his presence under his
affliction; supporting him
with his right hand;
sanctifying all his troubles to
him, and so causing him to
bear them patently and
cheerfully and show him
mercy and gave him favor in
the sight of the keeper of the
prison, GOD so wrought upon
the heart of this man, that he
was merciful to him, and
took off the iron fetters,
which hurt his feet, and gave
him liberty to walk about;
and many other favors and
kindness he showed unto
him, which is but a higher
influence at work; for the
LORD was with Joseph, and
that which he did, the LORD
made it to prosper
The keeper of the prison
committed to Joseph’s hand
all the prisoners that were in
the prison; and the keeper
look not to anything that was
under Joseph hand; he did
not inquire into to examine
his conduct and management
of things, whatsoever they 
did there, he was the person
attending to it
Joseph now suffered the loss
of all he had; both his
possession and position.
GENESIS 40:1-4
1)And it came to pass after
these things, that the butler
of the king of Egypt and his
baker had offended their lord
the king of Egypt
2)And Pharaoh was wroth
against two of his officers,
against the chief of the
butlers, and against the chief
of the bakers
3)And he put them in ward
in the house of the captain of
the guard, into the prison the
place where Joseph was
4)And the captain of the
guard charged with them,
and he served them: and
they continued a season in
After Joseph had been
accused and cast into prison,
where he had been for some
time, how long had Joseph
been languishing and
suffering in prison, we don’t
know, Joseph was put on
chains when he was first
imprisoned some time after
he was assign prison
administrative duties, his had
work and administrative
ability were noticed by the
chief warden, so eventually
the warden put Joseph in
charge of all other prisoners,
for Potiphar was in charge of
the prison.
Pharaoh imprisoned his chief
butler and chief baker, the
chief butler was the
cupbearer to the king whose
duty is not only to oversee
the King’s , to personally
serve the king, even making
sure the wine is not poisoned
. While the chief baker was in
charge of the food for the
They were arrested and
imprisoned and pending
investigation ,as Pharaoh was
angry with their conduct, it
suggest that the baker or his
servants under his
management was planning to
poison Pharaoh.
GENESIS 40:5-8
5)And they dreamed a
dream both of them,, each
man his dream in one night,
each man according to the
interpretation of his dream,
the butler and the baker of
the king of Egypt, which were
bound in the prison
6)And Joseph came in unto
them in the morning, and
looked up on them, and
behold, they were sad
7)And he asked Pharaoh’s
officers that were with him in
the ward of his lord’s house,
saying, wherefore look ye so
sadly to day?
8)And they said unto him,
we have dreamed a dream,
and there is no interpreter of
it, and Joseph said onto
them, Do not interpretations
belong to GOD? Tell me
them I pray you
Then one night, the butler
and the baker dreamed a
dream not the same dream,
each man his dream in one
night, which made it the
more remarkable, and the
more impressed, their minds
concluding that there must
be something of importance
in their dreams, each man
according to the
interpretation of his dream:
they were in the same
political prison where joseph
was, they dream each what
was suitable to his office and
character, which indicated
what should hereafter befall
them had the investigation of
their offence might have
completed, which will be in
their minds? GOD was
behind the dreams, that GOD
will later use to release
Joseph from prison.
GOD used dreams in lives of
people, but not often,
believers are to seek GOD’S
word, the Holy Bible, study
his precious Holy Spirit to
guide and strengthen us
Holy spirit is our guide not
9)And the Chief butler told
his dream to Joseph, and
said to him in my dream,
behold, a vine was before me
10)And in the vine were
three branches; and it was as
though it budded, and her
blossoms shot forth; and the
The next morning, when
Joseph came into their prison
cells, he noticed a need
written all across their faces;
they were both sad and
dejected, and Joseph showed
concern for them, he
clusters thereof brought ripe
11)And Pharaoh’s cup was in
my hand; and I took the
grapes and pressed them
into Pharaoh’s cup, and I
gave the cup into Pharaoh’s
12) And Joseph said unto
him, this is the interpretation
of it the three branches are
three days
13)Yet within three days,
shall Pharaoh lift up thine
head, and restore thee unto
thy place; and thou shalt
deliver pharaoh’s cup into his
hand after the former
manner when thou wast his
14)But think on me when it
shall be well with thee, and
show kindness, I pray thee,
on to me, and make mention
of me unto Pharaoh, and
bring me out of this house
15)For indeed I was stolen
away out of the land of the
Hebrews; and here also have
I done nothing that they
should put me into this
16)When the chief bakers
saw that the interpretation
was good, he said unto
Joseph, I also was in my
dream, and, behold, I had
three white baskets on my
17)And in the uppermost
basket there was of all
manner of bake meats for
Pharaoh; and the birds did
remember his own
circumstances, impression
for a crime he never
committed and shackled for
a long time in prison, he did
not grumble , a complainer,
angry with the world and
cursing GOD , but Joseph was
trusting in GOD as he was in
charge of those two officers
to take care of them, but the
greatest interest he had in
the keeper of the prison, and
the favor shown him, in
putting such prisoners under
his care,
THEM-, do not interpretation
belong to GOD? That is, of
dreams, and to him only,
meaning the true GOD whom
we worshipped; for as for
dreams that predict things to
come is of GOD himself, for
non can foretell future
events but he, and such to
whom he gives the gift to
interpret dreams Joseph
acknowledged the power of
GOD that only GOD can give
meaning to the dream.
