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GENESIS 12:7-9
7)And the LORD appeared
unto Abram, and said, unto
thy seed will I give this land;
and there builded he an
altar unto the LORD who
appeared unto him 
8) And he removed from
thence unto amountain on
the east of Beth-el, and
pitched his tent, having
Beth-el on the west and Hai
on the east; and there he
build an altar unto the LORD
and called upon the name
of the LORD
9)And Abram journeyed ,
going on still towards the
This is the first time that
this remarkable expression
occurs, it indicates that GOD
presented himself to the
consciousness of man in any
way suitable to his nature,
perhaps in a human form or
it was the Son of GOD,
under the former
dispensation, it seems to be
always of the essential word
that was spoken in
articulated voice , but that
his appearance of GOD is
mentioned, before now is
communication between
GOD and man, but we read
of a divine appearance,
GOD reassured his
promises, both the
promises of the seed and
the promises of land, Abram
needed GOD and GOD need
to meet him face to face
once again, he needed his
direction, guidance and
explanation, he needed
GOD to reconfirm the
promises of the promised
land and the seed and GOD
appeared to Abram and
reconfirmed the promises,
that thy seed will I give this
land: the whole of it that is
presently occupied by
Canaanites and others; and
it was for this end chiefly
that Abram was called out
of Ur of the Chaldees into
Canaan and had the grant of
it for his future:
v Abram would bear seed
offspring, the promised
v Abram’s seed would be
given the promised land
Abram made the decision
to continue to follow after
GOD and his promises by
building an altar to GOD, a
place for sacrifice, and other 
part of divine worship,
erected by him both to keep
his family in the true
religion, he is the first man
named in Scripture of whom
it is recorded that he called
upon the name of or
prayed to GOD , Abel, Enoch
and others but had no
record these was made.
The LORD and to separate
himself and them from that
idolatrous neighborhood .
The altar is built for the
worship of GOD , by this
solemn act of devotion
Abram made an open
profession of his religion,
established the worship of
the true GOD, and declared
his faith to GOD, who has
appeared to him for way of
thanksgiving and gratitude
for his kind and gracious
appearance, and for the gift
of the land of Canaan to his
offspring; upon this altar he
no doubt offered sacrifice in
a way of thanksgiving and to
make rededication to GOD,
renewing his commitment
to GOD, to seek GOD
continued presence and
guidance, to acknowledge
GOD that he alone could
fulfill so great a promise,
that he was totally
dependent upon GOD.
Abram moved on
continued his pilgrimage,
and continue moving from
place to place, still hoping
to meet with better
neighbors, and free himself
from that continuous
annoyance which he had
observed in their 
wickedness. Despite that he
worshiped GOD anywhere
he goes by building an altar
to GOD that is between
Bethel, means house of
GOD or called Luz and Hai
or Ai every place he went,
this is to show that Abram
is now committed to GOD,
to seek GOD and his
promises constantly ,
wherever he moved, he
built an altar and establish a
place where he could
worship GOD and testify of
GOD goodness
GENESIS 12:10-13
10)And there was a famine
in the land; and Abram went
down into Egypt to sojourn
there; for the famine was
grievous in the land
11)And it came to pass,
when he was come near to
enter into Egypt, that he
said unto Sarai his wife,
Behold now, I know that
thou art a fair woman to
look upon
12)Therefore it shall come
to pass, when the Egyptians
shall see thee, that they
shall say, this is his wife; and
they will kill me, but they
will save the alive
13)Say, I pray thee, thou art
my sister: that it may be
well with me for thy sake;
and my soul shall live
because of thee
Abram was to remain in the
land, he failed the test, the
call of GOD and our
response of faith and
obedience does not mean
that we will never
encounter serious problems
and trails , Abram had
barely arrived at his
destination when he faced
bitter disappointment, his
problem includes
childlessness , separation
from his family and famine
that brings him to
starvation,, hunger and
famine that will confront his
large Family:
1. Laborers
2. Household
3. Livestock
He was facing the
possibility of starvation ,
some of his household
should have put pressure
