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GENESIS 11:31-32
v ACTS 7:2
v GENESIS 17:7
v GENESIS 24:10
v JOSHUA 24:2
31)And Terah took Abram
his son, and Lot the son of
Haran his son’s son and
Sarai his daughter in-law,
his son Abram’s wife; and
they went forth with them
from Ur of the Chaldees, to
go into the land of Canaan;
and they came unto Haran,
and dwelt there
32)And the days of Terah
were two hundred and five
years; and Terah died in
GOD intended to have a
man who would know and
serve him with devoted
faith, from this man would
come a family who would
know teach and keep the
ways of GOD, from this the
family will become a chosen
nation of people, who will
be distinct from other
nations and be carriers of
the promise, revelation and
GOD, which is in Abram.
Abram was called from the
land of his nativity into the
land of promise, the call was
designed both to try his
faith and obedience, and
also to set him and his
family apart for GOD in
order that the worldwide
dominance of idolatry might
be prevented, and his true
worship might be
maintained, his visions
preserved and till the
coming of the Messiah .
The first call was In Ur of
Chaldees, which has fallen
into polytheism, the
worship of other gods, was
the principal seat of the
worship of the moon-god, 
Sin, we learnt that Terah
and his family were
adulators prior to the call
JOSHUA 24:2 , it is
probably that the
revelation Abram had
received from heaven was
what moved Tehah to
depart from Ur of the
Chaldees seems to be the
call of GOD to Abram, who
might have acquainted his
father about the worship of
idolatry, which he listen to,
being now convinced of his
idolatry and converted from
it, and readily obeyed the
divine will that encourage
their departure from the
idolatrous country of Ur of
the Chaldees and set them
to seek another country to
worship the true GOD ,
which, set out the
departure of his journey,
with his family, as soon
after the call of Abram his
son by GOD, it was the
design of Terah to settle
down in Canaan but died in
Nahor refuse to follow and
stay in Ur of Chaldees ,to
seek the pleasure and
possession of the world, he
choose the GOD of this
world, the god of man
imaginations rather than
the true and living GOD who
revealed himself to Abram.
Nahor refused to believe
and to pursue after GOD’S
promise seed of the Savior
and promise land of
Canaan(Heaven) he was
noted to be a worshipper of
idols in GEN.31:53 tells us 
that His god of Idol worship
was transferred to Laban
who happens to be his son
who is an idol worshiper
unknow to Jacob, Rachel,
his wife had stolen his
father’s Laban’s Idol, the
worship of false GOD was
passed down through
generation by Nahor
GEN. 31:19, 32 he did not
pursue after GOD promises,
he was more comfortable
with the pleasure of the
This was confirmed by the
Statement of Stephen: that
GOD appeared to Abram
while he was still in Ur of
the Chaldees when GOD
first gave him the promise
of the promise land
ACTS 7:2-3 GOD of glory
appeared unto our father
Abraham, when he was in
Mesopotamia,, but Abram
did not go all the way with
GOD, not when GOD first
called him,, he stated out
following the promises of
GOD when he left Ur of the
Chaldees, to begin the
journey , but he stopped in
Haran far short of the
promised land , and Abram
reason for stopping in Haran
is not stated, either is due
to Terah the father’s
sickness, business
opportunity, backsliding or
pressure from family.
GENESIS 15:7 says that is
GOD called and led Abram
from Ur of the Chaldees, led
him to seek after the
promise Land, when GOD 
gave him the promise of the
LAND, and also
NEHEMIAH 9:7-8 says that
the promise of GOD to
Abram includes the
promised seed and land
We must not reject the
promise land, Canaan is a
representation or type of
picture of the promised
Land of heaven that is
promise to all
HEBREW 11:10, 16
Abram built his life upon
the greatness of GOD’S two
great promises: the
promises of the promised
land and the promised seed,
every believer should do
exactly what Abram did:
begin the journey to great
life; a life to seek two
fundamental things:
v We must seek the
promised seed, of
v WE must seek the
promised land
v LUKE 14:26-33
v MATTHEW 22:37-38
v MATTHEW 10:37
v MATTHEW 8:21-22
v ACTS 2:40
v ACTS 7:2-6
v ROMANS 12:2
v 2 CORINTHIANS 6:17-18
v JAMES 4:4
v 1 JOHN 2:15-16
Now the LORD had said
unto Abram, get thee out of
thy country, and from the
kindred, and from thy
fathers house, unto a land I
will show thee
GOD was apparently
focusing at the very thing
that had distracted Abram
to backslide and forsake
GOD’S promise land and
dwelt in Haran for five years
might have delayed by the
father, Terah sickness
before the second call to
Abram’s call involved
separating himself from his
country, his people and his
household in order to
became a stranger or
pilgrimage on earth,, in
HEBREWS 11:13 in Abram,
GOD was establishing the
important belief that his
people were to separate
themselves from all that
hinders his purpose for their
life, GOD made Choice of
Abram and singled him out
from among his fellow
idolaters, that he might be
a replacement of a people
for himself, among whom
his true worship might be
maintained and established.