Joseph listened to the dream
of the chief butler or
cupbearer the dream was:
o He saw a vine in front
of him
o The vine had three
o The branches budded,
blossomed, and bore
ripe grape
o He held the cup of
Pharaoh in his hand
eat them out of the basket
upon my head
18)And Joseph answered
and said, this is the
interpretation thereof; the
three baskets are three days
19)Yet within three days
shall Pharaoh lift up thy head
from off thee, and shall hang
thee on a tree; and the birds
shall eat thy flesh from off
20)And it came to pass the
third, which was Pharaoh’s
birthday, that he made a
feast unto all his servants;
and he lifted up the head of
the chief butler and of the
chief baker among his
21)And he restored the chief
butler unto his butlership
again and he gave the cup
into Pharaoh’s hand
22)But he hanged the chief
baker; as Joseph had
interpreted to them
23)Yet did not the chief
butler remember Joseph, but
forget him
  • He took the grape and
press them into the
cup and hand over
the cup to Pharaoh
Joseph interpreted the
dream for him, that the
three branches stood for
three days, and this meant
that he was to be restored as
Pharoah’s cupbearer in the
next three days.
Then joseph with humility
ask the cupbearer to
remember him, to show
kindness and to mention him
before Pharoah and ask
Pharaoh to release him from
Then Joseph explained his
innocence, that he had been
forcefully kidnapped from
the land of Hebrew by his
own people, and sold as a
slave , and he was not guilty
of the offence that brought
him to the prison.
At this stage the chief baker
was anxious as he had the
good news about the cup
bearer’s dream, he anxiously
wanted his dream
interpreted as well, Joseph
listened to the chief baker’s
dream was:
He saw three baskets
on his head
The upper basket was
fille with all kinds of
baked goods for
But while he was
carrying the bake
goods to Pharaoh, the 
birds were eating
Joseph interpreted the
dream for him, courageously
and said the three baskets
stood for three days, the
basket on his head meant
that within three days
Pharaoh was going to cut his
head off and hang his body
on a tree, the birds would
then come and eat his flesh,
Joseph demonstrated strong
courage to tell the truth.
As interpreted by Joseph,
Pharaoh had a birthday feast,
and he released the chief
butler or cupbearer and he
was restored to his former
position and the chief baker
was hanged.
But the Chief butler or
cupbearer forget about
Joseph, he did not follow
through with his promise as
Joseph remain in prison
Just picture the wide rage of
emotions Joseph experienced
languishing there in prison,
waiting to hear from a
cupbearer, joseph had great
hope and expectation on the
day the cupbearer was
released from prison, no
doubt, an awful
disappointments occasionally
surge through Joseph’s,
especially a friend in high
place now have power to
help him , but he had
forgotten him.
We must learn to wait upon
GOD, not people, not even
our friends and loved ones, 
and learn, people can help
sometimes, but not always
and not perfectly, the only
perfect help that is always
available for every problem
and trail is the help that is
always available that is from
GENESIS 41:1-8
1)And it came to pass at the
end of two full years, that
Pharaoh dreamed; and
behold, he stood by the river
2) And, behold there came
up out of the river seven
well-favored kine and fat
fleshed, and they fed in a
3)And, behold, seven other
kine came up after them out
of the river, ill-favored and
lean-fleshed; and stood by
the other kine upon the brink
of the river
4)And the ill-favored and
lean well-favored and fat
kine so Pharaoh awake
5)And he slept and dreamed
the second time; and behold,
seven ears of corn came up
upon one stalk, rank and
6) And, behold, seven thin
ears and blasted with the
east wind sprung up after
7)And the seven thin ears
devoured the seven rank and
full ears, and Pharaoh awoke,
and, behold, it was a dream
8)And it came to pass in the
morning that his spirit was
troubled; and he sent and
called for all the magicians of
Joseph was in prison for two
years the time has now
come for Joseph’s elevation
to power; and it is to be
noticed that this was not
brought about by those arts
by which man usually attain
to greatness after
statesmanship, or military
skill but by direct
intervention of Divine
providence .