on him to move the herds
to nearby country , should
he stayed where GOD called 
him or move to other place
where he felt his could be
met, but such place must be
out of the promise land ,
back to the world, Abram
will be turning away from
GOD’S promise seeking
once the back to the world,
seeking once again the
provisions and supplies of
the world, he thought he
could make it a temporary
journey, just long enough to
make sure his herds and
laborers were saved and
when the famine is over he
could return to the promise
land and return to the
promise of GOD . that
seems the thought of any
believer, he cave in and
moved him from the land,
again showing the weakness
and failure of Abram in
faith, he had already
promised a Son by Sarai
and nothing could kill him
until this was
All the way from Ur of the
Chaldees to Haran, from
Haran to the land of
Canaan, and from north to
south of the land in which
he was a stranger, we hear
not a word of apprehension,
because Abram was obeying
the voice of the LORD, and
walking in the path of duty,
and therefore he was full of
divine protection, but now
he on his journey to Egypt
he was pursing his own
course , without waiting
patently for divine counsel,
venturing to cross the
boundary of the promise 
land, which is not with
divine assurance and
But Abram did not seek the
face of GOD about the
matter and the journey
down to Egypt was a failure
went to Egypt of his accord,
that is why he resort to his
own device to escape the
peril of assassination, and
proposed to Sarai to hide
their marriage, and state
that he was a sister, which
was perfectly true, as she
was the daughter of the
father, Abram deceives by
seeking to secure his
personal safety by an
expedient which exposed
to risk his wife’s chastity
and his own honor, and the
prime fault Abram
consisted in not waiting for
the divine direction in
leaving the land of promise,
and not committing himself
wholly to the divine
protection when he did
taken that step.
He was forced to depend
on GOD’S care always Egypt
usually stand for the world
and worldliness, for the
world system , Abram
should have remained in the
promised land , trusting
GOD to help him in meeting
his needs: he should not
have turn ed to the world
Egypt, to the ungodly and
wordily nation of the earth .
Believers who are seeking
to serve GOD, and obey his
word, must not think that it
is strange to experience
difficulty and obstacles, 
hardship and problems, in
such way ,we must believe
GOD and go forward with
obedience and truth in GOD
to accomplishe his purpose
,, believer should never turn
to the world instead of GOD
to have his needs met, the
believer must not forsake
GOD and the promised land
of heaven, he must never go
down into Egypt, into the
world of ungodliness and
wordily lusts, not to meet
his needs, the believer must
trust GOD, be strong in
faith, daily seeking GOD for
help, weak faith lead us
down to Egypt, into
ungodliness and wordily
lust, will only result to
GENESIS 12:14-20
14)And it came to pass, that
when Abram was come into
Egypt, the Egyptians beheld
the woman that she was
very fair
15)The princes also of
Pharaoh saw her, and
commended her before
Pharaoh; and the woman
was taken into Pharaoh’s
16)And he entreated Abram
well for her sake; and he
has sheep, and oxen, and
maidservants and she asses,
and camel
Abram had fallen, his faith
had caused him to turn
away from GOD, as he nears
Egypt, Abram made a
suggestion to his wife,
when trembling for his life
in Egypt on account of the
beauty of Sarai his wife, he
arranged with her, as he
approached Egypt, that she
should give herself out as
his sister, since she really
was his half-sister
Abram lived in godless
days, days when immorality,
lawlessness , and violence
swept the earth and the
conduct of the sodomites,
was a proof that he had
reason for his anxiety, but
his precaution did not
spring from faith, he
thought with such
concerted plans, he should
escape the danger of being 
put to death , Abram
mislead and deceived his
wife and planning a
deceptive though
condoned evil and sin
towards his dear wife, he
allows her to expose her
beauty before the princes ,
they could see how
beautiful and sextually
attracted she was, enough
to be a wife of Pharaoh
himself, the result was
tragic; the price negotiated
with Abram and took Sarai
to Pharaoh’s court to
prepared for him , where
they were purified and
prepared for the king’s
presence and society .