The call of GOD to Abram is
threefold tie of land, people
and home, , it is to be
separated , he is to lay a
foundation of a chosoen
people independently , he is
to rely only on his GOD as a
test of faith, he is to
renounce the beliefs of idol
worship of the past and
face and follow after the
direction of GOD’S will, he
is to live a life of separation
that is completely change
of his life, of completely
turning around and
forsaking everything he
loves, so GOD says in
ISAIAH 51:2 I called him
alone, he is to separate
from :
v His Country
v His relatives
v His fathers’ house, the
family possession and
Abram was to separate
and leave his country:
The land of his own people
and language, the culture
and environments, society
and community and
government and law, he
was called to live his old
country and for ever
separate from it, their
Idolaters, false worshippers,
ungodliness, immoral,
covetousness, lawlessness,
wickedness, their talks, acts.
The promised Land of
Canaan is a symbol a type, a
picture, and illustration of
heaven, GOD promise to the
believer that the will inherit,
the new heaven and new
1. ISAIAH 34:4
2. PSALMS 102:25-27
3. ISAIAH 51:6
4. ISAIAH 65:17
5. ISAIAH 66:22
6. HEBREW 11:8-16
7. 2 PETER 3:10-13
8. REV. 21:1-4
9. JOHN 14:1-3
The call of Abram consists
of command and promise,
the command is to leave the
place of all his old and
association for a land which
he had not seen, and did
not know ,it is impossible to
live for GOD and for the
world at the same time, the
way of the world is : flesh,
lust, pleasure, possessions ,
greed , covetousness, GOD
demands that, Abram
require new life, to start all
over again, to seek after a
new country- the promise
land, that GOD will show
him, which was concealed
from him for greater trial 
and exercise of Abram’s
faith and patience HEBREW
Abram was to separate
from his relatives that is,
his parents, brothers,,
sisters, uncles,, aunts,
grandparents, all the people
within a family who are
related by blood, GOD
demands that Abram
separate himself from his
family who are heavily
influenced and had given
itself over to worldliness
Abram was also to separate
from his father’s house, that
is their possession,
properties, family holding,
recognition, position, honor,
power and comfort, which
the family have become
heavily influenced and
enslaved by greed of the
world and lust, their heart
were given to seeking things
of the world:
v It demands that we put
GOD first in our lives,
before family members,
even before father or
MT 10:37
v Demand that we seek
GOD first, seek him even
before food, shelter and
clothing MT :6:33
v Demand we focus our
attention and heart on
things above, heavenly
life eternal not things of
the earth that are
COL. 3:2
v Demand that we must
not trust on uncertainty 9
riches, but the living
1 TIM. 6:17
v Demand that we
exchange the riches of
this world for the
treasures of heaven
LUKE 18:22
GOD was calling Abram to
leave and get away from his
old life for himself, that is,
for his own benefit, good,
and welfare, if he separates
himself from the ungodly
world, it is f for his, profit,
gain and advantage and
welfare that GOD demands
a life of separation from the
ungodly world, so is every
2)And I will make of thee a
great nation and I will bless
thee and make thy name
great, and thou shall be a
When GOD took Abram
from his own people, he
promised to make him the
head of another people,
this will compensate for the
loss of his country , the
nation to which he had
previously belonged was
fast sinking into polytheism
and Idolatry, to escape
from it he will be made the
head of a choosen nation,
this promise was both a
great relief to his burden,
for he had no child, and a
great trial of Abram faith,
for his wife had been long
barren; so that if he
believed it must be on faith
built on the promises of
GOD , all believers who are
in CHRIST are Abraham seed 
and heir according to the
The promise seed, to make
him father of a great nation
and race of people, Abram
was to give birth to a new
race of people: the Jews,
the nation Israel, descended
from him, and in a spiritual
sense believers in all ages
and of all nations, that walk
in the steps of the faith of
Abram are his children and
blessed with him, GOD
meant the promise seed to
be spiritual people , Abram,
was to give birth to a new
race of Spiritual people,: the
people of faith, true and
genuine believers who
would follow after GOD and
his promises, believers all
over the nations are
counted as children of
Abram, he marks the
beginning of the Hebrews
people, because he
responded to GOD’S call
and promises with resolute
faith that expressed itself in
obedience to GOD ,So now
to Abraham and his seed
were the promise made, he
GOD promise to bless
Abram, with all manner of
blessing, not only with
temporal blessing, but
principally with spiritual
ones and it is the glory of
Abram faith that he is not
selfish, and in return for his
consenting to lead the life
of a stranger, he was to
obtain his religious
privileges not only for his
own descendants, but also,
for all families of the earth
and his love, presence,
protection and provision,
GOD is going to care,
protect, provide, guide and
manifest his presence,
which is the same blessing
extended to all believers,
obedient believers shall be
sure to inherit the blessing,
By deserting his country he
lost his name there< GOD
promised to make Abram’s