After the chief cup-bearer’s
release, the cup-bearer who
promise to appeal for Joseph
case before Pharaoh
forgotten all about his
promise ,
Pharaoh dreamed ,and
behold, he stood by the bank
of the rive Nile and saw
seven fine fat cows ascend
from the Nile and feed in the
Nile-grass; and behind them
seven others, ugly
unparalleled in their ugliness,
lean, thin in flesh fallen away
and withered in flesh,
fleshless, which placed
themselves beside those fat
ones on the brink of the Nile
and devoured them
Egypt, and all the wise men
thereof; and Pharaoh told
them his dream; but there
was none that could
interpret them unto Pharaoh
Pharaoh then awoke and fell
asleep again and had a
second, similar dream, Seven
fat and fine ears grew upon
one blade, and were
swallowed up by seven thin
and hardened ones, which
were blasted by the east
wind, the east wind in Egypt
is said to be dry and
dehydrating, it prevent dew,
hardens the earth, and shrink
the grain, the impression was
so distinct as to be taken for
reality, until he awoke and
perceived that it was only a
dream, GOD shocked
Pharaoh keeping in mind that
GOD is behind the whole
scene causing Pharaoh to
His Spirit was troubled, just
like the dream of the butler
and baker in the prison, he
could not get rid of the
feeling that the twofold
dream portended some
momentous event,
Pharaoh was deeply
disturbed by the dreams, he
felt sure there was some
significance to them, so he
called for all the Magicians,
and wise men, they are the
Egyptian priest who
understood the sacred
hieroglyphic writings, they
have knowledge of arts and
science, pretend to reveal
secrets though occult,
astrology and mysterious
trickery feats by
superstitious practice and by
the power of Satan.
Pharaoh told them his
dream, but not a single one
could interpret the dreams,
they were mystified and
confounded, and did not
know what to say, all
indication points towards
GOD blocking their mind as
he was working behind the
scenes for his servant and his
people, as the wisdom of
GOD is unlimited to help us
Pharaoh was unsatisfactory
GENESIS 41:9-13
9)Then spake the chief butler
unto Pharaoh, saying, I do
remember my faults this day;
10)Pharaoh was wroth with
his servants, and put me in
ward in the Captain of the
guard’s house, both me and
the chief baker
11)And we dreamed a
dream in one night, I and he;
we dreamed each man
according to the
interpretation of his dream
12)And there was there with
us a young man, a Hebrew,
servant to the captain of the
guard: and we told him, and
he interpreted to us our
dreams; to each man
according to his dream he did
13)And it came to pass, as he
interpreted to us, so it was;
me he restored unto mine
office, and him he hanged
The cupbearer was obviously
standing there by the king
and the Magicians , then the
chief cupbearer spoke to
Pharaoh saying I do
remember my fault this day,
which is a fault of ingratitude
and breach of promise in not
making it known and
mentioning to him Pharaoh
before this time, about
Joseph the young Hebrew
servant to the captain of the
guard, he recommend him to
the king ,which is GOD time,
who interpret the dream
,and he recalled his own
past experience , how he and
chief baker who Pharaoh had
put in prison and dreamed a
dream and both of them
cannot interpret it.
However Joseph interpreted
their dreams and he was
restored back to his former
position as Cupbearer, while
the baker was hanged
according to Joseph
interpretation of the dream.
Which eventually suggest
that by the Chief butler that
Joseph had unusual spiritual
insight and understanding
and that Pharaoh should call
for Joseph which is the divine
intervention, GOD was the
person working all things out
for both his servant as God
was the person who stirred
the memory of the
Cupbearer to remember
Joseph in prison
GENESIS 41:14-17
14)then Pharaoh sent and
called Joseph, and they
brought him hastily out of
the dungeon: and he shaved
himself, and changed his
raiment, and came in unto
15)And Pharaoh said unto
Joseph, I have dreamed a
dream, and there is none
that can interpret it: and I
have heard say of thee, that
thou canst understand a
dream to interpret it
16)And Joseph answered
Pharaoh, saying, it is not me;
GOD shall give Pharaoh an
answer of peace
Then Pharaoh sent for
Joseph by massagers to him
and, ordered the captain of
the guard, or keeper of the
prison to lose him and let
him free, and they brought
him hastily, as quickly as
possible after shaving the
hair of his head the beard,
and changing his prison
clothes and brought into the
kings court, GOD delivered
Joseph from both
enslavement and
Joseph went to the king and
stood before the most
powerful ruler in the world
and all his top officials at that
time, they were in great
need, about to face a
terrifying crisis, but GOD
knew what was coming, he
was going to use his servant
Joseph warn them.
Pharaoh came straight to the
point : he told Joseph that he
had a dream during the
night, but no one has been
able interpret it, however he
had heard that You can
interpret dreams could he?
GOD had delivered Joseph
for this very moment to
acknowledge GOD as the
source of all knowledge and
power, quickly, without
hesitation, he declared that
he had no ability or power to
help, but GOD did, and he
declare that GOD shall give a
answer of peace, and GOD
will give Pharaoh the
meaning of his dream

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