And the relationship with
Pharaoh court was good,
Pharaoh paid a large dowry
for Sarai thinking she is the
sister, he gave Abram large
herds of sheep, oxen,
donkey, camels and laborers
to tend the herds, and
Abram willingly accepted
the gift from Pharaoh , gift
were given because
Pharaoh was pleased with
Abram well, presenting him
with cattle and salves, these
wealth Abram could not
refuse, which by accepting
them he increased his sin,
Sarai, Abram was deceiving
Pharaoh by lying and
stealing from him, he
cowardly refused to stand
for his wife and for the
righteousness of GOD, he
slipped into troubled sin ,
from all appearance he had
lost his wife; there seemed
to be no hope that GOD will 
still bless him and fulfill his
promises to him
Abram felt he had to lie to
save his live, just as we
believers often feel that we
have to lie to save face, our
honor, image, reputation
and standing
GENEIS 12:17-20
17)And the LORD plagued
Pharaoh and his house with
great plagues because of
Sarai Abram’s wife
18)And Pharaoh called
Abram, and said, what is
this that thou hast done
unto me? Why didst thou
not tell me that she was
they wife?
19)Why sadist thou, she is
my sister? So I might have
taken her to me to wife:
now therefore behold the
wife, take her, and go thy
20)And Pharaoh
commanded his men
concerning him; and they
sent him away, and h
For Sarai sake GOD Plague
Pharaoh and his household
GOD then interfered and
smote Pharaoh and his
house hold with great
plagues, what the nature of
this plagues was, cannot be
determined, GOD sent
some kind of several plague
, the plague kept him from
marrying Sarai, however
had stricken Pharaoh with
so much fear that he was
afraid to execute Abram and
Sarai and GOD preserved
Sarai from them from
Pharaoh saw at once that
they were sent as
punishment by GOD on
account of his relation to
Sarai; he may also have
learned, on inquiry from
Sarai herself, that she was
Abram wife.
Pharaoh have Abram
brought to the palace for
trial, and noticed the public
exposure of their lying and
stealing, their false taking
the dowry paid by Pharaoh,
public exposure of their
willingness to take part in
an adulterous plot, an
adulterous relationship
planned by both husband 28
and wife, public expulsion
and eviction from Egypt,
public shame and
Having to return to Canaan
and face the trial of the
famine, that they were
trying to escape from,
Abram and Sarai had failed
GOD, they are weak in
forsaking the promised land
, and slipped further away
from GOD they were
embarrassed and ashamed
publicly not only before the
Egyptians public, but also
their household and herds
laborers , everyone knew of
their shameful sin, it was
the talk of the town, GOD’S
judgment has fallen on two
wayward and sinful
believers, Pharaoh charged
his men not to hurt or
injure Abram, his substance
servants in any way , he
ordered their escort out of
Egypt they went away and
his wife, and all that he
had, they did, save conduct
out of the land,
GENESIS 13:1-4
v ISAIAH 55:7
v ISAIAH 66:2
v HOSE 6:1
v PSALMS 34:18
1)And Abram went up out
of Egypt, he, and his wife,
and all that he had, and Lot
with him, into the south
2)And Abram was very rich
in cattle, in silver, and in
3)And he went into his
journeys from the south
even to Beth-el unto the
place where his tent had
been at the beginning,
between Beth-el and Hai
4)Unto the place of the
Alter, which he had made
there at the first: and there 
Abram called on the name
of the LORD.
The man lesson of this
message is the wisdom of
seeking Spiritual rather than
worldly goods, Abram,
having returned from Egypt
with his wife and property
uninjured, through the
gracious protection of GOD,
proceeded with LOT
Abram return to GOD and
the promise Land, they
separated from Egypt the
world of ungodliness and 
worldly lust, and began
their journey back to the
promised land, to Beth-el,
every believer who is weak
in faith and wanders off,
need to repents and return
to GOD, the believer will
over a period of time,
become strong in faith, GOD
which is merciful will always
receive the repentant
believer if he repent from
his heart, that is what
happened to Abram.
Pharaoh feared the GOD of
Abram so much that he let
Abram keep the gifts, he
had given him for Sarai,
hoping to pacify Abram ‘s
GOD , Abram went to Beth
el, the place where he had
begun his journey in the
promise land and built an
altar for worship, and
Abram repented and
turned back to GOD and
went back to the true living
GOD by going to the place
of the altar to revive the
remembrance of the
communion he had made to
GOD, he felt a strong desire
to his faith and devotion on
the scene of his former
worship and reawakened
by calling the name of GOD,
worship by leading his
family to renew allegiance
to GOD with prayer and
thanksgiving by offering
sacrifice, and instructing his
Believers should always
put their trust and
confidence on true and
only GOD to direct their 
path so as to fulfill GOD
promise in there lives.

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