name great, it is clear that
Abram is one of the greatest
men who ever lived , he
gave rise to both the Jewish
and the Arab nations of the
earth, both people trace
their ancestry back to
Abram and call him their
father, all believers who
understand that Abram is
the father of faith, his name
is synonymous with faith
To all that knew him and
conversed with him, they
receiving Spiritual light and
knowledge by means of his
instruction, and all that
should hear and read of his
faith and godliness, being
encouraged by his example,
he shall be blessed, this is
unspeakably enhanced by
his being made a blessing to
believers of all nations
down through the centuries
and millenniums of human
history, he is the father of
all those who followed him 
in believed the promise, all
who walk in step of faith,
the whole fulness of the
divine counsel for salvation
for salvation of men into the
call of Abram, all those who
possess Faith like Abram are
children of Abram and are
blessed along with him, they
become Abraham, offspring
, heirs according to the
promise, which includes
receiving by faith the
promise of the spirit in
3)And I will bless them that
bless thee and curse him
that curseth thee and in
thee shall all families of the
earth be blessed
The blessing which Abram
receives from GOD is to be a
source of good to those
who are his friends and evil
to those who are his enemy,
who rejects, disapproves or
object is Abram’s call, his
faith, religion, GOD called
Abram to Father a whole
new race of people, a
people who were to carry
on the godly line Adam and
Seth, GOD wanted a people
who would love and
worship him, a people who
will give him first their
And in thee shall all , he
wants a people who would
be his missionary force to
the world, a people who
would be a dynamic witness
to all other nations that
GOD and GOD alone was
their only true and living
GOD wanted a people
through whom he could 
send His son to the world
the promised seed the LORD
JESUS CHRIST, the savor and
Messiah of the world, GOD
wanted a people through
whom he could give his
written word, the Holy
Bible, to the world and a
people he could
demonstrate several things
to the world, by
demonstrating that life and
salvation are not of this
world not of physical and
material possession, that
the world is passing away it
posses corrupt seed and
does not last it is not
permanent and eternal.
The families of the earth
will be blessed: that is in his
seed as in GENESIS 22:18
and which is interpreted of
Peter preached the glorious
gospel facts that JESUS
CHRIST fulfilled the
covenant given to Abraham,
the covenant of the
promised seed, the LORD
JESUS, who would bless
people and turn them away
from their wicked ways,
that as many families or
nations of the earth that
believe in JESUS CHRIST that
is the promised seed, are
blessed with all spiritual
blessing, such as
redemption, justification,
remission of sin,
sanctification and adoption
as heir and receive eternal
life EPHESIAN 1:3-5
GENESIS 12:4-5
4) So Abram departed, as
the LORD had spoken unto
him; and lot went with him
and Abram was seventy five
years old when he departed
out of Haran
The command given him I
Ur of the Chaldees may
have been repeated In
Haran; but more probably
Abram had remained there
on account of Terah his
father’s sickness and his
death, as the LORD had
spoken to him a second
time, even when he was in
Haran, Abram carefully
followed the call of GOD
and set out he got all things
ready for his journey and
depart from Haran as he
has done before in Ur of the
Chaldees, he was obedient ,
was submissive and
without dispute, so also are
believers are to deny self,
take up his cross, and follow
This is what happened to
Abram, GOD called Abram
to change his life, to
completely turn his life
around, GOD called Abram
to forsake and leave all he
had ever known, Turn away
from the old country,, from
his neighbor,, friends ,
relatives and loved ones,
and to turn away from his
fathers’ household, from all
its property and
possessions, that is to
separate spiritually from the
world and things of the
world: this is sanctification ,
a life that is totally set apart
unto GOD
The beginning of faith:
believing and obeying GOD,
Abram believed exactly
what GOD had said to do, 
he was seventy five years
,old, his age is given,
because a new period in the
history of mankind
commenced with exodus,
when he departed Haran
and based on the life span
of that day, he was a man
well settled , secured,
meddle aged man and
comfortable, moving to a
new location and starting a
new life, that is what Abram
did at great cost, of great
difficulty, being relocated
and unsettled of
apprehension, wondering
about the future, new life,
new friends, acceptance of
security and the challenge
of the new venture
Lot went with him: of his
own accord, and he only his
wife Sarai and his servants
GOD called Abram and he
believed GOD and obeyed
GOD, he separated from the
world and worldliness,
separated from the old life,
and began his great journey
to the promise land, a
journey that was taking him
thousands of miles away ,
Every believer needs
desperately to hear GOD’S
call and promise, and every
believer needs to turn away
from worldliness of the
world and turn to GOD;
every believer needs to live
a separated life, a life that is
totally given over to GOD,
that diligently seeks after
GOD and the promised land
of heaven.
GENESIS 12:5-6
5)And Abram took Sari his
wife, and lot his brother’s
son, and all their substance
that they had gathered, and
the souls that they had
gotten in Haran; and they
went forth to go into the
land of Canaan; and into the
land of Canaan they came
6)And Abram passed
through the land unto the
place of Sichem, unto the
plain of Moreh and the
Canaanite was then in the
And all their substance
And Abram took Sarai his
wife, and Lot his brother’s
son, the son of Haran his
brother, not against their
wills, but with full consent;
Sarai went readily with him,
not only as being a wife but
on the basis of religion ;
and Lot being a goodman,
and willing to go with him,
as his near relation too, for
the sake of religion. As both
of them was persuaded by
Abram’s faith, that the
evidence of his faith spoke
to their hearts, thus, they
are willingly committing
their lives to follow after
GOD and his promises,
Abram’s faith was so strong
in faith and do not allow
wealth to hold it back, he
was a wealthy rancher with
great herds and flocks , he
gained great possessions
while in Haran, his
possession so great that he
took a large number of
laborer’s to oversees his
He is well settled in Haran
and much more profitable
to remain in Haran than to
move out of the country ,
because it is more profitable
and safer to carry on his
business dealing roaming
around the country side in
Haran . he stopped at Haran 
something distracted Abram
to turn away from his
journey and turn aside ,
some business offers, some
worldly opportunities, some
influence, some temptation,
or probably the fathers
sickness, some five years of
stoppage and distraction he
remained in Haran and gave
up his new life in GOD: he
no longer sought after GOD
and the promises Land, and
later Abram went forth set
out to go into the land of
Canaan the promise land
He risked all he had for
GOD, risked all to follow
after GOD and his promises
and Abram had no children
and some of the servants
which they have bought ,
while in Haran, with their
money might have their
own children by their fellow
servants to which Abram
and lot have had right, and
took them with them, as
they are their own property
made up of three hundred
and eighteen-318 trained
He stayed In Haran some
time, to gather more
substance, increase servants
almost five years,
and they went forth in to
the land of Canaan, but
could not settle down
within it, he had to pass
through the land as a
pilgrim, for there was the
Canaanites there, a godless
nation of people, were
already there,. Believers
must look on themselves as 
strangers and sojourners in
this world
HEBREWS 11:13-16
Abram ,s faith was tested, it
was troublesome and
dangerous to be in a
country where such wicked
and irreligious persons
lived, Abram was in the
promised land; GOD had led
him there, but he did not
yet possess it, possessing
the land for the future , due
to the presence of the
godless inhabitants of the
land, who should have been
removed but he did not
have the power to remove
them except only GOD.
The true picture and
analogy for the believers in
relation to Abram, is that he
reached the promised land
but did not physically
possess it, it is also when a
believer reaches the
promised land of heaven
upon his conversion but not
yet physically possess it,
when a person is saved,
when he truly begins to
follow after GOD and his
promises, things begins to
happen to him in relation to
heaven, GOD counts the
believer as already in
heaven, the believer is not
in heaven but he is good as
been there, he is placed on
the Spiritual ream of life
that is the heavenly ream,
just like Abram, the believer
is an alien and a pilgrim on
earth , , the believers home
is Heaven
PHILL. 3:20
HEBREWS 11:13-16
Just like Abram, the
believers life is a pilgrimage
of faith, he is immediately
transported into heaven,
when he is converted: he is
left upon the earth to be a
witness for GOD, he is
immediately placed in
heaven or the Spiritual
ream of ream of life, this is
life of his thought, heart
become focused upon,
heaven and things of
heaven, his mind and
thoughts; his life begins to
roam and move about
heaven , he Spiritually lives
in heaven as well as earth
The believer actually lives
upon earth, but he believes
that in JESUS CHRIST he
lives in the promise land of
heaven and some day he
will bodily lives there, that
is the believers lives upon
the earth as a pilgrim , that
is he believes in GOD and
his promises, he lives for
GOD and his promises, he
lives for something far
beyond this earth, this earth
is not his home, not his
destination or resting place:
his faith is in GOD and in his
promised land heaven, that
means he lives upon this
earth as a pilgrim, his life
upon the earth becomes a
pilgrim faith

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